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 Post subject: Look Out Iowa .... lolol
 Post Posted: Fri 20 Oct 2006 06:54 
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Dog's best friend might be Schwigen
By Barb Ickes | Thursday, October 19, 2006
(63) Comments | Rate this article | Default | Large

If Kraig Schwigen is elected sheriff of Rock Island County, Dog the Bounty Hunter will be dispatched to the Quad-Cities to “pick up all his criminals,” according to the outlaw-hunter-turned-TV-celebrity.

The unsolicited endorsement from the A&E Network’s Dog the Bounty Hunter, aka Duane Chapman, came as an amusing surprise to Schwigen, a sheriff’s department lieutenant and the GOP’s candidate for sheriff.

(Watch the video here)

He said he recently found an odd-sized videotape in the bottom of a box of T-shirts that had been autographed by Chapman. A mutual friend had sent the T-shirts to Chapman, knowing Schwigen planned to raffle them off at a campaign fundraiser.

He let the videotape sit for a couple of weeks, he said, because he had no way to play it.

“When I finally saw it, I couldn’t believe it,” he said Wednesday. “It’s hilarious.

“It’s Dog, his wife and three crew members, and they never do say my name right,” he said. “They shot it right in his office where they shoot his TV show.”

It turns out the videotape is much more valuable than the box of T-shirts, which members of the Bounty Hunter crew are wearing in the videotape. Early this week, Schwigen reported the “commercial” as a campaign contribution — valued at $100,000.

“I’m sure it’s an accurate appraisal of the thing,” he said. “I’m told that Dog is up for a Chef Boyardee commercial that’s supposed to pay him $1 million.

“I had to declare it, but I don’t know what I’m going to do with it. It’s so funny — I don’t want to just sit on it. It’s more outtakes than a neatly refined commercial.”

And why did the great hunter of outlaws decide to tape a commercial for a Quad-City sheriff’s candidate in which he vows to help Schwigen “pick up all his criminals” in the county?

“I have no idea,” Schwigen said. “I’ve never met him, never talked to him — nothing.

“These guys are big-time celebrities. For them to do this for a guy they don’t know, that was pretty nice of ’em.”

Schwigen’s Democratic opponent in next month’s election, Sgt. Mike Huff, had a prepared statement in response to the Dog’s endorsement, acknowledging he had not yet seen the videotape.

“I am confident the intelligent residents of this county will see through this ruse and vote for the candidate with the best credentials,” he said.

Barb Ickes can be contacted at (563) 383-2316 or bickes@qctimes.com.

Dog history

Dog the Bounty Hunter is a reality television show, chronicling Duane “Dog” Chapman’s operations in his bounty hunting firm, Da Kine Bail Bonds in Hawaii.

Dog is joined in his exploits by his wife and business partner, Beth Smith Chapman, his sons Leland and Duane Lee, and his associate, Tim Chapman.

— Wikipedia


To view a portion of the video: http://www.qctimes.com/multimedia/

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The following are comments from the readers. In no way do they represent the views of the Quad-City Times or Lee Enterprises.
Interested party
wrote on October 19, 2006 1:35 AM:
"Let's not forget that "Dog" is not only a convicted felon that went to prison for MURDER among things, but he is currently facing charges in Mexico, for guess what? Jumping bond!! How hypocritical is that? Not someone I would want endorcing me as a political office candidate! Schwigen is using this "celebrity" to get free media coverage. Hey Schwigen, how about getting O.J. Simpson on board too! He's another criminal celebrity you can use! "

wrote on October 19, 2006 1:58 AM:
"Let me get this straight, a candidate for sheriff wants to be associated with Duane "Dog" Chapman? Here's a little info on Chapman, the oldest of four children of Wesley and Barbara Chapman, has been arrested 18 times for armed robbery. Chapman was convicted of murder in Texas in 1977; he was sentenced to 5 years at hard labor. Wow, what a great spokesperson to have in your campaign! Jeesh..."

to idiot party
wrote on October 19, 2006 7:12 AM:
"That is AWESOME. I'm voting for Schwigen."

oh get a life
wrote on October 19, 2006 7:50 AM:
"Come on you guys Chapman turned his life around. He helps many criminals do the same in Hawaii today. Who cares about his past record at least he's a good guy today."

Not Amused RI Voter
wrote on October 19, 2006 7:58 AM:
"My comment is why would Kraig Schwigen want this kind of association? Like the others have mentioned, this guy is a convicted felon. He is also facing extradition charges for jumping bail from Mexico. I would have probably returned this "in-kind" contribution, but I am not a candidate for Sheriff, so maybe my opinion doesn't count, but my VOTE does. Vote for the candidate that takes the job seriously! Vote for Mike Huff on November 7th! "

I cant wait
wrote on October 19, 2006 8:05 AM:
"OMG having the Dog here would help out alot. Yeah he did some bad things in his life but you know what he turned his life around. He is making a good impact on things. The charges on Mexico if you follow it right you would know they had no clue bout it. You obvisouly didnt watch the show. Dog is a good man and trys to help thoughs who dont want help. If I lived in Rock Island County I would vote for him. Lets bring the Dog to the Quad Cities."

Include the real facts.
wrote on October 19, 2006 8:06 AM:
"I thing it real funny that the Quad City Times did not bother to add all of the facts about Dog. Forgot to mention his past, but its funny how that Huff's past sure enough was mentioned. You better dig a little deeper next time before putting an article in the paper."

wrote on October 19, 2006 8:16 AM:
"Hmm. Let me see, Dog was a criminal, did his time, and is now making millions. So, let's criticize him for turning his life around and making an honest living. Nice. No wonder why some criminals turn back to crime. Look at what they are against. Nice! "

Intelligent party
wrote on October 19, 2006 8:27 AM:
"Wow! I am so glad that I don't live anywhere near the narrow-minded people who responded to this article! Hopefully you research your candidates a little bit more thoroughly than you "researched" Duane Chapman's history. Why don't you look at what Mr. Chapman has done to make amends for his mistakes, which were made 30 years ago or more? He did NOT commit murder, he was outside in a vehicle when a friend of his committed murder. He had no idea his friend was going to kill someone. Under Texas law at the time, he was considered an accessory so had to do time. It was the warden in the very prison he was in that recognized what a good person Duane was, and steered him toward the job that he is so good at today! Also, the Mexico issue is common knowledge, and all over the internet.....if you'd care to check, people....he captured convicted rapist, Andrew Luster, who is now serving a 124 year sentence thanks to "Dog". The women whom Luster raped (and tortured, by the way), are behind Mr. Chapman 100%. Ever hear of second chances? Mr. Chapman is a perfect example of someone who has gone above and beyond righting his past wrongs. We should ALL strive to do as he has done. True, he is a little bit unorthodox, but WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE! I'll sign my name to this, because I'm proud to be a fan/supporter of the Chapmans! Sincerely, Ramona L. Hatfield, Louisiana, USA"

Not gullible
wrote on October 19, 2006 8:32 AM:
"I'm sure the guy running for Sheriff had no idea. Does he think we're all that stupid?"

Hey "Interested Party and Anonymous"--
wrote on October 19, 2006 8:53 AM:
"Digging up dirt, huh? You can never get past one's past. DOG has totally turned his life around and is doing great things for society and charity. Oh, to be so close-minded as you two are. I would sure hate to be your kid-- "Remember when you were three and you...." Please grow up!!"

look outside the box you dummy
wrote on October 19, 2006 8:54 AM:
"yeah so what DOG is a felon but he has changed his life around for the better big deal he made one mistake we all do!!! just look at R.I. give him a chance and maybe he will get some of those idiots off the street!!! my vote is for Schwigen we need new inforcement in this area!!!"

wrote on October 19, 2006 9:08 AM:
"Who is perfect anyway? What would it hurt? A lot of it is probably for publicity and attention, but if it really did happen, what is there to lose? And come on people.. it's not just 'The Rock' that has idiots running around .. look at the rest of the quad cities.. really. "

Looking at the past
wrote on October 19, 2006 9:21 AM:
"Kraig Schwigen pursecuted Mike Huff about an incident that happened 23 plus years ago. Not a felony or breaking the law and still he thinks that it is an issue today. But he wants to forgive DOG for murdering someone and being convicted of several armed robberies. Thats o.k.? I think not folks. Yes people do change their lives around and move on and become a better person for it. That is why Mike Huff holds the level of integrity to serve as Rock Island Counties next Sheriff. Anyways, does Schwigen not know the laws of the state of Illinois. He should, he is a cop. The state of Illinois does not recognize bounty hunters or bail bondsman. It is illegal to bounty hunt within the state of Illinois. I say let the readers figure this out for their selves. My vote definately goes to the sensible and more qualified candidate, Mike Huff. "

Everybody makes mistakes
wrote on October 19, 2006 9:34 AM:
"Sure, Duane Chapman has made many mistakes in the past. He has completely turned his life around to become a good, descent person who makes a difference in this world. He is a devoted father, a good christian and is a good example and mentor for some of these criminals. We need more people that can see through these criminals and know deep down who they are and tries to help them find there way. Who would'nt want a person like Dog the Bounty Hunter to endorse your campaign."

qc resident
wrote on October 19, 2006 9:39 AM:
"God forgave Dog for his past, so who are we to condem him? Do we have the right to condem Schwigen just because he excepts an endorsement from Dog? Rock On Mr. Schwigen....you can count on my vote!"

wrote on October 19, 2006 9:44 AM:
"I am amused, RI Voter, I guess you lead a "perfect" life. Everyone knows the background of "Dog" and it's people like you that won't let him or anyone with any type of conviction try to make a better life. What are you "jealous" and ex-con has made it. HE PAID HIS DUES. Check your laws, bringing back Luster from Mexico where he will serve his remaining 123 years in prison is not an extraditable charge as far as the US is concerned. I also believe Dog received a "Pardon" from Hawaii. Your just a SNOB"

Snoop Dogg
wrote on October 19, 2006 9:45 AM:
"It's Rock Island, it's the pit of the QC - bring in some rough people to combat the rough idiots that cause all the crime there. It's time to clean up that hole, BRING IN DOG!!!!"

wrote on October 19, 2006 10:15 AM:
"So does Dog have to be brought in because Schwigen wouldn't be able to do the job? I know Huff is perfectly capable."

wrote on October 19, 2006 10:25 AM:
"He would be good at it since he does have a criminal record. After all, he would have a little more cunning than our police detectives who if it isn't there, they won't go looking for it in all the right places. Could be worse. You could have Malin! :)"

doesn't make you wonder..
wrote on October 19, 2006 10:32 AM:
"the Dog is saying vote for Schwigen, and i will come and pick up the criminals. what is it trying to say, Schwigen can't do it on his own. i would take this more as a reason not to vote for the guy. "

Not blinded
wrote on October 19, 2006 10:38 AM:
"I think it is hilarious to see all of these people comment about Dog changing his life around. So we are just suppossed to forget that he is a convicted felon because he is changing his life around. What about the individual who he was convicted of murdering in 1977, he doesn't get another chance. Duane Chapman becoming a Christian in 1979 after being convicted of murder is also a joke. Duane Chapman has been arrested 18 times since then as well as his wife who if he has been with for 16 years is comical since she was married to Keith Barmore in Denver on 8/26/91. Alice Barmore has faced charges herself not 20 years ago but in 2002 in Colorado for Extortion, False Imprisonment, and Check Fraud, as well as being investigated by the Hawaii Department of Insurance for improprieties. Sounds like they have a great criminal empire in the works and Schwigen is apart of it. Good job there, should we start calling him "Puppy""

wrote on October 19, 2006 10:44 AM:
"I think if Dog Chapman really meant everyone should vote for Schwigen he would have pronounced his name right. This isn't just some video that Dog thought he would throw together because he thinks Schwigen is a good canidate. Mr. Schwigens partner in his Development business knows Duane Chapman and that is Schwigens last resort for this election. "

Vote Huff
wrote on October 19, 2006 10:51 AM:
"I do believe that in most states convicted felons are not even allowed to vote. Why would someone who is running for Sheriff want support from someone who cant even vote because he is a convicted felon. I thought the Sheriff was supposed to protect us from these people. I have heard of corruption within law enforcement, if this doesn't prove it then I don't know what does."

Just one look says it all...
wrote on October 19, 2006 10:54 AM:
"Dirt. Bag."

no way
wrote on October 19, 2006 11:13 AM:
"I am glad I don't work for the Rock Island County Sheriffs Department because I would be embarrassed by this action taken by one who wants to run the department. If this happens everyone be prepared to watch Rock Island County hit bottom."

yeah right
wrote on October 19, 2006 11:14 AM:
"okay...raise your hands if you thing Dog would really show up..i highly doubt it!"

Good deal
wrote on October 19, 2006 11:20 AM:
"Dog did his time, and he's doing more than his time now by what he is doing for a living. He was guilty by association for the murder, and if you bother to look up the facts, you'll understand it a lot better. ("I was at home in bed at the time and I remember that my wife, LaFonda, rolled over, pulled the covers over her head and started screaming," says Dog. "And I said, 'Oh, my God. Jerry died!'" Dog admits he was at Oliver's home that fateful night, waiting outside in a car with several other Disciple members. But, he adds, the plan was simply for Kurkandall to buy pot and get out. Had he known his fellow biker was carrying a concealed weapon, Dog says, he would have aborted the drug plan right then and there. "I actually went back to Jerry's place," Dog says. "The paramedics were bringing Jerry out and he was wide awake on a stretcher and I said, 'Jerry, brother, are you all right?' And he says, 'Dog, it was one of your brothers.' "There was a policeman nearby, an Officer Love, and he hears what Jerry says. So he asks Jerry, 'Was it Dog?' And Jerry says no." Found guilty along with several of his biker brothers, Dog was sentenced in 1977 to five years of hard labor in a Texas prison. He would end up serving less than two years of the sentence, and was finally released on parole on Feb. 6, 1979. He paid his sentence, and it was actually a judge (Judge Levi) that got him into bounty hunting. "

come on guys
wrote on October 19, 2006 11:37 AM:
"just becuz this guy has some celebrity stumping for him doesnt change anything about him good or bad...please dont vote or not vote against this guy becuz of Dog. like interested party said...this is just a publicity stunt."

Childish Quad Cities...
wrote on October 19, 2006 11:48 AM:
"I am a RI county resident and I am not sure who I will be voting for in Nov. BUT I can tell you one thing. I am not going to base my decision on who to vote for on the candidates "pasts", or who is supporting the candidate. why dont people look at the real issues, and not who pointed a gun at another deputy, or who is being supported by an ex con. Frankly, more power to Dog, but he is not the one running for sheriff, is he! So why is he on trial? Why don't we all grow the (blank) up and start voting on conviction, not who is going to scratch my back the hardest. "

wrote on October 19, 2006 12:13 PM:
"I think this is funny that Schwigen was so shocked by this video. Don't know if there is any connection but word has it that he is planning a trip to Hawaii after the election. Hmmm..... Sounds like something that should be checked into."

Let's Rock the Boat
wrote on October 19, 2006 12:36 PM:
"These comments are ridiculous. Everyone is going back and forth over a glorified bounty hunter. The world of the bounty hunter has a lot of “grey” area and he shouldn’t be put on a pedestal like some comments have done. The "Dog" doesn't care who wins. If he did care, he would have pronounced Mr. Schwigen name correctly. I hope voters look past this little stunt by the Schwigen camp and make a decision on what is best for R.I. County. In my opinion it seems a little to convenient that now, at this time, so close to the elections, this video gets played. Be sure to read about both parties and make your vote count in November."

To : Looking at the past
wrote on October 19, 2006 12:44 PM:
"To: Looking at the past, since when is pulling a gun and pointing it at somebody not a crime. Have you ever heard of disorderly conduct, reckless conduct, agg. assault, assault. So if this is one of Huff's supporters, it showes the lack of intelligence that is supporting him. Schwigen you have my vote."

wrote on October 19, 2006 12:51 PM:
"You guys act like you live such a lilly white life. I think you outta clean up your own back porches before starting on Dog, he keeps the streets safe for you and me and our children. But idiots like most of you can't see that all you want to do is judge, There is but one Judge, GOD. "

wrote on October 19, 2006 1:42 PM:
"to qc resident wrote on October 19, 2006 9:39 AM: "God forgave Dog for his past, so who are we to condem him? Do we have the right to condem Schwigen just because he excepts an endorsement from Dog?" c'mon, how on earth do you know GOd's forgiven him, you got a hot-line to heaven? God will only forgive Dog if Dog asks God. did Dog as God, do you know? huh, do you? i didn't think so. "

wrote on October 19, 2006 1:44 PM:
"Lasey is classy, but dog is rude.It’s all puppy love. Grow up."

Dog Bone
wrote on October 19, 2006 2:07 PM:
"RUFF story to swallow. You don’t buy votes, you earn them. Unless Schwegen commits to full-time sheriffing now, I would not consider voting for him. He needs to disown the business. Grchan is a part-time sheriff. We don’t need another one. Ruff decision: sheriff or business? "

If he's Dog...
wrote on October 19, 2006 3:39 PM:
"what does that make his wife?"

All SHOOK up
wrote on October 19, 2006 4:05 PM:
"Sounds to me like the earth quake shook some brain matter loose."

Steve Hedrick, LPI
wrote on October 19, 2006 4:19 PM:
"I am SO THANKFUL that I DO NOT reside in the state or county where this person wants to be Sheriff! Be this person WOULD BE A SORRY EXCUSE to be the lead law enforcement agent for ANY county in the United States! Myself and several other PROFESSIONAL Bail Recovery Agents in the United States are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for having The PUPPY arrested for his outstanding INTERPOL warrant and sent back to Mexico. In my opinion, The Puppy is a pure SHAM and CON MAN! I have also emailed ALL members of Congress who supported him. I hope THEY all get voted OUT of office! Steve Hedrick, LPI Hedrick & Associates INVESTIGATIVE GROUP Nederland, TX TX PI LIC #A-09665 (409) 284-1895"

Face the facts
wrote on October 19, 2006 4:27 PM:
"Bounty hunting is ILLEGAL in Illinois. So all of you people cheering for Dog to come in need to face a little reality here. He can't come here and help anyone. If was just a stunt. Not to mention, they obviously don't know this guy well enough to pronounce his name! Yes, maybe "Dog" did turn his life around. But there's a whole bunch of people that he armed robbed, or had a part in their death that probably aren't too happy that he's a semi-celebrity now. Have you thought about that? This publicity stunt is just that, a stunt. I also find it interesting that a lot of you that want to hang on to an incident 23 years ago, think NOTHING of forgiving "Dog" for what he did. That's called being a hypocrit people. There's only one candidate that has stuck to his plans and not resorted to public mud slinging and publicity stunts. I'll stick with Mike Huff for sheriff, thank you."

Everyone makes mistakes!!
wrote on October 19, 2006 4:29 PM:
"Everyone should listen to intelligent party what do you have to do to get a new start..Dog did his time and now he is making communities less violent, with all the crime in the Q.C I think this would be the best thing in a long time to happen to the area...Hey maybe we could go from a dozen shootings a week to none..."

wrote on October 19, 2006 4:44 PM:
"oohh SHUT UP interested party, Dog has done SOOO much for people in his community, so people mess up and most don't even do anything to fix it or their name but he sure has. Watch the show a few times. I bet u wouldn't say that in front of him!!! Hey anonymous you too..Some people that are the wrong way in life need someone that has personally been there so see there is a good side of life. Not everyone grow up in a good family or good sorrounding so they turn to the street way of life, drugs, robbing, etc...Thank god for someone like Dog to deal with and understand people like that. No one deserves to be tossed to the side and ignored no matter how bad they are they need to be acknowleged and dealt with and some just simply need counciling or taken off the streets..THANK YOU DOG for who u are!!"

Joe Blow
wrote on October 19, 2006 5:21 PM:
"Another example of rednecks watching too much television. Get out of trailer and get a job."

wrote on October 19, 2006 5:23 PM:
"Schwigen - aren't you scared? Dog's kinda scary and I've you you jump because of gnats...anyway, if you say he never pronounced your name correctly how are you sure he is talking about you anyway?"

Good Luck Dog
wrote on October 19, 2006 5:35 PM:
"I hope the news conference 10/20/06 will finally be some good news for the Chapman family.I know that in some states a convicted felon can gets their rights back in 7 yrs.Just because someone comitted a felony doesnt mean they will again.There are some people who have straighten their lives up.Who are we to judge someone.I bet we all have something we have done that we arent proud of. "

Kristina Gehring
wrote on October 19, 2006 6:06 PM:
"Plain and simple, all those complaining about his past need to grow up. Those that are complaining about the politics of one person over another should either run or shut up. And most states let felons vote after certain time frames. If you've done your time, they can no longer take your rights as an American away from you.It boils down to this, you vote how you want to vote, and if you don't vote, you can't complain. And if the election doesn't turn out the way you voted, then just shut up and deal with it because the next one isn't very far off. Dog is an amazing individual who has overcome every obstacle to not only better himself, but the community and the world in which he lives. VIVA EL DOG!"

Get a CLUE
wrote on October 19, 2006 6:39 PM:
"The guy was playing around. It was meant to be played at the fundraisers where the shirts would be auctioned. It wasn't meant to be used for a public advertisement. Hellooooo! Illinois doesn't have bounty hunters. Duh!"

Interested party
wrote on October 19, 2006 6:57 PM:
"I don't have a problem with Dog being forgiven for his past mistakes, even if they include 18 armed robberies and murder. So why is it that Schwigen feels it's OK to bring up an incident 23 years ago against his opponent? How extremely hypocritacal is that!!!"

Hey Steve Hedrick, LPI
wrote on October 19, 2006 7:26 PM:
"Nice work, if you actually are the one responsible for getting Dog arrested and sent to Mexico. He captured the low life rapist, Andrew Luster. So, you defend Luster???"

wrote on October 19, 2006 7:28 PM:
"Hey maybe the Dog could do a better job than our current law enforcement is doing. Bring him to Davenport, something has to be done about these criminals shooting up our streets."

Rock Island County Resident
wrote on October 19, 2006 7:31 PM:
"Schwigen definitely has my vote! You people are crazy! What happened to your sense of humor for crying out loud!!"

The Dragonslayer
wrote on October 19, 2006 7:35 PM:
"You know some of you people are just closed minded. Why not pay attention to the election and who would be the right guy for the job. If R.I. is having so much crime then why isnt something being done about it? And who's in office? And as far as Dog goes well he may have had a bad past , but he has turned his life around as others have done but the others arent being talked about cause they arent famous , so what right do you have to down Dog The Bounty Hunter? Why don't you get off the Dog he is helping people in alot of ways even if you don't agree with who he is or what he does. And yes I am one of his fans and if had the chance would be a friend till the end and my kids are fans too ,the dragonslayer AKA Debra Mousty "

Must LOVE Dog
wrote on October 19, 2006 8:07 PM:
"ok, yea Dog is a convicted felon, but he has turned his life around and now arrests many many criminals-everything from jumping bonds, to drug dealers, to murderers. he is about second chances in life. he was given a second chance in life by God and he made the best of it. you people do not know what you are talking about. watch his show, tuesdays on A&E. he has paid his dues and did time. and for the mexico thing-he did a good thing and i am behind him....even though he was bounty hunting where it is illegal-mexico-he arrested a three time murderer and rapists. he is not letting rapists and murderers on the street-he did his time get over it. grow up-he is doing better things than any of you have done in your life-your doesnt even compare to his hard times."

Praise Jesus
wrote on October 19, 2006 9:16 PM:

Face the Facts
wrote on October 19, 2006 9:25 PM:
"To: Must LOVE Dog, That's my point. If Schwigen thinks it's OK to "forgive and forget" Dog Chapman, than why does he throw mud against his opponent for an incident 23 years ago??? That makes him a two faced back stabber, that does not deserve to be sheriff. Mike Huff has endorsements from Lane Evans, most if not all of the Rock Island County Board, most if not all of the political office holders in Rock Island County, and from his co-workers in the AFSCME union. Now those are quality endorsements and not political "celebrity" stunts. Vote Mike Huff on Novemeber 7th. We need a full time Sheriff, and not a land developer that relies on stunts to try and win an election!"

wrote on October 19, 2006 9:32 PM:
"I'd like to know who came up with the estimate of $100,000. His few second blurb is nothing more than a home video. Sounds like he just wants a good tax write off. Sounds shady to me. This guy lives in Hawaii and knows nothing about the QC. Schwigen ought to realize this isn't Hollywood and he needs to concern himself with the real issues. Is Schwigen only in politics for the rich folks like himself who has a land development business? Is that why he wants "Dog" to come here and do his job for him, because he'll be too busy with that? I guess if you're not rich and not a celebrity you won't matter. It's more of the Republicans looking out for the rich and screwing the little guy. Would "Dog" come here and charge the tax payers $100,000 or even a million for his services if he could? Too bad for him that bounty hunting is illegal here. Does Schwigen really expect us to by his line that he had no idea this was coming? I can't think of a dumber publicity stunt. Our future in this county is not a joke and it's certainly not a slap stick comedy. If this is how seriously Schwigen takes the job he is running for now, I can't imagine how laid back he'd be in office. We need a sheriff that takes his job seriously. "

wrote on October 19, 2006 10:24 PM:
"I thought Kraig found the tape, not knowing what it was or that Dog even sent it? Some of these people posting comments are acting like Kraig went out looking for the endorsement and Kraig doesn't even know what he's going to do with it."

Dog is the best
wrote on October 20, 2006 12:22 AM:
"Now you know what we have all done things in our past that we aren't proud of. No matter what it is, you would want to be given a second chance if you were in his shoes and who are we to judge DOG.Just think about all the skeltons hiding in your closet before judging someone else."

We all deserve forgiveness
wrote on October 20, 2006 12:55 AM:
"I think that Dog is doing a great thing. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is a great thing to turn your life around and make a difference. I think that that is what Dog is doing, Keep up the good work!"

Penny Therrien, Michigan
wrote on October 20, 2006 5:12 AM:
" I don't usally respond on these blogs, but I feel I need to speak up in defence of Duane Chapman. Yes, his past is not pretty, but he doesn't try to hide that, in fact, he talks about his past all the time. His uses his past to get thru to others going down the same road, he talks to groups about what not to do in life or you will end up with a past like his. And I know that God has forgiven him, just as God has forgiven us all, because Gods Word tells me so, and how do I know Gods Word is true, FAITH! The closer I am to God, the enemy will want to destroy me, Duane you must be pretty important to God."

Not gullible
wrote on October 20, 2006 7:33 AM:
"to cofused: You say Kraig didn't know what to do with it. I'd say quite the opposite. He did what he planned on, and that was to go to the media. It couldn't be more obvious. Why doesn't he ever talk about the important issues on hand or what he would do for us? Every time he goes to the media it's about his opponent or some stupid video. If he's not concerned about the issues now, what makes anyone think he would care in office? "

truth seeker
wrote on October 20, 2006 7:35 AM:
"To Dog Bone: I see where you guy's in Huff's camp keep coming up with this "part time Sheriff allegation" but you always refer to the future. Why don't you make the claim that Schwigen is currently or has been a "part time" Lieutenant. The simple answer is that you know there is no truth to you statement. Sounds like another "baseless allegation" like the Dispatch/Argus reported on coming from the Mike Huff camp. You want answers you state. I am guessing there would have been lots of them if Mike Huff would not have backed out of the debate. Seems like he is the one with the questionable past. The appellate court decided that he was not even qualified to be a Sergeant let alone Sheriff. The court opinion references admissions made by Huff to seven counts of MISCONDUCT and references to DOMESTIC ABUSE. Huff does not refute the DOMESTIC ABUSE allegations he just states that it is not the proper venue for those issues to be brought forward. So far as this video from "dog". Isn't Huff the one that has a donkey endorsing him. I have seen it on his web site and at his last fund raiser. How is one any different than the other. Neither endorsement has any real political value."

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