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 Post subject: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Fri 11 Mar 2016 17:08 
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So, if anyone thinks that bail will be around for ever, you better think again! If CA goes, so goes the rest of the country!

 Post subject: Re: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Sun 13 Mar 2016 08:20 
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This entire scenario is about money... money,,,, money............ money and control... that is all...

I will go further in my personal opinion... which is like you know what... we all have one...

... here's mine...

If the courts/judges/magistrates would get real on the amount of bond verses the charge... this entire situation could be resolved in an amiable and proper manner...

.... bottom line is............. in the great state of California... bond amounts are absolutely out of line... through the roof if you will...

When I see (and I have been to CA many times and talked with many bondsmen and others involved in their system)... bonds set at $25K.... 100K... and even in the millions... for offenses that in many other states would be way below those amounts... that is... IMHO... the problem in CA...

I am a bondsman in Virginia, have been for a little over 16 years... my average bond is around $2500... sometimes not that much... I very seldom write a 10K... and even less often a 25K or more... in the entire time I have been writing... I can number on one had those bonds at or above 50K.... in 16 years!!!!

If I lived in CA... and had to compete on that stage... with the crap that is prevalent in that state... I honestly think I would rather sell shoes in Sears... or be a real estate agent... otherwise, I would probably be either in jail or extremely rich...

On one occasion, I attended a meeting of the CBAA during which I talked with a number of rather successful (their personal description of themselves) "surety" bondsmen who were consistently writing bonds above 100K... one told me he had over 400K in his BUF account... $400,000!!!... the most I ever had in my BUF was probably $50k and I often withdraw funds for personal reasons... (my surety lets me do that because I have never been a problem, take care of my business properly and I'm old... I guess they figure I'm good for whatever happens) but they have never paid a forfeiture or a recovery and I do my exoneration's on time.

What I am trying to say here is that the problem is in several areas... I think there are a lot of rather unethical or unscrupulous bondsman in the mix... maybe not exactly illegal but certainly unethical... yes, and you know I am telling the truth... we are our own worst enemy... not just in CA but nationwide... I know there are some real "snakes" in Virginia... don't even get me started on that!!

Mix that with the outrageous amounts of bonds placed in CA and you have a rather deadly combination that has created the atmosphere in that state.

And of course, the government... from the top to the local... want to maintain their control and keep their jobs funded and expanded moving forward... you CA folks don't need to be told that, I think...

No folks... IMHO... the problem had way too many aspects and I don't think it will get fixed... too much greed... too much back stabbing... too little character... too many people wanting something for nothing.. and a government that reacts to those desires... and is willing to promise most anything to keep control of the people, the money and the power...

Now let me go fix another cup of coffee.... and talk about something a bit lighter... like maybe I'll go to the range today and shoot some of my toys.................... and prepare for the revolution that is coming when Trump is elected.... DO WHAT??????????? :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: 8) 8)

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Sun 13 Mar 2016 08:31 
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One more thing I might add.... this will probably raise an eyebrow on some...

I personally do not think Court Services aka Pretrial Services are necessary a bad thing...

I think that in a proper setting and involved in the process as an alternative that could be applied and used in certain circumstances... Pretrial could actually work together with commercial bail.

Yep, that is my opinion again....

I would like to see these two processes work together... but of course that probably will never happen because there are just too many in the government sector whose agenda is simply... that they want it all and the same is certainly true with commercial bail...

Neither side wants to cooperate with the other... each thinks their way is the only correct way... and of course... the pretrial people want to put their hands on the money....

Anyway, just thought I would voice my opinion on that issue...

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Sun 13 Mar 2016 12:36 
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The big push to eliminate surety bail is not because of the cost to the defendants. It is part of a loosely coordinated effort to as the current president stated early on to "fundamentally change the United States."

His belief and that of many others is that, the people in jail and prison are themselves victims. The CJS is unfair, unjust and discriminatory.

Then CA bail schedule is the highest in the country. But so are the housing costs, energy costs, food costs, transportation costs. CA also has the highest average income and we pay almost the highest total taxes of all the states.

The highest number of illegal aliens and also the highest number of people on some type of government assistance.

CA is the most regulated state. But none of that has anything really to do with our bail schedule.

We have the highest crime rates in the country. That is why we have the highest bail schedules.

Again, the bail amounts are not the primary reason there is a push to put us out of business. It is a convenient talking point and easy for the masses to understand that.

In reality, it goes back to the CJS is unfair and everyone caught up in it is a victim. Just like all cops like to shoot blacks. Businesses treat their workers bad and don't pay them enough, they need to be paid at least $15 an hour no matter what their skills are. Women are not paid the same amount as men.

If you sneak into this country illegally, once you are here, you have the right to become a U.S. citizen.

Felons should not have to state that on job applications. And they should get their right to vote back after they have served their time.

College should be free, its unfair to make students actually pay a tuition. And the biggest of them all, health care is a RIGHT and no one should have to pay for it!

Ending bail is just another part of the big social revolution that is going on. This November will decide which way the country is going to go. All of you that vote, better really think about who you are choosing to run the country for the next 4 or 8 years.

 Post subject: Re: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Sun 13 Mar 2016 15:29 
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All your points are well taken Tony...

I still think the bail schedule is a problem of major proportions...

Crime is crime... be it California, Virginia or North Dakota.... a DUI 1st. offense in Virginia... right or wrong is usually only about $2500... you tell me what it is in CA.... probably $25k or even more... that is 10 times and that is out of line...IMHO...

I also think $2500 is probably too low but somewhere in between may be better for all and easier to come up with the bail money...

One other problem, as I see it.... the time spent on cases is drawn out way to long... it doesn't take 25 court appearances to adjudicate most cases... I have cases that have been going on for years... I mean simple cases of larceny when all the facts are in and there just continues to be continuances... for whatever reason either side comes up with... and the attorneys, both the prosecutors and the defenders, the judges, the clerks... the pretrial folks... everyone seems to want to stretch it out... add this, add that... a self perpetuating agenda that creates time, money and jobs for all....

I think the judicial system in this country is self perpetuating ... continuing for its own agenda... creating jobs, creating problems that more government can work on... and on... and on...

I see it daily in the system.. .and I am sure you do to... anyway... I have no fix...

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Sun 13 Mar 2016 20:21 
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Here in CA, the Chief Justice is pushing for a system that doesn't require any bail payment at all! That is also the purpose behind the Federal Bill HR4611.

Their belief is that no one should have to pay any amount of money for bail at all.

If it was as simple as lowering the bail schedules, that could be done. In some of our counties that has already been done. But that is not enough.

To them this a equal justice issue and no money should be involved.

Remember the Sandra Bland case in Texas. Supposedly she committed suicide in jail because she could not afford a $500 bond. So they want to get rid off all bails no matter what the amount it is.

In reality, they want a government supported pre trial service agency to run the release process for everyone.

Another way to think about it is, the social divide of rich versus the poor. The rich can afford bail and the poor can't. This will level the playing field for everyone arrested if private surety bail is eliminated.

 Post subject: Re: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2016 18:25 
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The above link to a story is one that is being printed across the country. They reference the McArthur Foundation that is giving money to eliminate surety bail.

I see the same story almost every day now from cities and counties across the U.S. Large or small, it doesn't matter. There is a coordinated push to eliminate bail, to put us out of business.

Doesn't matter how high or low the bail amounts are, they are all saying that the county or city run "risk assessment" agency, can do it better than us.

I can say absolutely, the sky is beginning to fall on us!

 Post subject: Re: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2016 18:57 
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I think an in depth study of the states without commercial bail would show statistics unfavorable to public safety, government expenditure, not to mention fta's. However, this type of study would be time and resource intensive.

 Post subject: Re: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Thu 17 Mar 2016 09:53 
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There are already several studies that prove that. The PBUS have them on their website.

How this new attack is effective is, they are going at how unfair it is to the poor, whether or not they are guilty of anything. So they are being punished even more because of their economic status and even their race.

The good old "class warfare" angle. Pit the poor against the rich and the minorities against the "white privileged."

And they are winning the war with the help of the media.

 Post subject: Re: CA Another Attack on Bail
 Post Posted: Fri 18 Mar 2016 01:36 
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I'm not sure what is happening in CA, I do know here in MN more and more counties are asking 10% cash or bond. We are required to charge 10% which unequivocally cuts us out. I have also noticed a inflation in the past year or two of bail being set much higher. A charge that would have been 12-15k last year is now around 30-50k. Who can afford that?

On a note for the bail enforcement, the county prosecutors and some local police departments here are ruthless in trying to prosecute bail agents for any reason they can. Our local bail association received a leaked email that had been circulating around county prosecutors that defined what the justice system in minnesota would look like without us, and ways to make that happen.

Here in MN it's only a matter of time before we are either abolished through law, or immobilized by overzealous prosecutors and judges.

Recovery Agent
Bail License #40313820

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