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 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2006 17:34 
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What I like about the open forum, is the chance to discuss topics other than bail / recovery work.

When you brought up Cheney and the military cuts, it jogged my memory that appears to be slightly different from what you stated. I recall that from 93 - 95 under President Clinton while congress was still under the Demos, there were calls for cuts in the military because the Cold War was over.

Now there were cuts under GHWB in prior years, but the biggest cuts were actually under Clinton. If you're inclinded, here are 2 links that show the year to year military budget and a 2002 Harpers article on Cheney and his FIGHT to not reduce spending as much as congress wanted.

http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... le1544.htm
http://www.truthandpolitics.org/militar ... e-size.php

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2006 20:36 
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Amen Tony! You beat me to the reply of the actual facts at hand. It becomes obvious how short a memory of history quite a few have and try and turn the facts around when history has it recorded another way. It may have been an honest mistake of facts or as you say this is an open forum and may be an agenda for others to obscure what historical reality is to fit a certain parties objective.

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 Post Posted: Tue 01 Aug 2006 07:09 
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What I like about the open forum is the fact that I can read without being a BEA. Not being one doesn't mean I'm not interested.

HGUNNER took time to answer my post also. That's great. The more information laymen receive; the better for the industry. That's just my opinion.

I have been reading and learning lots for a long time and I wonder how many other laymen are also learning? I hope quite a few. I think this would help good laws get passed to help this industry before it does die. I think it is an industry we cannot do without.

I believe Law Enforcement needs the Bail Enforcement Agents and so does the general public. And it is no cost to the taxpayer and in this day and age, that is a remarkable fact.

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 Post Posted: Tue 01 Aug 2006 15:04 
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tsuggs wrote:

When you brought up Cheney and the military cuts, it jogged my memory that appears to be slightly different from what you stated. I recall that from 93 - 95 under President Clinton while congress was still under the Demos, there were calls for cuts in the military because the Cold War was over.

I believe that if one checks further, one will find that these cuts were actually the result of legislation passed during the GHWB presidency. I will admit that I have slept some since then, and I am willing to listen to facts that may prove otherwise.

Kevin E. Rose
Indiana Recovery License #243
Richmond, IN
(765) 977-3984

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed 02 Aug 2006 12:28 
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I agree alot with HGUNNER.

1st of all, nobody here would put their 15 year old in the driver seat of their vehicle and say, "Go for it kid", and expect them to be able to operate the vehicle safely without harm to themselves or anyone else with no prior training or class room instruction. Just wouldn't happen... atleast without their being a fatality.
Same goes for BEA, FRA or whatever you call your selves. You can take all the class room instruction, take all the tests you want, and talk with all the pros you can find... but NOTHING will train you for the streets until you ride with or work side by side with one of those pros... unless you have access to tactic schools that teach you and train you over and over until your responses become automatic.
But that doesn't happen anywhere, except for a few schools and their over after a few weeks or months.
I'm ex-military... I've spent more hours than I care to recollect on urban tactics, house sweeps, securing buildings and prisoner apprehension... but regardless of your training, there will always be those who do not properly handle any situation regardless of training.
Those are the ones who should be found quickly and exited from the business.

You're born with nothing, you'll die with nothing... In between your word is all you have.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed 02 Aug 2006 14:43 
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Appropriation legislation ( spending money by the government ) starts in the House of Representatives. Until 1995, the Demos held the majority of the House ( and Senate ). Therefore they held the majority on ALL committees, Ways and Means and Appropriations.

Last edited by tsuggs on Wed 02 Aug 2006 18:46, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: wtc
 Post Posted: Wed 02 Aug 2006 19:26 
in memoriam

Joined: Sun 30 Mar 2003 19:43
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Mark please open your eyes--the wtc collapse was what it was airplanes hit the towers and burning jet fuel caused the stucture to give way--I lost friends and friends of friends and my sister inlaw was working in the pentagon when it was hit--both me and my rott frankie were at ground zero the day after the hit--I am disappointed in bush myself-if i had been president both afganistan and iraq would be smoldering ruins right now with iran on my shi-list

it seems the libs will not learn the sword is mighter than the pen--the only way to end terrorism is to eliminate all terrorists and there belief system--that is the same way you eliminate roaches you find their nest and destroy it if it pops up else where you destroy it--i have no problem with the muslim people -- even though i am jewish i have many arab muslim friends and one of my best friends(he has long since died) was a man by the name of gunther schuster--he was a nazi luftwaffer ace in ww2 and called me his kik- friend--he was as much a dad to me as my real father--gunther and i flew all over the u.s. together u could not find a better friend or a better man-i still grieve today

until we learn that to have peace war in a needed evil--we must strike at our enamies with such brutal force as to strike fear in other countries-our retrabution should be so quick and so terrible that no one will lift a weapon at us for fear of total annililation


I am not saying we need to send foot soldiers--our aresnal of conventional weapons are more than enough to cause the total destruction of most countries ---IT IS TIME WE SAY NO MORE-WE WILL NOT SIT BACK WHILE OUR PEOPLE ARE KILLED BY PISS ANT COUNTRIES--
some of you will say i
have some serious issues-YOU WERE NOT THERE-ITS TIME TO SAY YOU DUMP ON US WE DUMP ON YOU AND OUR DUMP IS MUCH BIGGER THANS YOURS WILL EVER BE--sorry about the civilians but sh-t happens and better them than us--most of you do not realize that in both death toll and monetary damage the wtc-pentagon disaster is almost as bad as the bombing of pearl harbor--its not over yet iran north korea plus other piss ant countries are seeing our weakness and taking advantage--its time to say NO MORE - NOT EVER AGAIN-SCREW WITH US AND WE WILL KILL EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE YOU KNOW--again some of you are saying i big talk for a 51 year old fat guy--if I was given the chance the militery could put me on a roof in the warzone with a barrett 50 and a load of ammo and with orders to kill anything i see until i am killed or we win--i have killed before i believe killing is not the answer to everything-in some circumstances it is the only answer

Last edited by HGUNNER on Wed 02 Aug 2006 19:41, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: wtc
 Post Posted: Wed 02 Aug 2006 19:32 
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HGUNNER wrote:
we must strike at our enamies with such brutal force as to strike fear in other countries-our retrabution should be so quick and so terrible that no one will lift a weapon at us for fear of total annililation

Which is exactly why for the most part, no one messes with Isreal in the Middle East. For a small country surrounded by Muslims... they are feared amongst the Arab world.

If only our policy makers would learn this themselves.

You're born with nothing, you'll die with nothing... In between your word is all you have.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Thu 03 Aug 2006 07:12 
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Is everyone kidding me here? Do individuals actually think the Federal Government rigged the World Trade Center to collapse and hired terrorists to fly planes into them as a cover up? There are a lot of people out of their friggin minds! At least that is my opinion, no one will ever convince me that our government no matter which party is in office would kill thousands of innocent americans for a political policy or to sway our opinions on world events. NO WAY!!

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Thu 03 Aug 2006 08:11 
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I've seen some of this research, and I've also heard Charlie Sheen. I liked Sheen as an actor until all of this. Now I think he's just out for attention. What happened on 9/11 was an attack, not by our own gov't. The cover up came because some this might have been preventable, and some people screwed up. But that's the extent of it.

Jay Shell
Covering North East AL.
AAA / Eagle Bail Bonds, LLC
Anniston, AL

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