Fugitive Recovery Network

Bail Bond & Bounty Hunter Laws Information

Fugitive Recovery Network has collected information and created this directory of state bail bond laws. Each state has a general summary of the laws that effect the bail industry. To learn more about the laws enacted in each state, towards the bottom of each page, you will be able to locate links to additional state information.

Our Graditude

We appreciate the assistance of our members, visitors, and everyone that has contributed into making this bail bond laws directory, the most accurate and helpful guide that it has become. We will continue to strive for excellence in the information provided with your continued support. 😀

We are not providing legal advice – State Bail Laws may change and these may not be the most recent modifications.

alaska hawaii directory

alaska hawaii
United States Directory

Washington Oregon California Nevada Montana Wyoming Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico Texas Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Iowa Illinois Indiana Ohio West Virginia Pennsylvania Maryland Delaware New Jersey New York Connecticut Massachusetts Rhode Island Vermont New Hampshire Maine Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Georgia Florida South Carolina Tennessee North Carolina Kentucky Virginia Idaho

Other Information

For a summary of the formatted scheme for each state visit the introduction page.

For details and information on changes, legislation and other items effecting the industry visit the News & Updates page.

To find a bail bondsman or a bounty hunter you should visit the Agency Directory.

State Directory List

Below is an alphabetical list of all States providing links to the Laws regarding Bail Bonds & Fugitive Apprehension.
Click on the State name to access the details.

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware
District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii
Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa
Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine
Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota
Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico
New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island
South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas
Utah Vermont Virginia Washington
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Please check with the State’s Department of Insurance, State Licensing Board and Local Law Enforcement for the most recent updates. If you know of any updates to a State’s bail laws, please provide as much detail as possible and send to us using our contact form.