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 Post subject: You have my permission to skip!!
 Post Posted: Wed 21 Apr 2010 08:24 
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Several months ago, I wrote a $5000 bond on a man that gave me the 'signed' Va. title to his 2009 Chevy Diesel Duramax 3500 King Cab Pickup... in addition to the $500 premium.

I thanked him and told him with a smile... if you choose to not come back to court.... it's ok with me!... it took him only a second to know where I was going with that.... he smiled back and said.... "not a chance, Mr. Bail bondsman, not a chance."

I also got a clear deed of trust on an acre of land on Lake Gaston on a $10,000 bond and told them the same thing.... They chose to pay the $1000 rather than use their property cause it was on a Saturday and they didn't have all the paperwork in hand and also because they did have the money... I told them the same thing and they very quickly said they would be in court, no problem... do you think they knew what I was saying?? I think so...

I know an old bondsman, been in the business many years, he laughs when we talk and he told me he has at least a dozen cars and a backyard full of lawn mowers, weed-eaters and a safe in his garage full of guns, watches and other stuff... (no, I will not tell you where he lives or who he is... it ain't me)... he has been around probably 40 years and he says he used to take most anything since he is property.... he is a wise old man and is rather wealthy to say the least...

.............. what a business................. :shock:

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: You have my permission to skip!!
 Post Posted: Wed 21 Apr 2010 13:59 
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Around here, bail competition is so tight, if you asked for collateral, the potential client would just laugh at you and hang up. Due to the Morons who started this 2% down crap, the defendants are making the deals when you get the call from the jail instead of working with an indemnitor. It is all over the jails that these bondsmen take 2% down to generate phone calls, but these defendants believe that they can get out on 2% down for a $3K bond. I was working a bond last night, $75,000.00 bond, they had $2K down, no real estate, wife worked at a local convenience store, but the defendant had 2 drag race cars. I told her that I would hold the race cars in storage and she said that she could bring me the titles. Titles are no good to me, nothing is stopping them from getting a duplicate title stating the original was lost and then sell the vehicle or wreck it and you have nothing. When I explained to her that I needed the vehicles, she just hung up. I later found out that she still owes money to the previous 2 bondsmen that her lovely husband was on bond with. It is frustrating trying to do this business correctly, and tyeing bonds up properly, only to have some new guy think he took something from you! If it ain't right, I don't write! What starts out bad, don't get better.


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
Chesapeake Bail Bonds
301-392-1100 (fax)
301-392-1900 (Office)

 Post subject: Re: You have my permission to skip!!
 Post Posted: Wed 21 Apr 2010 21:01 
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As always, you are right. If it starts out bad, it doesn't get better, it just continues to go downhill.

Normally, I will take the title and most of the time just sit on it... however, on that particular one.. I put my name on the title as lien holder, so if a duplicate is issued it will still have me on it... $6 and I am on it until I remove it... you may recall the Helen Miller tale on here.... I had her sons beat up old Camero with my lien on it and she skipped... I collected a little here and a little there from the boys on a $2500 bond and then.... the sky opened and the sun shown down... they wrecked the car... the ins. company called me and and sent me a check for $1100... which paid off the rest of what they owed and probably would never have paid... so it will work for you if you take the time to do it right... put a lien on the vehicle and/or put the same on the deed of trust... ya just never know when it will keep you solvent.

As to the shysters we have to deal with on a daily basis... I honestly do not know what we can do about it except to just hold our own and maintain our character... I lose a few around here to these buzzards but I am still able to maintain a steady although lower income... hopefully the future will improve...

My lovely daughter, also a bondsman, person, woman or whatever.... is one tough cookie... if someones owes her money, either due to a skip or premium due or whatever... she will not stop until she gets something out of them.... case in point... she had a $4500 forfeiture a few years ago.... she was determined to get the guy... we finally located and captured him in California... had him returned to VA.... she went after his father and mother who had know all the time where he was... both worked and she got a judgment and then a garnishment and she collected not only the forfeiture since he was returned but many thousands of dollars in recovery fees that we had to pay out to the FRA... plane tickets etc.... the courts send her a check every other month or so with monies collected from the indemnitors... it pays to do the legwork... don't let them get away without paying... go after them... it pays off... and my daughter is one tough hombre when it comes to collecting what is owed her....

IMHO: Something for you new bondsmen to remember.... the indemnitor on a bond is more important than the defendant... get all the info you can on everyone in the case... double check all and ask questions, if the bond goes south, the indemnitor will be the one that ultimately puts money back in your pocket.

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: You have my permission to skip!!
 Post Posted: Fri 23 Apr 2010 05:12 
I have given several people permission to not ever show up again. One had given me a Rolex for a $500 bond and $50 he owed me. I took it to the jewler in town and he offered me 4500 on the spot. He came back though.

I had 400 acres on the Gasconade River near here that was prime land. Free and clear on a 100k bond. I gave him permission to run. He didnt.

I gave a guy I was holding two AR 15s permission to run on his 1k bond. He didnt.

Seems like when you got really good security, they never run. Go figger. LOL

 Post subject: Re: You have my permission to skip!!
 Post Posted: Fri 23 Apr 2010 06:05 
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Ok... 'nother quicky... $15k only had $900 on premium... on his son... they lived in PA... he took me to his car, opened the trunk and took out a gun case with a Remington 30.06 pump with a Leopold scope and a Stevens double barrel 12 gauge 3"mag.... said he would send me the other $600 later... the bond finalized, I called to see about getting my money and return his guns (I am actually a pretty honest guy and I know if they were my guns I would want them back...) the phone was disconnected... I sent a certified letter... returned... that was 6 years ago.... I think he must have figured he could replace the guns for $600... well, you and I know better but that is life and he made the choice. I gave the rifle to my son and the double is in my gun safe.

I will take a gun for collateral any day of the week... in fact, I usually ask if they have any. Image

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: You have my permission to skip!!
 Post Posted: Sat 24 Apr 2010 08:41 
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Real estate, number one, then guns, jewlery, vehicles and whatever else, in that order. I have a guy who appraises jewlery for me for free, so I'm pretty comfortable with that. Guns I can usually get pretty close on my own. Real estate is a no-brainer. Vehicles get "booked" (average between NADA and KBB) and whatever else is assessed according to pawn shop values.

I get offered a lot of vehicles, but I have a pretty strict policy on using them for collateral. First, if they can't drive it to my office, don't waste my time. If it's not titled to the principal and/or imdemnitor, don't waste my time. When I take a vehicle for collateral, I literally take it. The principal and/or indemnitor signs the title and a bill of sale, then hands me the keys and finds a ride home. (Ok, sometimes I'll give 'em a ride!) They get the vehicle back when the case is disposed or the note is payed off, which ever is the reason for pledging it in the first place. Needless to say, I don't have a single vehicle or worthless title on the books right now.

The reason for my approach to vehicles is simple. If you only take a signed title, 20 minutes later the owner is in the closest license office applying for a lost title. 30 minutes later, the vehicle is sold to someone else, and your left standing there with a fist full of very stiff toilet paper. And it may be days before you even know you just got screwed.

Bottom line, whatever it is, it's not collateral unless it's in my hands.

Doug DiNatale Bail Bonds
Vienna, MO
(573) 368-6672

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."

 Post subject: Re: You have my permission to skip!!
 Post Posted: Sat 15 May 2010 12:55 
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Joined: Thu 11 Dec 2003 13:07
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Scott what are you talking about 2 nope now it's 1 percent No thanks to B Boyz but we know how they operate they say one percent don't post the bond Indim calls back next day they tell them what are you talking about we told you 6 percent wheres the other 5 if you want the bond Posted come up with the 5. and if they want there money back they mail it to corp in CA then back to you in 2 to 3 weeks you will get a check back after the def sat in jail for 3 plus weeks. All hearsay yes it's rebating but who can prove it this is MD they don't care.

Me personally I always ask for collateral even on small bonds have title right now for $6500 dollar bond and last year help one on 1 grand bond in Balt city tell you what been getting ever payment and on time.

I do something most other Bondsman don't do one get all my paper work notrized, if its a deed by the bank who holds the morgage

2. I allow the Def and Indim to keep the Property if its car I work handon hand with several repo companies and drive trucks not worried about it.

I have title signed and left blank who it goes to all my paper work states in event of not paying or the def skips the property and all fees owed with all court cost and lawyer and legal fees go to the Bondman , my lawyer helped me.

I find though more people will show up make payments on time when you alllow them to keep there cars or property and the people who put houses seem to care less the mortgage is killing them anyway , so my Pref Titles of cars with deeds hehe

And Grr on PG for charging us 1 percent Bstrds

Ps im 3 Percent but 4 to 5 for PG hehhehehe

But as speezack says you have my permission haha I feel yah AnyOne got a 2010 Tahoe and need a bond :wink:



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We Serve All of Maryland for Bonds, We offer Immigration Bonds.

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Please call me at 410-929-2245

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 Post subject: Re: You have my permission to skip!!
 Post Posted: Wed 19 May 2010 11:32 
There is a lot of good reading in these posts, thanks for sharing. What start out bad don’t get better, :idea: :idea: there is a lot of truth to that statement.

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