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 Post Posted: Tue 13 May 2008 22:32 
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Some states do permit post certified leo's to work as BEA's...I'll go even further than that.

Alabama clearly prohibits active post certified leos from engaging in BEA work; having said that I know several deputy sheriff's who bounty hunt on the side, with the sheriff's permission, OUTSIDE of thier county they patrol.

When in Rome.....

River City Associates
Decatur, Al. 35601

Last edited by SpanielPI on Wed 14 May 2008 10:42, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post Posted: Wed 14 May 2008 02:25 
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While I was confirming directory listings today, I got a return call from a left message whereby the person listed in the directory was prohibited by state law from BE because of his LE profession, but claimed to run everything through his son who worked with him in BE.

Knowing this, it is a situation where I would probably not use the person or his son, because there could be repercussions on all of us. But, in the states where the professions are legally intermingled, I say "go for it" and "the best of luck to you."

Kathy Blackshear
Blackshear Investigations
Blackshear Bail Bonds
Sales Associate, Prepaid Legal Services, Inc.
Walsenburg, CO

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 Post Posted: Wed 14 May 2008 16:37 
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Same in CT..if you're vested with police powers, you can not do ANY BEA work...and if you're a convicted felon, you can not be a BEA or possess a handgun permit and weapons.


" Yeah, I see ya, you ding dong..."

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 Post Posted: Wed 14 May 2008 17:57 
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the only thing strictly regulated are NCIC checks and they are federally regulated. Have to be LEO and have a legitimate LEO reason for running an NCIC check. If caught running NCIC checks for personal reasons can be big trouble for an LEO.

Oh yeah, ffl people can run them too but only in relation to gun sales and they only get a can sell or can't sell verification, not the whole shebang, ie; no history.

-The Solution-
Indiana Agency #: PI20700211
Indiana Notary Public - Exp: 12/20/13

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 Post Posted: Wed 14 May 2008 18:17 
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Class D felony here on the . . . operator


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 Post subject: Re: YOU'Re NOT DOING A GOOD JOB
 Post Posted: Sat 17 May 2008 06:56 
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When I worked for the PD as a 911 dispt. I was actually accused by a Security Supvr that I was using the dept equipments equip for my side work as a BEA. I had a conversation with my LT and advised him that I banned her from the Comm office becasue she was being a PIA. He later went back and found her accusation was out of me banning her from the Comm office. I value my freedom and name more than anything on the face of this earth. There is no way I would ever do this. This post is to show how easy you can be accused of doing something wrong when you have the info at your finger tips and somebody has an ax to grind with you.
Be Safe All
Paul 8)

live for today,cause you don't know if there will be a tomorrow

 Post subject: Re: YOU'Re NOT DOING A GOOD JOB
 Post Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2009 19:14 
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HERE is the deal on use of force issue's and just because yur a bounty hunter don't think this federal law does not apply to you because it does and it will land your <b>arse</b> in hot water.

You have the right to use force BUT there are limitations to this fact. First off you should carry your needed equipment. Myself I care a baton, mace, tazer, pistol, flashlight "NOT PIPE", shotgun and assault rifle.

First off I deploy my tazer before anything, just from what people see on TV they know what happens and that even if they run there still gunna get it. If he asks like he is going to knuckle up my back-up (partner) deploys mace, this way it distracts him and he cannot see and we can use brute force to make him comply. If for some reason brute force does not work we deploy the tazer <DO NOT TAZER HIM WITH MORE THAN 1 at a time or you will kill him, do not hold in the trigger and have it cycle more than once unless he still fights you> if that still does not work then we go to the baton and fist fighting.

My assault rifle I do diploy with my shotgun on felony cases such as attempt murder, possession of a fire arm by felon, narcotic cases because 9 out of 10 times they have a fire arm close by or on them.

If they become aggessive we deploy the tazer but if they act like they are going to pull a gun or if they pull a weapon <Bat, knife, gun, stick> and the path is clear I deploy my kenetic bean bag round and at that point they know I mean bussiness.

THIS JOB is not TV, if you think your going to run around dressed like dog carrying a paintball gun, your wrong. Me and my team are all certified Law Enforcement Officers and believe me, if I was to see you cross the line I will lock you up or explain to the local officers on scene that they need to lock you up for being a dumb <b>arse</b>, it has happened, I seen a bounty hunter from LA bumb rush a pregnant woman and slap her 10 yr old boy down to the ground because the son was crying running toward his daddy not knowing what was going on and momma was running after him trying to stop him cuz she didn't want her son hurt.

Guess what, daddy didn't go to jail but the 3 bounty hunters did for excessive use of force and simple assault.

People are only human, they let there emotions run wild and sometimes do stupid stuff but believe me, if being a police officer don't give me the right to do it neither does being a bounty hunter. The only real right a bounty hunter has over a police officer is you do not need a search warrant for a house aslong as you believe your subject is in there but contrary to popular belief police officers do at times have the right to enter a house without a warrant and they do it on fugitive from justice warrants.

North Carolina, LEO's, SO's, are prohibited from being Bail Bondsman and Runners, and as most of us know; no felonies either. After reading alot of meterial on this subject of Bounty Hunting, I find that you are becomming limited to what you can do in aprehending your fugitives these day's;So, you really have to get creative.

Maybe, one day when I meet some of you in person,I'll let you in on some of my hidden secrets; you'll enjoy these :mrgreen:

As for using the proper force techniques, I believe in an order of operation, just like the person in this post stated.

Professional Skip Trace Service

 Post subject: Re: YOU'Re NOT DOING A GOOD JOB
 Post Posted: Wed 25 Mar 2009 19:45 
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I'm asking nicely and out of plain ol curiosity, why are you bringing this post up ? It's over and done with, and over a yr old.

River City Associates
Decatur, Al. 35601

 Post subject: Re: YOU'Re NOT DOING A GOOD JOB
 Post Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2009 05:13 
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Just a heads up.....and sorry for perpetuating an old post

kittygrl wrote:
If he asks like he is going to knuckle up my back-up (partner) deploys mace, this way it distracts him and he cannot see and we can use brute force to make him comply. If for some reason brute force does not work we deploy the tazer <DO NOT TAZER HIM WITH MORE THAN 1 at a time or you will kill him, do not hold in the trigger and have it cycle more than once unless he still fights you> if that still does not work then we go to the baton and fist fighting.[/color]

"Never deploy a Taser during or after any OC or pepper spray has been used." There is a strong chance of accidental ignition of said spray due to these being oil based. Taser and most OC manufacturers has started putting this warning on the label. Using OC spray along with a Taser can cause open flames which, in turn, cause moderate to severe burns, creating liability that none of us need or want. I do not have the documentation in front of me, but I have read the findings of UCLA, DEA, and from Taser, themself, stating this to be a possible hazard....... I have also read the hundreds of "Independant" studies that say it's not true. I trust those I have mentioned before "Jim Bob", standing in his back yard, spraying the dog, and shooting him with a Taser. Again, "Just a heads up."

Thomas SnoWolf
FRN# 1999
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 Post subject: Re: YOU'Re NOT DOING A GOOD JOB
 Post Posted: Thu 26 Mar 2009 07:21 
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Well, my take on the original post... not all the off shoots into the individual activities....

1. I read it as if Tim was saying the "bounty hunters" were not doing a good job... not FRN?... of course not identifying the BEA's left it open for interpretation... that needs to be clarified.

2. I also figured he was saying that it was in fact a conflict to do both jobs... LE and BEA in his local... and he wouldn't attempt to do both.

3. I will certainly agree that he came on a bit strong and maybe he was just a tad upset about the unprofessional activity that he observed by the BEA's in question and how it related to his profession and application of same.

4. As for FRN regulating anything... as pointed out by our members, we are only a forum for info and networking and have no true authority to control anything in this industry but professional activity within the industry... and a damn hard job that is... I think FRN and the powers that be on this site certainly have the knowledge and contacts to initiate activity to change, go after, correct or move on a particular unethical, unprofessional or illegal activity within our fields of endeavor but that is about it.

I read a lot of posts from a variety of sources that quite often jump in here and blast the site for what they perceive as something that we have either initiated or condone and these folks really need to understand the limit to which any particular website has over it's participants.... other than deleting or editing posts... there is not really much else that can be done...

And that's all I got to say about that.

... added after the fact...

The above post (except the part about FRN) is "assuming" Mr. Fugate is legit... if after examining the facts, he has a different agenda and/or is not legit and above board with his comments... then my response about his post is retracted.

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
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