I have had a gun pointed at me twice and a knife once.... neither looked small.... I managed to out-talk or outrun both .... oh... I did have a broken beer bottle put to my throat one time... but I was much younger and managed to take care of that one rather quickly... I have always been a bit more accomplished at making love than fighting... although there are marked similarities in both.... I have always heard that there is very little difference between love and hate... just depends on which side you happen to be on at the time....
I have also learned over the years, that if you find yourself in a physical confrontation... it is usually better to do it with someone that is not carrying a weapon and also is at least 10 ft. from you... and hopefully downhill... and try to make sure you have a very large, mean young man with you at the time... maybe two or three... who is your friend... Navy Seals work well....
I think one of those Seals told me one time... "never shoot a big man with a small gun"... or something like that....
It is generally referred to as........... "always have an edge".
Never take a knife to a gun fight or a gun to a hand grenade fight or a hand grenade to a fight that you cannot exit rather quickly... another rule is never pull the pin until you have a clean exit... always make sure your gun is loaded and the safety is off... and plan your exit before you enter.
Actually, the best advice is to call ahead and try and cancel the entire affair... then go take a nap....
.......... did this have anything to do with this thread???????????? not much.