Mdbtyhtr wrote:
<<>> The answer is very similar to the Peter Principle espoused by author and professor Tom Peters, Stanford Professor, who taught that it was easier to promote an employee in the government, out of your department than to fire them. This gives the problem child to somebody else, and the resulting promotions eventually puts the most unprepared in positions of authority and results in incompetence.Follow the dollar!Scott
... and the dollar is absolutely what the motivation is behind government becoming involved in pretty much anything... I know there may be those in politics, that are initially motivated by the "do gooder" mentality... but after a while, the status quo takes over, the power takes over, the money takes over, the "we know better than the people" and human nature being what it is... turns the direction in different directions... and that is all this is about... Scott makes the best point and unfortunately, I still think there is nothing that can be done about it.... because just as Ben Franklin said hundreds of years ago... to
"when the people (and that includes those in power), find they can vote themselves money... all is lost"... that short statement, IMHO... says it all and describes in spades, what is happening all across the country...