So you want Uncle Sam to run Health Care?? • PUBLIC SECTION • Open Discussion • Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN) Forums
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 Post subject: Re: So you want Uncle Sam to run Health Care??
 Post Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009 07:13 
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Mr Rusher . . .
In the touting of the Govs Programs that they are wishing to thrust upon Americans is . . . The Cost Of Care. That being the major cause of BKs in the United States.

The way to cut costs is in the Care Facilities . . .not in the monies that are paid to the Physicians or the care allowed.

When we are paying huge dollars for an aspirin, gauze, Kleenex and that other stuff we are defeating the purpose.
The drug companies are not so nearly at fault here as those that allow for the other crap. Quite frankly some generics are not as good as the name brand. But by pushing them (generics) people think that they are . . . it is simply a sad affair that we cannot have the true costs CUT but . . . instead we have to hear how they are going to take care of all this.

This is not the responsibility of the Insurance Companies. They can state that they are paying a specific amount, and they do. . . . that balance then falls to the Insured.

Let us bring down the cost of the necessities in that care, Not mandate who, how much and when.

Let the Gov to run it and then perhaps (no not perhaps) we will pay 2 to 3 times more for that aspirin, gauze and Kleenex.

I have heard NO ONE speak of these matters . . . only boiler plate . . . they have no substance.

They are thinking only of their pockets and NOT the true ISSUES here . . . THE COST OF CARE.

Shoot maybe folks need to start going to WalMart (or where ever) and buying their miscellaneous items before go to the Hospital :evil:


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 Post subject: Re: So you want Uncle Sam to run Health Care??
 Post Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009 08:23 
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Belinda is a Nurse in a Hospital. The costs that you allude to are an example of the Hospitals trying to break even. What I mean is this...We are funding healthcare for the un-insured or the under-insured. Most come to the ER and skip out on the bill or don't pay, or worse yet, provide bogus information to the hospitals so they will never get billed. The DR's bill the insurance companies directly, as do all of the individual services, i.e. x rays, lab etc, to include the Hospital itself. Obama could just give government grants to the Hospitals and the problem is over. They are fixzing something that isn't broken.

Take a lesson from HI. They started a program for insuring un-insured children. What did they learn and what was their rection? They learned that onece they offered the program, people that were paying for insurance for their kids stopped paying and enrolled them in these programs. What did they do? They cancelled the program after 8 months as it was not cost effective and would have quickly bankrupted the state.

Sometimes, we the citizens are our own worst enemy, due mostly to greed.


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
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 Post subject: Re: So you want Uncle Sam to run Health Care??
 Post Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009 08:53 
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We are funding healthcare for the un-insured or the under-insured. Most come to the ER and skip out on the bill or don't pay, or worse yet, provide bogus information to the hospitals so they will never get billed.

I understand this . . . There is a geat abuse of this . . . but for those of us that don't have Health Care and Do pay our bills when we go to the ER . . . the 4$ Aspirin is one hella pill to swallow. I still have the box of Kleenex that was in my Dads' room when he crossed. I have used one in the past 4 years . . too expensive. Cheaper to use a washclothe and wash it :-)
The Doctors and Nurses should be paid WELL. They are a necessity . . . The MisUse of the ER is the very reason that (when I did have HealthIns) there was a 50$ Co-Pay for all ER Visits. There are going to be, no matter what, people that do not pay their bills and feel that others should take care of it . . . they are probably the same ones wanting free health care on the back of the Taxpayers. ARGH! this whole thing is just a mess!


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: So you want Uncle Sam to run Health Care??
 Post Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009 09:33 
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Just FYI, Belinda's Hospital is in bankruptcy reorganization, they are going to be bought out by Georgetown University, the nurses, who haven't had a raise in 3 years, have just been told that their new UNION contract stipulates that they won't have a pay increase for another 3 years, some union!

This doesn't take into account the 1 Million dollar liability insurance for her that we carry to protect us from a litigious world and DR.'s that will never own up to their own errors, and there are many, as a just in case.

I just wanted you to see another angle to this issue, not over simplifying your situation or integrity. To get ahead with this president, we must all either take on a ghetto attitude and get paid, or stick to our integrity and pay for it.


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
Chesapeake Bail Bonds
301-392-1100 (fax)
301-392-1900 (Office)

 Post subject: Re: So you want Uncle Sam to run Health Care??
 Post Posted: Tue 25 Aug 2009 09:41 
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Just FYI, Belinda's Hospital is in bankruptcy reorganization, they are going to be bought out by Georgetown University, the nurses, who haven't had a raise in 3 years, have just been told that their new UNION contract stipulates that they won't have a pay increase for another 3 years, some union!

This doesn't take into account the 1 Million dollar liability insurance for her that we carry to protect us from a litigious world and DR.'s that will never own up to their own errors, and there are many, as a just in case.

That is Just Not Right :evil:


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: So you want Uncle Sam to run Health Care??
 Post Posted: Thu 27 Aug 2009 22:45 
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Belinda is a Nurse in a Hospital. The costs that you allude to are an example of the Hospitals trying to break even. What I mean is this...We are funding healthcare for the un-insured or the under-insured. Most come to the ER and skip out on the bill or don't pay, or worse yet, provide bogus information to the hospitals so they will never get billed. The DR's bill the insurance companies directly, as do all of the individual services, i.e. x rays, lab etc, to include the Hospital itself. Obama could just give government grants to the Hospitals and the problem is over. They are fixzing something that isn't broken.

After reading an article I wanted to re-visit this Scott. Why can there not be what is known as a "Charity Hospital" which is funded by the GOV. and that would be the Hospital that Uninsured would go. There should be no less care than what is available at other hospitals and the Nurses SHOULD get a darned raise, for they, I thnk. work harder than the darned doctors. That should allow for the "cost" of the supplies needed by patients to be more reasonable.

I know . . . and people in Hell want Ice Water :(


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


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