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 Post subject: The Depression Kicks In
 Post Posted: Tue 26 Apr 2005 11:03 
Hey everyone. Your all probley wondering what I am doing posting so soon. Well at least thoughs of you who knew I was heading to boot march 21st. I was just recently medically discharged for with holding information on my past history of asthma. My recruiter said there was no reason to let them know I had it because it is rare that I ever have an attack or have any problems with it.

Well too make a long story short, I ended up having a 'heat case' which turned into a emergency room visit where I got diagnosed with a 'upper respitory infection', then at a follow up at 3rd battalon BAS was sent to a evaluation platoon where they got my med docs and seen asthma.

So anyone trying to join the military that has any problems no matter if its legal or medical make sure you get a waiver so that you may not get discharged in the middle of training like me. Dont listen to your recruiter when they say everythings fine you dont need a waiver.

All I can say was at least the discharge was medically honorable, so my future wont be screwed up. Now its time to try to straighten my head back out and find a job an again try to work my way back into the Bail Enforcment field!

Talk to you all soon..


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 Post Posted: Tue 26 Apr 2005 15:49 
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I'm sorry to hear that, the same thing applies when entering Law Enforcement, I had to go through a thorough background investigation, physical, drug testing ect...

If you ever decide to pursue a career as a Police or Corrections Officer make sure you get a medical clearance and address the situation up front since your military medical discharge will definetely come up.

I take it that your a younger guy, I suggest that you join a Police Explorer or similar program, work security and get all the training that you can afford that's available to you and then pursue a career, most BEA's work other jobs because the pay can be unpredictable so I recommend not putting all your eggs in one basket so to speak.

As far as your discharge it's honorable so it's a minor set back, you have many opportunities ahead so don't get discouraged overcoming obstacles are part of life learning experiences.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2005 04:22 
Just wanted to jump in here...
I am currently active duty navy, and was checking out this site for possible employment options in the future... I am also getting a medical/honorable discharge, for Attention Deficite Disorder. Although I feel I have been misdiagnosed, there really isn't much I can do about it. I've done five years active duty, and it is a bit of a let down to be getting out on someone elses terms. I have been looking into fugitive recovery, sense I am in decent shape (Should be in peak physical shape in a few months) and love challenges, both mental and physical... I know how it feels, and I can say that it is not a good feeling. Let me just say that you are lucky they caught it so soon. A fradulent discharge later in your career can result in a discharge of "Other then honorable" which makes your future life a hell. The sad fact is that all recruiters lie, and most of us fall into their trap. I was 100% honest, and things worked out ok for the most part, the only thing that hindered me in any way was the fact that I could not get a top secret clearance. (I did obtain a secret one however, which is still pretty good)
Good luck in whatever you decide to do mate...

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