Another opinion here.... this time on holsters... carry holsters... IWB holsters (inside the waistband)
I read all the time about choices in carry holsters... we see ads in all the gun books, TV shows relating to guns... etc. etc...
Well, I have to state my thoughts here (as I usually do) take it or leave it... my opinion only and worth every penny of it....
I have probably half dozen pistols that I carry from time to time.... which one depends a lot about what and where I am going and how I am dressed...
I always carry concealed, never open... so to that end I aim my little advice... or opinion if you will.
Most of my carry guns are relatively small... some are ridiculously small... like the current little Bond Arms Derringer I carry in .45 long colt.... I know, I know.... only two shots... oh well.... what can I say...
Anyway, the other range in size up to maybe a small 1911 style....
I have carried for years and my main thought is comfort and accessibility... also, you want to make sure the gun doesn't fall out of the holster and hit the ground and an inopportune time... like when you are sitting down to a nice dinner in your favorite restaurant....
The one I most often choose is also the cheapest of the lot... yep, cheapest... not always the best way to go but in this instance it has served me well for many years...
I could talk about oh so many great IWB holsters... high dollar... leather, web, plastic, cloth... more choices than you would ever imagine... and frankly, I probably have one of maybe most of them... all great... but all probalby not needed in the overall scheme of things... (boy I know I am gonna get blasted by the experts here... of which and obviously, I do not profess to be)
Blackhawk or Uncle Mikes or any of a few others that make these little, what I call 'cheapies', can be had for probably under $15... IMHO... they are comfortable, light, hold the weapon as secure as any without a strap and when they wear, you can replace them probably a dozen times for what you would pay for a really nice leather holster. Offered in a variety of sizes to fit most any gun you might have.... I offer this as just a little something for you to consider.... it works for me, it may for you...