Ok, I guess I am ok on this... if you see something that you do not want laid out to the public... you better call me and I will remove it immediately. I think all of these are fine and I will caption each with a little tag to give ya a bit of insight to the pic.
September 18, 2010
1st. Annual or semi-annual or maybe monthly.... "CRAB SMASHING BUSINESS MEETING" The first of many trays of crabs that we tore into over a 4 hour period... and the only picture of me in the group... the names of the participants starting on the left, going back then to the front right and going back... better and clearer pictures follow...
Dave Tamo, fugitive recovery and personal security, California; Brian Raybold, AE Bail Bonds, Pennsylvania; Robert Brunner and Brenda, Trails-End Bail/Recovery, Pennsylvania; then to the other side in front... I think that is Bill Marx, Free State Bail Bonds, Virginia; Scott MacLean III, Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc./Chesapeake Bail Bonds and his wife Belinda (misspelled I fear); Luke Farrel and lovely wife Joni... Joni is a lot better looking than you Luke... sorry...
Dave Tamo doin' a number on a crab..... Scott MacLean in some serious discussion with Brian, Luke looking on...
Better picture of Robert and Brenda... open your eyes Brenda I ain't that ugly!?? Luke talking to Brenda while Scott tries to listen... and in the background is Solomon Hamilton and wife..... Hamilton Bonding Service, Maryland... he has only been in the business 35 years... Scott was talking to him and trying to gain a little experience...
Better picture of Solomon and Felicia his lovely wife and Scott... still trying to get some inside info from the master... and Belinda attempting to influence me and get me in trouble by offering me a bite of what appears to be a 15,000 calorie desert of some serious cake, chocolate, ice cream and other cholesterol rich junk food... I of course did not respond and simply turned my head and drank another Bud with lime... my will power is so great...
I think this about does it for the pictures... we arrived around 4 or so and I managed to leave a little after 8:30... so we ate crabs, told a bunch of stories... drank a few beers and rode off into the sunset all being better and much more informed industry leaders... you buying this, right???
If anyone has any further pictures... like the one you took outside Luke??? send them to me in an email and I will post them on here later... a great time was had by all... any comments are welcome, if you don't like the picture of you.......... too bad....
Scott or someone please PM me and tell me Solomon's wifes' name!!! please, so I can fix this... I am sorry to say I just cannot remember............................. Also, I need to apologize to Brian... I don't have any closeups of you, buddy.... sorry.