Just thought you might be interested in this news report in Richmond, Va.
Here's the link and the article follows:
http://www2.timesdispatch.com/rtd/news/ ... 03/318434/Copied and pasted the following from the Times Dispatch, Richmond paper.
A pro-gun, pro-states rights rally at the state Capitol this morning drew roughly 1,000 people who were encouraged afterward to file into the General Assembly Building to lobby their legislators.
They are among several groups lobbying state lawmakers today, including mental-health and public safety advocates and the anti-tax group Americans for Prosperity.
The rally crowd is interested in two bills in particular. House Bill 10 "protects an individual's right and power to participate, or to decline to participate, in a health-care system or plan."
House Bill 69 says firearms and ammunition made in Virginia and retained here are not subject to federal law or regulation under the authority of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.
"I support freedom," said Harry Holt, a Midlothian resident, who was handing out stickers. "I think the federal government is overreaching their power too quickly and too pervasively."
Del. Charles W. Carrico Sr., R-Grayson, stood before the crowd and recited the words of Patrick Henry, echoing sentiments written on several signs: the states have rights.
"Are we going to be free men or are we going to be slaves to the federal government of the United States?" he asked.