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 Post subject: U. N. Setting Stage for Global Gun Confiscation
 Post Posted: Sun 15 Jul 2012 04:05 
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At the United Nations in New York City this week, the world’s nations began finalizing language for a legally binding global treaty that some believe will strip U.S. gun owners of their 2nd Amendment rights.

Meeting through July 27, 193 members of the U.N., along with non-governmental organizations, the NRA, public-interest groups, and firearms and other arms-industry representatives, are convening at the Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

Purported to prevent the transfer of weapons to armed groups and terrorists, ATT has been in the works since 2006. Supporters of the treaty say it will close loopholes that allow arms dealers to evade the strict laws that already exist in countries like the U.S. and transfer guns through weaker states.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon opened the conference by saying, “Our common goal is clear: a robust and legally binding Arms Trade Treaty that will have a real impact on the lives of those millions of people suffering from the consequences of armed conflict, repression and armed violence. It is ambitious, but it is achievable.”

After the conference opened, representatives from the U.K., France, Germany and Sweden issued a statement that the treaty “should cover all types of conventional weapons, notably including small arms and light weapons, all types of munitions, and related technologies.”

Language like that troubles Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, who said, “Ultimately, the U.N. Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and confiscate firearms owned by private citizens,” Paul said. “So far, the gun-grabbers have successfully kept the exact wording of their new scheme under wraps. But looking at previous versions of the U.N. Small Arms Treaty, you and I can get a good idea of what’s likely in the works.”

The State Department has issued a series of key U.S. “redlines,” or statements, that the ATT must supposedly address:

The Second Amendment to the Constitution must be upheld.
There will be no restrictions on civilian possession or trade of firearms otherwise permitted by law or protected by the U.S. Constitution.
There will be no dilution or diminishing of sovereign control over issues involving the private acquisition, ownership, or possession of firearms, which must remain matters of domestic law.
The U.S. will oppose provisions inconsistent with existing U.S. law or that would unduly interfere with our ability to import, export, or transfer arms in support of our national security and foreign policy interests.
The international arms trade is a legitimate commercial activity, and otherwise lawful commercial trade in arms must not be unduly hindered.
There will be no requirement for reporting on or marking and tracing of ammunition or explosives.
There will be no lowering of current international standards.
Existing nonproliferation and export control regimes must not be undermined.
The ATT negotiations must have consensus decision making to allow us to protect U.S. equities.
There will be no mandate for an international body to enforce an ATT.
Despite the State Department’s so-called redlines, opponents of the treaty—the terms of which have not yet been made public—believe the ATT will eventually:

Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally
Confiscate and destroy all “unauthorized” civilian firearms
Ban the trade, sale, and private ownership of all semi-automatic weapons
Create an international gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation
Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton has cautioned gun owners to take this initiative seriously, stating that the U.N. “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”

Because a draft of the treaty hasn’t been and won’t likely be released before the end of the conference, gun advocates are worried that the worst elements of ATT would be concealed so that citizen lobbying against it couldn’t be organized in time to defeat it.

Political analyst Dick Morris has said he believes President Obama will sign the ATT on July 27, setting the stage for U.S. Senate advise and consent hearings during the lame-duck session after this year’s elections. He predicts that during that session, President Obama could enlist two-thirds of the Senate required to approve a treaty and get a resolution of ratification.

If that prediction comes true, then the enforcement arms for ATT in the U.S. would be the Justice Dept. and ATF.

River City Associates
Decatur, Al. 35601

 Post subject: Re: U. N. Setting Stage for Global Gun Confiscation
 Post Posted: Mon 16 Jul 2012 11:01 
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If that prediction comes true, then the enforcement arms for ATT in the U.S. would be the Justice Dept. and ATF.

ghee... I thought that was true now........... ?

... and the new show on TV this fall is............................ "Revolution???".... duhhhh.............

Get in line and put Obama back in for another 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unfortunately, neither one is gonna fix anything....

I just ordered some more ammunition..... and another gun safe.... I predict that in less than 100 years... private gun ownership will be a thing of the past... of course, we won't have to worry about it but our grandchildren will be living in a very different US.... if, in fact, it will still retain that name....

Two more predictions..... English will be the second language and Caucasian will no longer be a race... there will no longer be 'Black and White".... people will eventually become a sort of dark off white or light brown.... and that is not a racist remark... it is absolute fact and is simply genetics and evolution... and it will not take 10,000 years... it will probably take less than 500.... if in fact, the earth has not blown itself up... which is also a very likely possibility...

.... now go back in the kitchen and eat your corn flakes.... cause in the real world and the scheme of things.. .there's not a damn thing any of us can do about it.... so no need to worry...

... now don't you feel better already??? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: U. N. Setting Stage for Global Gun Confiscation
 Post Posted: Mon 16 Jul 2012 13:18 
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The4re are two issues here, The need to restrict gun trafficking and the need to protect our sovereign and Constitutional rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment.

We all agree that while watching TV News, we see children not just brandishing, but firing automatic weapons at who knows what, and these weapons got there somehow.
There are far too many people globally that are armed and there needs to be actions to curtail this. I know people that are legally armed and they scare the hell out of me, and some are sworn law enforcement officers!

The next issue is the recent history of the current administration sneaking things through Congress to get what they want, which is not necessarily what the people want. They also are engaging in international treaty negotiations that will cost us billions, all without consulting the people, ie; Environmental laws globally.

Lastly, we need to protect our sovereignty, and we all know that laws only affect the law abiding, and will result in law abiding citizens becoming victims of the non law abiding.

I propose a means to have significant clarity in bills presented to Congress by removing the veils as was promised by our sitting President when he was running for election, a transparency that we have not seen yet. I propose that any law presented as a bill, must meet the following criteria:

1) it must identify the problem that needs to be addressed
2) it must explain why this bill will work and the history of success or failure of previous measures to resolve the issue.
3) it must demonstrate a means to determine if the new law, if implemented, is or is not successful.
4) there must be a realistic timeline, ex: it will take 5 years to determine the success or failure, and the program will receive 5 years of irreversible funding
5) there must be a sunset clause, one that defunds a project that has matured and is determined as unsuccessful
6) all bills must be stand alone, no piggy backing of unpopular bills on popular ones, therefore no need for a line item veto.
7) it must show how this program will be funded, where the money will come from, and not duplicate similar existing programs

Just some food for thought...


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

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 Post subject: Re: U. N. Setting Stage for Global Gun Confiscation
 Post Posted: Mon 16 Jul 2012 15:05 
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Like Bill said,

We will be long gone before the real crap hits the fan. It will be our kids, kids that will have to deal with it.

But the way things are going, they are already being "desensitized" to all the "common sense" laws and regulations for the good of everyone, the collective.

Global warming.
Corporations are evil.
Living in the suburbs in a big house is selfish.
Driving a gas powered car is killing the planet.
Eating meat.
Drinking sodas is creating a obesity epidemic.

Kids are getting this crap the minute they start school.

So too, the small arms, rifles and hand guns are responsible for all the wars in these 3rd countries.

To bad no one gave the million people slaughtered in Rwanda small arms. Maybe they all wouldn't have been hacked to death by machettes.

BTW, this UN law will restrict ammo manufacturing and sales also.

Time to stock up!


 Post subject: Re: U. N. Setting Stage for Global Gun Confiscation
 Post Posted: Mon 16 Jul 2012 18:12 
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Scott, you need to run for President.... all that you say is true and certainly needs to be addressed and implemented... but it won't, because human nature just won't let it.... everyone wants the easy way and the government has convinced us that they have the answers to all our problems.

Most of us are sheep being led to the slaughter.... I don't think there are enough of us that actually give a damn about what happens to anyone but ourselves.... and that is the reason the yellow brick road is what everyone is walking down.... toward that 'Emerald City'.... being promised by the 'man behind the curtain'....

"were gonna give you everything you want and you won't have to pay for it........... "

"How to catch a wild Pig"... once again... and that is the simple but absolute truth of the matter.

ADDED LATER: I wish I had a more positive attitude on this subject but frankly, I am a realist and the facts stand on their own... they aren't my facts but they are there and they are real and each of us, although we certainly want to try and do all we can to fix it.... need to wake up and take care of our own.

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: U. N. Setting Stage for Global Gun Confiscation
 Post Posted: Thu 02 Aug 2012 17:12 
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I wholeheartedly agree with Scott on this one. We need to know EXACTLY what a bill will fix, the forecast on effect of the proposed bill, and a "plan b" if you will. Of course, I'm referring to the sunset clause suggestion. These guidelines should be followed for every bill that is proposed. Now on to Bill's statement. He is also correct for if they so decide and there's nothing that can be done afterwards, then we will all be forced to "bend over and take it." If I've offended anyone, Just remember, it's only some new member's humble opinion.


Justin Hamilton
JT Recovery
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Maryland and surrounding areas.

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