FRN Agency ID # |
5165 |
Contact Name: |
Aaron Kennedy |
Address: |
Las Vegas, NV 88901 |
Main Phone: |
801-319-3333 |
Agency Type: |
Recovery |
State Lic # |
623659 |
Business Lic # |
623659 |
Service Areas: |
Licensed Bail Enforcement Agency for the State of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. Also registered as a Agent/Agency in all surrounding states connected to Utah.
UT, AZ, NV, ID, CO, WY |
Nevada State Bail Enforcement Agency has been in business over 20 years. we have a high success rate over 90% capture rate. we have a excellent reputation among our peers as well as Bail Bond companies in and around the state of Utah, Nevada, ID, AZ, CO, WY (all surrounding states) as well as across the country working with other Bail Enforcement Agencies and Bond companies where we are licensed and operate out of these states. we regard ourselves as being professional, courteous and extremely knowledgeable in all facets of Bail Enforcement & Bail Bonds. |