ill No.: SF0047 Drafter: JHR
LSO No.: 11LSO-0024 Effective Date: 7/1/2011
Enrolled Act No.: SEA0070
Chapter No.: 84
Prime Sponsor: Senator Jennings
Catch Title: Concealed weapons.
Subject: Carrying concealed weapons without a permit.
Summary/Major Elements:
· Current law requires that a person who carries a concealed deadly weapon must first submit an application and be issued a concealed weapons permit.
· The act allows a person to carry a concealed weapon without a permit if the person:
o Is a resident of the United States and has been a resident of Wyoming for not less than six (6) months prior to filing the application;
o Is at least twenty-one (21) years of age;
o Does not suffer from a physical infirmity which prevents the safe handling of a firearm;
o Is not ineligible to possess a firearm pursuant to federal law;
o Has not been:
§ Committed to a state or federal facility for the abuse of a controlled substance for at least one year;
§ Convicted of a felony violation of the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act or similar laws of any other state or the United States; or
§ Convicted of a misdemeanor violation of the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act or similar laws of any other state or the United States relating to controlled substances within one (1) year.
o Does not chronically or habitually use alcoholic liquor and malt beverages to the extent that his normal faculties are impaired.
o Is not currently adjudicated to be legally incompetent; and
o Has not been committed to a mental institution.
· The act creates a felony for a second or subsequent offense of illegally carrying a concealed weapon. passed the bill that Montana is working on right now. This takes effect on July 1, 2011. However, several counties, such as Sheridan County (My AO), has already implemented the law into place. I am not necessarily against this law, since certain restriction still apply as if the CCW still existed. However, the State of Wyoming has absolutely no Registration or Licensing verification. The only system that proves you are the owner of the weapon is through NICS. After that point, if you transfer ownership private party, the firearm will still come back to the originating owner. I would hope that prior to this effective date, the state would create a protocol within SPILLMAN (software used by LEO computer systems in this state) to trace what weapons belong to each individual through some registration process.
flymedia wrote:
Let alone, these two states biggest crimes are drug related and domestic violence (Partner/Family Member Assault in MT).
Tim, true statements, but at last checked, Drugs and DV were still illegal. So as long as you don't carry inebriated and don't punish your significant other you're not a criminal. You should be alllowed to carry.
I agree with you and did not intend to come off saying those two crimes weren't illegal. Problem in Wyoming is that open containers are legal in this state as long as you are in county, and not incorporated city limits. There are drive-thru liquor stores here. I am open for eliminated the CCW as Wyoming is the fourth state to honor the 2nd Amendment as it was written, but without other safeguards in place, I fear this will fail in the long run.