My response posted on line:
The issue has several facets: First off, the bondsman does not know that an ICE detainer has been filed, and the correctional facility will not divulge this information consistently. Second, the bondsman writes an insurance power, and the insurance company wants their fee, period. Were the bondsman be made to return this fee, they would be at a financial loss for the undertaking of the bond, and this would have a negative effect on the bail process for illegals. I would suggest that the court system refuse to accept bail bonds on defendants with detainers. If the bondsman is presented with, and signs a disclosure form that he is aware of the detainer and posts the bond anyway, he does so at his own peril. As bondsman, we are often at the mercy of the court and jurisdictional statutes hindering the recovery of absconders. We don't want a technical excuse to side step our responsibility to the court system, what we do want is cooperation in effecting the apprehension legally so that we may uphold our solemn obligation to the courts. The court sends mixed messages when an absconder is returned from out of state, as the work product of the bondsman, and is released on their own recognizance, only to run again with no responsible party.
R.E. "Scott" MacLean III
Chesapeake Bail Bonds