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 Post subject: NOLA considering pretrial services
 Post Posted: Tue 31 May 2011 08:12 ... _from.html

 Post subject: Re: NOLA considering pretrial services
 Post Posted: Mon 06 Jun 2011 22:22 
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Thanks for posting this . . . I Do not know who this poster (quoted below)is . . . but I like what he or she is saying

Isthisthingon? May 31, 2011 at 9:29AM
Pretrial Services as a concept was initially set up in New York to help in order to help the judges get a better handle on which of the people who were arrested had extensive histories of criminal activity. Their reports were given to the judges at arraignment so that lawyers and mommas could not claim, 'he never did this before' when in fact they were a career criminal. Police did not have the manpower to compile all the requisite information in time for arraignments.

The New York courts had also received numerous complaints and lawsuits claiming the courts were against poor people and there was no statistical data to prove the actual need to keep bails high. Pretrail Services was a great compromise to provide that proof.

With that said it should be noted that the group pushing for this blithely claims that Federal Statistics are not good enough and only their own statistics should be relied on. That in and of itself is a big red flag.

Pretrail Services as laid out in the TP article would not function in the New Orleans Culture. I would bet within a year we would be arresting at least one of those doing the evaluations for selling their services to the Criminals or being a "cousin" or whatever of people they evaluated as a low risk, particularly when they did not show up in court.

Pretrail Services should be used however. They should be used as in the original form from New York, to gather the criminal histories of those arrested prior to arraignment. They should be balanced against a checklist or formula that does not lean to ROR's but to appropriate bail amounts.

Convicted Felons particularly those with violent offenses should be at the top tier of bail amounts, but so should politicians and those that violated the public trust. Bankers and Rich White Collar Criminals should also be part of the highest tier bail amounts.

I support the Drug Testing aspect put out by Leon, and as marvinvernon posted, rehabilitation services for those on crack, heroin or other chemicals. I also support the idea that if a mother or father with custody of their children is found to have addictive chemicals in their systems that a DCFS case is opened at the same time. I'm not talking pot here, I'm talking crack, heroin, meth. etc. I also support the idea that if such a person is on public assistance the City, State and Federal Agencies along with the Court coordinate pressure and resources to get that person in to rehab services and employment.

I support the idea of monitoring bracelets for many defendants but they should be posting bail also.

The bail bondsmen are correct when they say they fill a vital role that NOPD or the Sheriff cannot do with the same vigor. The bondsmen have a vested interest in making sure the accused makes it to court as they certainly are not willing to lose 10, 20 or 50K because some slacker cant be bother to show up or runs from the jurisdiction. Frankly if I was a bondsmen I would require the anklet monitoring on any bond I wrote. The arrested person would pay that as an additional fee above the bond.

If this iniative happens, I just hope all New Orleans residents pays attention and demands that it be run properly instead of just as another waste of tax dollars.


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 Post subject: Re: NOLA considering pretrial services
 Post Posted: Tue 07 Jun 2011 10:22 
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I read that, now let me comment:

Pretrial Services as a concept was initially set up in New York to help in order to help the judges get a better handle on which of the people who were arrested had extensive histories of criminal activity.

Pre-Trial was originally a privately funded project called the Vera Institute, not a public bureaucracy. Further, it was originated because individuals were in jail awaiting bail for longer amounts of time than they would have received if they were convicted. The judiciary had the opportunity to release these individuals after it became obvious that they were not going to make bail, but failed to do so. Police have never been responsible to compile data in addition to the original incident that they are involved in, that job belongs to the prosecutor's office. The police agencies that do contribute to the National Crime Statistics is because they receive federal funding to do so.

The New York courts had also received numerous complaints and lawsuits claiming the courts were against poor people and there was no statistical data to prove the actual need to keep bails high. Pretrail Services was a great compromise to provide that proof.

The issue was not that bail was excessive, it was that the defendants had significant criminal history and their families were through with helping them. Regardless of the bail amount, it was their choice to continue to break the law that put them there, not any actions of the court. Pre-Trial stepped in and assumed that after interviewing the defendant, that they would know more about the needs of the defendant than the defendant's own family, who has dealt with the defendant's issues the entire time.

The remainder of the article I agree with. I feel that anyone that receives government assistance should be required to pass a drug test in order to receive their check, why should we pay for their drug issues? Around here, if you read the court dockets for individuals on Pre-Trial supervision, which incidentally is like an ATM machine that they put their thumb print on and have little to no personal contact with any P&P agent, nothing happens when they are violated. I can show the same for drug courts where the same individual violated his conditions 5-6 times before bein g removed from the program. Nothing occurred as a penalty for any of the offenses.

Just my input,


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
Chesapeake Bail Bonds
301-392-1100 (fax)
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 Post subject: Re: NOLA considering pretrial services
 Post Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011 19:47 
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Very good points all the way around, Thank You I learned something new that was kinda unclear, and You also LuVonda

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