HoundDog wrote:
It has come to my attention recently (from Lance) that someone said they were trained by USRB here in Arkansas and are now certified as a BEA. No such training is recognized or accepted here, if someone paid for a course and think they are certified in this state will soon find out they are charged with a felony.
Luckily, I havent met anyone here in arkansas, that has told me they were trained by the USRB.
Houndog, I have looked up the state bail laws, and I had a question, there is one bond agendy here that employs people to work for them that arent, actual bail bondsman, all these people do is the "dirty work" for the company, are these people legal to do this, as long as they are only retrieving skips for their own company and not for anyone elses?
I've never really said anything about this until now.