Well, we all have our "stuff" and our "procedures"... our "ways"... mine have always been a bit... shall I say... 'unconventional'... to the point of actually pissing a few of you off cause you think I am ............. a bit.............. 'over the top' and have caused a few rebuttals... however, it has worked for me for a very long time and it actually keeps me out of serious trouble cause I have been able to pick skips up by talking them into my vehicle and not fighting them............ of course there have been exceptions but for the most part..... it has worked for me...... I will say that I can actually be serious if the need arises... as it occasionally does, but not often... most of the people I deal with are about as nuts as I am which is why it usually works...........
I do not own a bulletproof vest... nor a web belt with all the trimmings... I do have a badge but I usually forget to bring it... I do not have anything but a windbreaker jacket that has "Bail Bonds" on the back so when I sit in court ... I sit in the front row and all behind me know exactly who I am and I don't need to solicit... they ask me, which keeps me out of trouble for the most part.
As for pickups... if the perp is a real bad boy... I call Scott or someone that I know is much more capable than I... otherwise, I usually do it myself, as follows:
Usually dressed in very....... very casual attire............... sport shirt or a Disney-world T shirt
, casual pants... if it's warm... tactical sandals
, large depends
in case I get excited and sht in my Bermuda's
... (don't tell me you never did that...)... I used to wear a good pair of tennis shoes like 'New Balance' or some other high dollar running shoes but now that I have 2 titanium knees... I can't run... so I just wear something as comfortable and carry a larger caliber pistol
like this little TaurusPro .45... so I don't have to run....
I also sometimes carry a large water pistol
filled with Clorox.... while the perp is laughing at me I just shoot him in the face with the Clorox and put the cuffs on him while he is laying on the ground screaming.... he doesn't usually fight back and then I give him a 'handy wipe' ...
Now if you think I am kidding about all this........ one of my buddies... a deputy... took this picture a few years ago when I was turning in one of my skips........... what can I say.........
I did think his Bermudas were fancier than mine............
I have said many time that I have never been mistaken for a police officer or an FBI agent... never been hauled into court for impersonating a law enforcement officer of any kind.... my little badge says "Bail Bondsman" and does not have a state seal or anything that would be mistaken for official business other than mine.
I can only say........ I ain't pretty but I have only lost one skip in 12 years.......... he was a young Mexican that ran faster than me and went directly back to Mexico........... (the very first bond I ever wrote... $500 bond that I paid.... my lovely wife ask me after I paid the forfeiture... "and you think your gonna actually make any money doing this............ you are an idiot!!!")
She was right... I have never made any money doing this but I sure have a great time......... and I get to buy a lot of neat guns and stuff... and hang out with a bunch of great people... and I write off everything I do buy.... "just business ya know."
I will say that I have a tremendous amount of respect for all you guys and gals that go after these folks that I would not even think of tracking... I like all your gear and envy you but I'll just stay like I am and leave the bad boys up to you guys.... keep up the good work and stay safe and pay no attention to my silly stuff... you keep doing what works for you... and on the occasion that I run up against someone that I think might give me a bit of trouble... well, I'll just call you.
So that's my repertoire... unusual maybe, but it works for me.
Always remember this........... and I am a prime example of it....... "never start a fight with an old man... cause if he can't whip ya... he'll just shoot ya..."