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 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sun 08 Aug 2010 13:06 
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I have relatives in Bakersfield. Its nice but not for me. Such as Berkeley, San Francisco, Santa Cruz or Los Angeles are not for me for other reasons.

Just a FYI, I actually have two homes, one in Antioch the other in the mountains south of Susanville, a very quiet, peaceful and conservative town in Lassen county.

Its just that I spend more time at the offrice in Richmond than I do at either home. And Richmond is not ALL bad, just like all of CA is not bad.

The problem with many CA cities and their governments, is that they have a superior attitude. They believe that if everyone would be just like them, there would be not problems in the world.

There are many CA cities declaring themselves sanctuary cities flaunting CA state laws, especially PC 834b and yet they have the nerve to criticize Arizona for passing essentially the exact same law that has been on the books for CA for years.

Do you know that every Bay Area S.O. informs ICE of inmates they know to be in the US illegally EXCEPT for San Francisco? SF is the epitome of religious liberalism. It is almost a socialist state of its own.

Now not every San Francisco resident is a liberal or Democrat. Just the overwhelming majority are.

I would rather live in Richmond any day over San Francisco.

Finally, the census stat is interesting. But, you do realize that not every illegal in CA or the U.S for that matter, is from Mexico. I have bailed people from every central and south american country except for Belize, Panama, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay

Even some from Europe and Asia. Not all of them were illegal but, many were.

Also, that 50% figure represent hispanic residents, not illegals. But, 50% or more of certain crimes are committed by illegals. 20% of the state prison population is illegal.

Many communicable diseases such as whooping cough and TB, once thought to be eradicated in the US are coming back to epidemic levels, brought in by illegals. Mainly from Mexico.

So, as the majority of CA residents and politicians want to be nice and help people that only are coming here to excape poverty and violence, they are putting the whole state and the nation at risk by their actions or lack of.

Oh and CA is the largest illegal drug market in the country. No wonderful everyone think of the state as being nothing but potheads.

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Mon 09 Aug 2010 20:28 
I have to admit that was a good find in the California law Mr. Tony. I looked at it over and over, and looked at the AZ law to try find an incorrect correlation. But there was none. You're right, that is hypocritical. There might be some exaggerations on this site regarding Obama and Californians, but a lot of what I've read on the immigration issue here is spot on. Ms. Luvonda's statistics on that hospital in Texas are INSANE! I couldn't believe it. I looked it up and its absolutely true. I can't believe Texas isn't enacting similar laws to AZ.

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Mon 09 Aug 2010 22:17 
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David, We are investigators and therefore not reactors. Our opinions are based on fact. It appears that you are learning that from Tony. You will also realize, the more that you read, that we are a microcosm of society, multi ethnic, multi gendered, from a wide variety of political beliefs, and that a generalization does not encompass the majority here. I am conservative on some things, liberal on others, and moderate on more than most. No political party defines me, and I believe that may be true for most people. Frankly, I don't trust any politician. Endeavor to understand why people developed the belief systems that they have and you will be at the foot step to understanding.


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

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 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Tue 10 Aug 2010 11:15 
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One final note on CA PC 834b. It was part of Prop 187 passed by the CA voters in 1994, I think.

That law was challenged and parts of it, denying education and other benefits to illegals, was shot down by the courts. This section, PC 834b was not.

So, as you have researched it for yourself in comparison to AZ law SB1070, one would think that eventually, AZ law will pass the courts also.

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Thu 26 Aug 2010 20:23 
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Schwarzenegger calls for 50,000 Border Patrol agents
August 26, 2010 | Louis Freedberg
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has called for more than doubling the number of Border Patrol agents on the U.S.-Mexico border – from the current level of around 18,000 to 50,000.
"We have to secure our borders and stop all the mayhem, illegal crossings and the senseless violence," he said in an unusually informal and strongly worded radio address last week, after returning from a trip to the border.
The number of Border Patrol agents has soared in recent years, from 14,819 in 2007 to around 21,000 today, deployed on both the Mexican and Canadian borders. The costs have risen commensurately from $2.3 billion in 2007 to $3.6 billion during the 2010-11 fiscal year.
Thus, another 30,000 would add an annual cost of more than $5 billion to the current tab, in today's dollars. And that does not include the cost of training the Border Patrol agents. A 2006 GAO report [PDF] calculated that it cost nearly $15,000 to train each new recruit at the Border Patrol Academy.
And, as the report pointed out, this figure did not include "the costs associated with instructors conducting post-academy and field training in the sectors." It said the costs would increase to $16,200 in 2007. Even using the $16,200 figure, just to train the additional 30,000 agents would cost $486 million.
Schwarzenegger said the 1,200 National Guard that President Barack Obama sent to the border is totally inadequate for the job at hand. "We need more manpower, more infrastructure, more surveillance, more of everything to stop this craziness," he said.
When I asked the governor's office where all these funds would come from and what it would do to the already astronomical federal budget deficit, Schwarzenegger's deputy press secretary Kira Heinrichs responded via email: "It’s a federal responsibility. The resources and manpower should be provided where it is needed."
In fact, the governor seemed to ally himself with some of the most vociferous voices that have made "securing" the border a defining issue in how they view President Obama and government in general:
For more than two decades the federal government has failed to meet that fundamental responsibility. They have broken their promise. That is why the American people are fed up. That is why they have lost faith in their leaders and in government. Securing the border has to be our number one responsibility.
At the same time, he also called for "comprehensive immigration reform," which to many is code for extending amnesty to illegal immigrants. He continued:
Right now, our border is a war zone. There is violence, murders, kidnappings, human trafficking and, of course, illegal crossings. We have people casually walking across the border into our country with machine guns and drugs, and who knows what else because there are gaping holes in our fence and not enough border patrols.
Schwarzenegger the issue is "critical for the safety of the state."
Yet immigration policies over the past nearly two decades have drastically reduced the flow of immigrants across the California border. By far the biggest flow is now to California's east in Arizona. Despite a range of enforcement issues, California's border is calmer than it has been in decades and the number of apprehensions has plummeted from their peak in the 1990s.

REALLY!? and he was freaking in on all the BS Backstabbing of Arizona ! wtf ARNOLD! SOoooooo what changed his mind . . .somebody take those rose colored glasses off?


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 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Fri 27 Aug 2010 14:15 
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You guys may have heard the story yesterday about a big marijauna bust in Yosemite National Park.

Well, the growers were all ILLEGAL Mexican gang members. More and more of these busts of growers are found out to be in CA illegally and from Mexico.

But, what the heck, it is quiet on the CA border. The problems are now showing up all over the state.

Arnold is a big do nothing hypocrite. He could order the guard to the border if he wanted to. He could also instruct the AG to enforcement Pneal Code Section 834b.

But he is like most chicken crap politicians, afraid of being called a racist or anti immigrant.

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Fri 27 Aug 2010 16:10 
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There isn't a politician in office whether its local,state ,or federal that could tell the truth or stand up for the constitution of this here U.S. Arnie ain't no different, IMHO he's calling for more B.P. (Border Patrol) or the money from the U.S. Government to train them. Not because there will be people trained to do the job but Cali. is strapped for money there isn't any to be had and he figures that if the gov. will cough some up He'll hire a few thousand and train them but they cant find any more due to criminal records (felonies). Thats just my opinion

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