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 Post subject: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Wed 19 May 2010 17:04 
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I am sure you all have heard how many CA city governments have pass resolutions to boycott Arizona because of its anti illegal immigration law.

LA wants to end contracts with Arizona businesses and so does my city of Richmond along with San Francisco, San Diego, Berkeley( big suprise there ) and others.

What these elightened policticians don't know is, that CA already has the very same law on its books for years! Here it is;

834. An arrest is taking a person into custody, in a case and in
the manner authorized by law. An arrest may be made by a peace
officer or by a private person.

834a. If a person has knowledge, or by the exercise of reasonable
care, should have knowledge, that he is being arrested by a peace
officer, it is the duty of such person to refrain from using force or
any weapon to resist such arrest.

834b. (a) Every law enforcement agency in California shall fully
cooperate with the United States Immigration and Naturalization
Service regarding any person who is arrested if he or she is
suspected of being present in the United States in violation of
federal immigration laws.
(b) With respect to any such person who is arrested, and suspected
of being present in the United States in violation of federal
immigration laws, every law enforcement agency shall do the
(1) Attempt to verify the legal status of such person as a citizen
of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted as a permanent
resident, an alien lawfully admitted for a temporary period of time
or as an alien who is present in the United States in violation of
immigration laws. The verification process may include, but shall not
be limited to, questioning the person regarding his or her date and
place of birth, and entry into the United States, and demanding
documentation to indicate his or her legal status.
(2) Notify the person of his or her apparent status as an alien
who is present in the United States in violation of federal
immigration laws and inform him or her that, apart from any criminal
justice proceedings, he or she must either obtain legal status or
leave the United States.
(3) Notify the Attorney General of California and the United
States Immigration and Naturalization Service of the apparent illegal
status and provide any additional information that may be requested
by any other public entity.
(c) Any legislative, administrative, or other action by a city,
county, or other legally authorized local governmental entity with
jurisdictional boundaries, or by a law enforcement agency, to prevent
or limit the cooperation required by subdivision (a) is expressly
(Our "sanctuary cities" such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Richmond, Berkeley, San Pablo, Modesto, basically all the large Democratic controlled cities, have declared themselves sanctuary cities and do not follow the state law.)

So when you hear about CA boycotting AZ, just remember, they should be boycotting themselves.

Anybody interested in a mid '50s year old bail agent, with 3 dogs and a pickup truck? I need to get out of this looney bin!

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Wed 19 May 2010 20:18 
I agree with you on this one. California is full of nuts and fruits. I grew up in Linda Ca, it’s in Yuba County. I now live in West Virginia and love it go figure. Can’t wait to hear all the West Virginia jokes that will come out of this one. :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Wed 19 May 2010 21:43 
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Arizona Official Threatens to Cut Off Los Angeles Power as Payback for Boycott

A member of Arizona's top government utilities agency threw down the gauntlet in a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, threatening to cut off the city's power supply as retribution for the city's boycott of Arizona.

If Los Angeles wants to boycott Arizona, it had better get used to reading by candlelight.

That's the message from a member of Arizona's top government utilities agency, who threw down the gauntlet Tuesday in a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa by threatening to cut off the city's power supply as retribution.

Gary Pierce, a commissioner on the five-member Arizona Corporation Commission, wrote the letter in response to the Los Angeles City Council's decision last week to boycott the Grand Canyon State -- in protest of its immigration law -- by suspending official travel there and ending future contracts with state businesses.

Noting that a quarter of Los Angeles' electricity comes from Arizona power plants, Pierce threatened to pull the plug if the City Council does not reconsider.

"Doggone it -- if you're going to boycott this candy store ... then don't come in for any of it," Pierce told

In the letter, he ridiculed Villaraigosa for saying that the point of the boycott was to "send a message" by severing the "resources and ties" they share.

"I received your message; please receive mine. As a statewide elected member of the Arizona Corporation Commission overseeing Arizona's electric and water utilities, I too am keenly aware of the 'resources and ties' we share with the city of Los Angeles," Pierce wrote.

"If an economic boycott is truly what you desire, I will be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements so Los Angeles no longer receives any power from Arizona-based generation."

Appearing to tap into local frustration in Arizona over the raft of boycotts and threatened boycotts from cities across the country, including Los Angeles, Pierce warned that Arizona companies are willing and ready to fight boycott with boycott.

"I am confident that Arizona's utilities would be happy to take those electrons off your hands," Pierce wrote. "If, however, you find that the City Council lacks the strength of its convictions to turn off the lights in Los Angeles and boycott Arizona power, please reconsider the wisdom of attempting to harm Arizona's economy."

Pierce told that he was speaking for himself, not the entire commission, though he has the support of at least one other member. But Arizona has some serious leverage over Los Angeles, as well as the rest of California. The state and city get electricity from a nuclear power plant outside Phoenix, as well as from coal-fired power plants in northern Arizona and two giant hydroelectric power generators along the Colorado River.

Despite that, the Los Angeles City Council voted overwhelmingly last week to ban future business with Arizona -- a decision that could cost Arizona millions of dollars in lost contracts.

Los Angeles officials were furious with the Arizona immigration law passed last month and joined local officials in cities across the country in pushing boycotts to register their dismay. Critics say the law will lead to racial profiling and civil rights abuses.

Arizona officials have defended the law, saying the state needed to take its illegal immigration problem into its own hands. Pierce said he's "supportive" of the state's efforts to control the border.

The law requires local law enforcement to try to verify the immigration status of anyone they have contact with whom they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. It empowers them to turn over verified illegal immigrants to federal custody. The legislation explicitly prohibits screening people based solely on race or national origin.


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Wed 19 May 2010 21:45 
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Ya'll stockin up on candles out there ?


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Thu 20 May 2010 08:45 
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2006 (First Quarter) INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants


95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.

86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.

75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally

29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our state and federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually

53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.

50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens from south of the border.

71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or “transport coyotes".

47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.

63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens

66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% 98% are illegal aliens.

BIRTH STATISTICS 380,000 plus “anchor babies” were born in the U.S. in 2005 to illegal alien parents, making 380,000 babies automatically U.S.citizens.

97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayers.

66% plus of all births in California are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Thu 20 May 2010 11:51 
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But Arizona has some serious leverage over Los Angeles, as well as the rest of California. The state and city get electricity from a nuclear power plant outside Phoenix, as well as from coal-fired power plants in northern Arizona and two giant hydroelectric power generators along the Colorado River.

Exactly, just turn off the water at the border... send it east... only problem with that is that CA was probably paying a pretty penny for the water and electricity... so, not sure who would lose on that one...

LuVonda, where in the world did you get those statistics??? They are incredible.... never mind... just found it at :

Bill Marx, Sr.

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Last edited by speezack on Thu 20 May 2010 12:09, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Thu 20 May 2010 11:52 
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I still say . . . FLIP THE SWITCH . . . :evil:


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Thu 20 May 2010 17:14 
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So far I have not received any takers on my offer. So I will throw in 1000 rounds of 9mm, 500 rounds of .380 and a couple hundred of 12 gauge 2 3/4" Maybe some hardware to go with the ammo.

Someone get me out of here!


 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Thu 20 May 2010 19:08 
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With the Ammo i will set you up an office in Indianapolis, Indiana :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

FLIP THE SWITCH :idea: :idea: :idea:

Hell 50% of California people are ALIENS :shock: :shock:

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 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Thu 20 May 2010 21:07 
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I really enjoy all this boycotting and threatening going on. It is a re-emergence of states rights. I personally hope the Feds just back off and let everyone deal with eachother, and in turn let the states pass whatever laws they feel benefit its citizens.

But that LA power buisness is down right HILARIOUS! What were they thinking?? Were gonna boycott but uhhhhh just not boycott the power.... so really its not a boycott at all...

Greg M.
Seattle Area

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