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 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Thu 27 May 2010 21:27 
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I understand about clean. When I crossed into CA my truck was nice and clean. And I have had to show paperwork. I never had any accidents, but I did put someone off my truck for their stupid stuff that could have cost me my life.

Thanks for the post.

Tina Davenport
Missouri Bail Bondsman Agent
Missouri Surety Recovery Agent
Cell: 816-255-8230
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 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sat 31 Jul 2010 20:04 
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Very Interesting Read: 1917 Constitution of Mexico. Points of Interests: Articles 9, 16, 27, 32, 33, 37, 55, 82, 91, 95, 130. Looks like Mexico needs immigration and naturalization reform. They create a second class citizenship...even for natural born clergy. Very interesting read.1917 Constitution of Mexico ... ChapterIII


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 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sun 01 Aug 2010 22:38 
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AZ needs to turn the power OFF


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sat 07 Aug 2010 16:42 
tsuggs wrote:
Someone get me out of here!


The California hate on this forum is intense!

With all due respect suggs, you do live in Richmond. If Richmond was the only place I could live in California I'd move too, that is, if I didn't get shot by a gang member first :shock: California has plenty of conservative cities if that's your thing. In a study ranking the most conservative cities in the country, 6 of the top 20 were in California. Bakersfield was ranked #8. Why not go there? It definitely feels more like Idaho or Nebraska there. Or you can move to one of the Southern states, where some high schools still have segregated proms, where some judges still refuse to marry interracial couples, where they believe Genesis 1-8 should be taught in science classrooms, where they still believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, where they still believe marijuana is more damaging to our society than alcohol, and that the majority of humans are responsible and sensible enough to walk around with loaded and concealed firearms.

No offense to anyone in the South, all I'm saying is, every state has nutty laws and ways of thinking, not just Southern Canada...I mean, California :D

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sat 07 Aug 2010 16:51 
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Or you can move to one of the Southern states, where some high schools still have segregated proms, where some judges still refuse to marry interracial couples, where they believe Genesis 1-8 should be taught in science classrooms, where they still believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, where they still believe marijuana is more damaging to our society than alcohol, and that the majority of humans are responsible and sensible enough to walk around with loaded and concealed firearms.

LMAO! . . . you can tell he does NOT know who any of us are . . . You might want to get your facts straight as well.

The ONLY thing that you got right in the above statement is the one that I bolded . . .

Infact David ... if I don't see some changes (less provocation) in your posts shortly I will be venturing a guess that you came here to see just what you can stir up . . . WRONG Forum for that BUDDY !

to borrow one of your lines "Just troll one of those . . . "

Now, I suggest that before you go blazing around the FRN posting and provoking . . . That you do some QUIET reading and find out just who it is that you are posting in response to here.


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sat 07 Aug 2010 21:12 
LuVonda wrote:
Or you can move to one of the Southern states, where some high schools still have segregated proms, where some judges still refuse to marry interracial couples, where they believe Genesis 1-8 should be taught in science classrooms, where they still believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, where they still believe marijuana is more damaging to our society than alcohol, and that the majority of humans are responsible and sensible enough to walk around with loaded and concealed firearms.

LMAO! . . . you can tell he does NOT know who any of us are . . . You might want to get your facts straight as well.

The ONLY thing that you got right in the above statement is the one that I bolded . . .

Infact David ... if I don't see some changes (less provocation) in your posts shortly I will be venturing a guess that you came here to see just what you can stir up . . . WRONG Forum for that BUDDY !

to borrow one of your lines "Just troll one of those . . . "

Now, I suggest that before you go blazing around the FRN posting and provoking . . . That you do some QUIET reading and find out just who it is that you are posting in response to here.

I hear what you're saying. If I came across as provoking on your forum I apologize. I'm sure many of you are extremely accomplished in your careers and if I can only accomplish half of that in my life I will be a happy man. There is a lot of California bashing and I thought I'd stick up for my state. Although I don't always agree with California's policies (especially the reaction to Arizona's new law), I am a proud Bear Flag citizen (literally have one hanging in the front of my house). My father who is a captain for one of the largest Sheriffs Departments in the state has spent the last 25 years shedding blood, sweat and tears trying to make this state a better place and he has instilled this state patriotism in me. I understand that I am new to the forum and thus my opinions should be kept to myself, especially ones that don't go with the flow of the FRN community. I really just came on this site to do some research and while doing so saw a couple of interesting threads and decided to chime in. I apologize and it won't happen again.

By the way, my response to the female with the felony wasn't meant to provoke at all, and I really hope she didn't take it that way. I was just relaying to her that BEAs with criminal records aren't always looked highly upon (at least that's the vibe I get from my father and all of his cop friends). But I also added that she can change that image and maybe even become really successful and that it would be unique because there simply aren't a lot of BEAs who are moms. I was trying to provide encouragement, not provocation. But I understand I should have probably left that up to senior members who actually know what they are talking about. A good cop friend once gave me a piece of advice for surviving the academy and the FTO, "Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut." That's probably exactly what I should be doing on this forum.

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sat 07 Aug 2010 22:10 
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You are entitled to your opinion. The person you responded to is a very well respected member of the bail community...the community you are trying to gain entry into...

Did you ever consider that he lives where the business is? You might learn that he owns multiple properties, some in very desirable locations. Not only is he a man of considerable means, he is a person of color, and I found your response to him ignorant and repulsive, not to mention disrespectful.

You will learn that most law enforcement have a very poor opinion of our industry, some deserved, most based on opinion that is unfounded.

You would also learn that most of the people that work in our field are armed and support the Constitution verbatim. You may even learn that we hold our religious beliefs as sacred, and though we may not preach, out of respect for your beliefs, we know who is looking out for us when our lives are on the line.

I would think that a man of your level of education would be able to communicate his opinion of his own state without displaying such embarrassing intolerance for others, their states, opinions, beliefs and repeating offensive stereotypes.

When you are supporting yourself, a family and a mortgage, your opinions will absolutely change.


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
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 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sun 08 Aug 2010 08:16 
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UNLVRebel wrote:
The California hate on this forum is intense!

With all due respect suggs, you do live in Richmond. If Richmond was the only place I could live in California I'd move too, that is, if I didn't get shot by a gang member first :shock: California has plenty of conservative cities if that's your thing. In a study ranking the most conservative cities in the country, 6 of the top 20 were in California. Bakersfield was ranked #8. Why not go there? It definitely feels more like Idaho or Nebraska there. Or you can move to one of the Southern states, where some high schools still have segregated proms, where some judges still refuse to marry interracial couples, where they believe Genesis 1-8 should be taught in science classrooms, where they still believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, where they still believe marijuana is more damaging to our society than alcohol, and that the majority of humans are responsible and sensible enough to walk around with loaded and concealed firearms.

No offense to anyone in the South, all I'm saying is, every state has nutty laws and ways of thinking, not just Southern Canada...I mean, California :D

Ok, my turn...couple of personal observations on David's post... above...

One... I don't think the rank and file on FRN necessarily "HATES CALIFORNIA", I think we just have a bad taste for what we see as the rank and file political powers in that state and their agendas.

Two... I think Scott M. had a valid point when he mentioned that Mr. Suggs does in fact, live where the business is... I mean if you want to fish... you probably need to be around some water..............

Three... California may have some conservative cities and people but as far as I can see... a states reputation is carried by the overall opinions of the people you hear in the media and judged by the results of...'how the state is doing in many areas'... financially, socially, economically and how they deal with related problems on those fronts... and that tells the tale on California... that is of course MHO... but I think it may be shared by some others on here...

Fourth... Bakersfield may be conservative, but I wouldn't live there either... but I don't hate it... and I have lived in Idaho and been to Nebraska many times and I am not sure how you can compare them... maybe other than the people but nothing else compares... IMHO again.

Fifth... as to your assessment on southern states and their beliefs... which high schools have segregated proms???? Do you have any idea how that would fly if it was absolutely true??? There may in fact be black and white proms but it is agreed on and not a point of contention... There are black and white bike weeks in many of the southern states but it is also not a point of contention... that is just life and eventually will go away... however, having said that... if it was a point of contention... there would be a backlash and a sound heard round the country if that absolutely was a fact... name the schools, give us some facts and if they are upheld, change will come.... as for the judges... judges do what they want and I can tell you that they get questioned on many levels but I am not sure where you are from but around here... judges don't generally marry people... and anyone wanting to get married can simply go to South Carolina and 'getRdone' in about 24 hours... you can marry a pig or a goat (and many do :mrgreen: ) if you want... and a judge has no say so in the matter.... teaching Genesis in science class is simply giving another perspective... if you disagree, that's fine, just form you own opinion... I have mixed emotions about Darwin or the Bible, I tend to think there may be a little in each... Darwin and the Bible blended... as to Iraq... just because there are many forms of 'mass destruction'... would you agree that poison gas and the extermination of millions of ethnic cleansing activities in that part of the world was a definite form of 'mass destruction' ... do you have any doubt that Sadam was capable of killing everyone at any time and did so on a regular basis until WE stepped in... now I do not agree with much of what is happening over there now, but that is also a matter of opinion... I do not know anyone that actually, knowledgeably believes that Marijuana is more damaging than alcohol... it is just illegal... at least for a few more years... after YOUR/OUR government comes up with regulatory codes and can become involved in its distribution, pricing and all the other... it will legalize it and take over, like it has every other thing that it feels can put more money in it's pockets and create tighter control of its citizenry...

AND AS FOR THE LAST ONE ON YOU LIST... Guns, guns, guns........... wow.... I think anyone that is legally, physically, emotionally capable of owning a gun should have that right... I don't think convicted felons or anyone charged and convicted of domestic assault or has any history of mental breakdown or problems in those areas, should be allowed... but short of that, I absolutely believe in our countries right to bear arms... I think the vast majority of the members of the 'anti-gun' groups very likely have guns of their own... and/or bodyguards that are absolutely well armed... I think that group simply wants to remove the guns from everyone else and maintain their power and control. If you get into the conservative vs. liberal agendas... I have a very simple way of looking at the two... I think conservatives simply want to keep what they perceive as their constitutional rights as set forth in the beginning and the liberals want to remove/change or amend those rights and replace them with what they perceive as their agenda... which involves government control of pretty much everything... that they believe they and the government is more responsible than the populous... I personally disagree with both sides to an extent... I am neither Republican or Democrat but all that is opinion.

I just wanted to put in my two cents.... anyway... I don't think David meant anything in his post... I think he was just pointing out some controversial activities that he felt reflected different lines of thought... I think he may have been off a bit in his facts... of course that is again......... MHO.

........... and now, I'm gonna go clean my pistols, pack them up, take some cold beer, my bible and a couple of my very close black friends, who are married to white women... go out in the country and burn some gunpoweder and then come home, wash and wax my Harley, watch a NASCAR race on my 46'TV and maybe smoke a joint.... aaahhhh, life is grand in the south!! :shock:

Have a great day David... go kiss a Mexican... there are many around here and they are fine people, I see and talk to them quite regularly... oh... does that mean I have bit of Liberal blood in me........ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sun 08 Aug 2010 08:51 
Mdbtyhtr wrote:
You will learn that most law enforcement have a very poor opinion of our industry

As I mentioned, I've already learned that from my father and his friends. My father would be extremely disappointed if he knew I was even considering the bail/fugitive recovery business instead of going straight into law enforcement when I graduate. I personally respect anyone who has dedicated their lives to any form of military or law enforcement related duties, whether it is public or private.

SPEEZACK, you are a very wise man. You are right, I don't believe all of those things I said about the South (although some cities do still have separate proms and there was a judge in Louisiana who refused to marry interracial couples just last year). I was simply stereotyping that region of the country to reflect the false stereotypes I've seen on this forum regarding Californians, who are supposedly all potheads, "libcoms", "nuts and fruits", "looneys", "posey sniffing, tree hugging, environmental CA wackos" and many other insulting terms I don't have time or energy to look up and copy-paste. According to one member "50% of all Californians are aliens." Actually, the U.S. Census reported that 70% of Mexicans in California are U.S. citizens. ("The Immigration Debate", San Jose Mercury News, 11/05/2007). Because of the casual and 'spicy' political banter I've read in many threads, I didn't think anyone would take my comments so personal, but apparently Luvonda and Scott did. I guess its okay to make insulting and egregious stereotypes about Californians but not about Southerners.

 Post subject: Re: California, Home of the Hypocritical Politicians
 Post Posted: Sun 08 Aug 2010 12:54 
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he was NOT a Judge. He is a Justice of The Peace . . . A JP cannot adjudicate anything . . . even if he or she wanted too.
Your percentage of illegals are way off in Cali as well. Many of those making the remarks are from Cali . . . Please, take the time to read here. I think that you will find that the opinions that you have heard from your father and his LE friends are far off base and most likely garnered from Urban Legend ;-)

Welcome to FRN


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