From what I have learned here so far, there are very few professionals and tons of idiots. The last few examples of Bounty Hunters and Bondsman gone wrong are perfect examples. Here is what I think I have learned so far from the ones who have acted professional towards me or are respected by their peers:
1. Act Professional
2. Treat everyone with respect (Even if it isn't both ways)
3. Soft Contact - avoid escalation of tension and violence - polo, jeans, sneakers work better than tactical swat gear or as the old saying goes "You get more with honey than you do with vinegar"
4. Don't be afraid to ask (even if you get flamed or picked on - might be they are actually trying to help you with their comments and not trying to pick on you, don't over-read into a response)
5. Read as much of the board as you can from confirmed posters (There names are in Blue)
6. Know your laws and other state laws if you are going out of state (there is a directory link above - not completely current, but
YOU should follow up and find out.
7. You will either start to love it or hate real fast.
If the PROS want to chime in now, I am sure others would like to hear (I know I do)....