gotten more done legislatively here in Texas on my own than PBT without all the resources and lobby they have.
Charlie... I also, am a nobody, but the thing is.... you can do a lot when you go at it without all the lip service and dancing that usually runs along beside the ones that often move in these circles.
These games get played by so many in this and other businesses... that is, I suppose, the way of the world.
One of the main reasons that anything significant has such a difficult time getting done... in Washington and in so many connected government agencies and departments... is simply that everyone is dancing to music that is being played by their buddies.... to words of the day I fear are 'bureaucracy and apathy' and the special interest groups work their own agendas that often have little to do with main stream.
... another thing that I see.... sometimes, those in power, or sitting on the high hill... become convinced that how they are doing something is the "only and right way"... they have over time... convinced themselves that they are right and all others are wrong.... even if the law or the code says different. I sometimes will print out the state code and hand it to the judge and have had them look at me and smile and say.... "Mr. Marx, that is open to interpretation".... I run into this quite often as do we all.
Also, many of the members of these groups do not have a clue... and have risen to their level of incompetence by smiling and agreeing with those that like to be stroked.... the famous "Peter Principle"
... and I think another even more important line that defines why these affiliations take place.... is that they are all....
"feathering their nests".But, again, being a nobody... I can't change a thing... and I have decided that at my age... I am only going to worry about things that I can change... which ain't much and is probably limited to my socks...