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 Post subject: Bail Bonds Questioned In Hamilton County, Ohio
 Post Posted: Sat 08 Jan 2011 21:54 
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Some people who should have been locked up in the Hamilton County Justice Center may have been getting out by posting improper bonds. A Local 12 Investigation has uncovered huge potential problems in the county's bail bond system, a system which is supposed to keep people behind bars unless they come up with the proper bond amount.

Local 12 Reporter Jeff Hirsh looks at one high profile case, which may just be the tip of the iceberg.

Reading of jury verdict August 24, 2010:
"We the jury in the issue joined do find the defendant Julian Steele guilty of abduction, Ohio Revised Code 2095.02a1, a felony of the third degree as charged in count one of the indictment."

He is a cop who broke the law. Cincinnati Officer Julian Steele was convicted on three counts ... for sending a teenage boy to juvenile lockup, trying to pressure the boy's mother to turn police informant. Steele was arrested in 2009, and until his trial, was let out on 100-thousand dollars bond. Court documents show Steele posted a 50-thousand dollar insurance bond policy through a bail bondsman, and his wife posted 50-thousand dollars in property from the couple's house. Sounds right, doesn't it... 50 thousand, plus 50 thousand is 100 thousand bond. But this posted bond, along with many, many others in Hamilton County, may be bogus. And if that's true, lots of people were let out of jail who should have been locked up. Here's how...

For property bond, you have to have twice the equity of the amount needed for your bond. In other words, for 50-thousand dollars property bond, you need 100-thousand dollars of your house paid off. Public documents show the Steele's took out two mortgages totaling 160-thousand dollars in 2006. But it's almost impossible to believe the Steele's had paid off nearly two thirds of their mortgages... enough for the property bond ... in just three years, particularly when you see they had some unpaid federal taxes.

Now, if this was just one isolated case, perhaps a mistake, it might not mean much. But a person deeply involved in the bail bond process says the Steele case is typical.

Debra Henneke, A-1 Bail Bonds:
"What should citizens think when this comes out? They should be in an uproar. They should be enraged."

Debra Henneke has run a bail bond company. She says some employees in the Clerk of Courts office are letting bogus bond postings with not enough equity go through for many defendants.

Debra Henneke, A-1 Bail Bonds: "So, these people are getting out of jail illegally? Not following the judge's rules? Yes, exactly."

"Of course, it's possible clerks were not aware bogus bonds were going through. The clerk's office position is we're not mortgage police. We rely on people to tell the truth about the equity in their houses, and it's illegal if they don't."

But if that's the case, there's apparently a huge loophole in the system, where it's easy to lie about the value of your house, and get out of jail on a bogus bond, because nobody in the clerk's office makes simple computer checks, which could at least raise the possibility ... is your house really paid off?

And what about Julian Steele? The bail bondsman involved in his case, Leroy Jones, did not return our calls. Steele referred us to his new lawyer, Gloria Smith, who says approving bond is the clerk's responsibility, and she assumes they did the right thing. Meantime, Steele, who was locked up after conviction, is back out on a new, 100-thousand dollar appeal bond. A portion of that bond, 37,500 dollars, is, once again, based on his house. And as you now know, a $37,500 property bond requires 75-thousand dollars in equity.

So, the question again ... is it logical that 75-thousand dollars was paid off so fast? And if it was not ... why was the bond form signed by Steele and his wife and approved by the clerk's office ... a form which warns you it's a crime to lie.

Steve Faircloth
A Way Out Bail Bonds
(220) 204-9733 Cell
NSIN# SF0105
LIC. #704058

 Post subject: Re: Bail Bonds Questioned In Hamilton County, Ohio
 Post Posted: Sat 08 Jan 2011 22:31 
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Property bonds in Virginia require proof as follows... current documentation from the mortgage holder as to the balance on the mortgage, the current tax assessment on the property, and the taxes have to have been paid and current, a copy of the deed of trust showing all owners and if the defendant is on the deed, it cannot be used for his bond. The property must also be located in Virginia.

If a vehicle is used, it must have an appraisal done by a licensed dealer, the title must be clear, no liens of any kind and the title and appraisal are held by the magistrate just like the power of attorney from a surety...

The problem in our state isn't necessarily the inequities of the property bonds, it is the inequities of the bondsman... by that I mean... there are bondsmen that are posting bonds for 5% or less... there are bondsmen that are posting bonds in some cases for 0 down and attempting to collect the remainder after the defendant is released... posting agents are writing bonds for $50 and companies are positioning agents inside or on jail or court property... they are approaching clients inside courtrooms and courthouses in direct violation of Virginia code... jailers and even magistrates are recommending bondsmen and in some cases are actually being rewarded for providing clients with the bondsman name... and no one says a word about it... these actions are well known by many bondsmen in Virginia but no one is willing to stand up and testify, so nothing is done... in Virginia, a property bondman can post a bond for 8%... a surety is held at 10% and if we, as surety, cut rates we are breaking the rules. So right off the bat, a property bondsman can cut the rate on a surety bondsman and be legal... now that is my understanding and if this is incorrect, I am hoping some of the learned on here will correct me but that is my take on the law that has been in force since DCJS began overseeing our industry 5 or 6 years ago... and on the few times that DCJS has been contacted with violations (and in Virginia you can contact DCJS without giving your name)... absolutely nothing is done... in my personal opinion... DCJS has no teeth, period.

So the inequities in our state exist, only in a slightly different area... but I do believe this goes on in probably every other state as well and will continue unchanged. It is a way of life in this industry, unfortunately. I have dealt with these problems for years... all I have ever ask for is a fair shake... a level playing field where competition is equal... but alas, that is not and probably will not be the case... so we... as the saying goes........... "endeavor to persevere".

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Bail Bonds Questioned In Hamilton County, Ohio
 Post Posted: Sun 09 Jan 2011 06:33 
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speezack wrote:

posting agents are writing bonds for $50 and companies are positioning agents inside or on jail or court property... they are approaching clients inside courtrooms and courthouses in direct violation of Virginia code... jailers and even magistrates are recommending bondsmen and in some cases are actually being rewarded for providing clients with the bondsman name... and no one says a word about it... these actions are well known by many bondsmen in Virginia but no one is willing to stand up and testify, so nothing is done...

... but I do believe this goes on in probably every other state as well and will continue unchanged. It is a way of life in this industry, unfortunately. I have dealt with these problems for years... all I have ever ask for is a fair shake... a level playing field where competition is equal... but alas, that is not and probably will not be the case... so we... as the saying goes........... "endeavor to persevere".

There are shenanigans that go on in Miami too.. here are just a few of what happen here ....

you have Bondsman outside the Jail 25 hours / 8 Days a week camping outside soliciting clients (Family Members coming to the jail to get their loved ones out)... when I go to post a bond these bondsman look at me like "what am I doing here on their "turf", or why am I even here?..when all I do is pull up.. park my car.. go to the window hand in my slip to the Corrections Officer, wait for them to call me at the window to get the defendant's Jail Card...write my bond, and then drive away and go home.. it does not matter what time I go to the jail, Day or Night or 3 ..4 ...5 am .... I see the same bondsman camping out there hawking for a potential client ..

These same bail bondsman that sleep / camp outside in their cars / at the tables outside the Jail Window...also "PAYOFF" particular Corrections Officers inside the Jail to give out their particular Bail Bond Company phone numbers so they get the bond .. in lieu of the legal way of letting the defendants look for themselves and pick who they want off the "Authorized Bail Bond Company" List posted on the Jail Cell Wall next to the phone inside the jail cell.

Also some of these Bail Bond companies use homeless people to Solicit business.. they have these homeless get arrested for lets say Urinating in the Street ... the homeless guy / gal gets 3 meals and a place to sleep ... meanwhile while in jail, they give out the Bail Bond Company's Phone #.. for every customer this homeless person Solicits while in the jail for this Bail Bond Company they throw some cash to the homeless person when they get out after time served... this homeless person can make some good money within 24 - 48 hours..being in lockup..

If you do this in Broward or West Palm Beach County, the Sheriff's will arrest you on the spot ! They do not tolerate this for one second..! You do not see a Bail Bondsman outside these jails at all.... Only in Dade you see them camping out and the smell of corruption permeates from the Miami jail grounds...

Yes there are times which is "Illegal" when you hear a Bail Bondsman will write someones bond for less then the 10% cause the family may not have the full 10% at the moment and will put them on a "payment plan" but if the family doesnt pay the balance owed or if that bond goes bad, that agent is on the hook to pay the balance of that 10%..and find that defendant and surrender him back into custody. As for myself I tell these people that dont have the money to pay the 10% - "If I dont have the 10% at the time you need the bond written go find someone else to do it" .. if that person doesnt have the cash now .. they wont have the cash latter.. just like was said in a previous thread.. "I will gladly pay you Tuesday, to get outta Jail today" "Blimpie

and then on top of all this ... you have Miami Dade County doing what they call " PRE-TRIAL RELEASE" which by the way is currently be fought in court by the bail bond companies in FL.. Pre-Trial is when the court releases these defendant(s) on pretty much the same basis as a bail bond but the county makes the money... but this costs the tax payers money as the County pays all these employees in the court system to work and process all these defendants which I am sure was just a position to save someone's job in the county due to budget cuts and layoffs.. as a Tax Payer I would much rather have a Bail Bondsmans money taking care of the defendants while out on bond then me paying my taxes for the County Workers to play Bail Bondsman.. the bottom line is this Pre-Trial also cuts down the amount of business we the bail bond company could possibly generate itself..

I will stop writing now as I am getting morning sickness after thinking about all what I wrote.. :cry:

Limited Surety Agent (FL) - License # P_2O8124_
Private Investigator (FL) - License # C_27OOO33_
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"Surprise Sex is the Best Thing to Wake up to, UNLESS, You are in Jail... "

 Post subject: Re: Bail Bonds Questioned In Hamilton County, Ohio
 Post Posted: Sun 09 Jan 2011 06:57 
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In Maryland, to post personal property, it must be real estate only. All persons on the deed of trust must be present, they must have the deed of trust, the outstanding mortgages and their most recent tax bill. the formula is 80% of the tax accessed value (not appraised value) less any outstanding mortgages. Unless grandma is putting up her house, most people don't have enough equity. For professional property bondsman, such as I, we have to have real estate only, free and clear, deeded to the court. To qualify as a property bondsman, you must have actively written surety for two years, and start off with a single piece of property with a minimum tax accessed value of $62,500.00 that is free and clear, verified by and titled to the circuit court in that circuit, and you must report your outstanding equity and bonds in circuit court separately, with every bond posted. You can add additional properties later, to increase your total available equity, and must track each property separately, and specify which property the bond is being posted on. annually, we are required to provide to the court an accounting of every transaction on our properties, to include exonerations, outstanding forfeitures etc. If you have an outstanding forfeiture, your property is shut off until surrender or the bond is paid.


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
Chesapeake Bail Bonds
301-392-1100 (fax)
301-392-1900 (Office)

 Post subject: Re: Bail Bonds Questioned In Hamilton County, Ohio
 Post Posted: Sun 09 Jan 2011 08:59 
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Blue... there are at least two companies in northern Virginia that have posting agents working 8 hour shifts at the jails... sitting inside or in their cars or across the street... it is an hourly thing... they get $50 for each bond and some of these non-liability agents are pulling down a lot more than some of the liability agents... I have this on personal info from several that are doing this... one agent in particular works a full time job during the week and pulls weekend duty at the jail where he is knocking down more than his regular job... go figure......... I think I should become a posting agent for one of these companies and forget this shaky business of surety liability... better hours, possibly more pay and no problems... if the def. skips... the company has a crew that works it and I just keep writing...

Not that it matters, but this is documented info... but I am sure the owners of the companies I speak of... and if they read these threads they know .... are just smiling, and they could care less who knows this stuff................

... food for thought... maybe the way of the future.......... maybe I should give them a call ....... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Bail Bonds Questioned In Hamilton County, Ohio
 Post Posted: Sun 09 Jan 2011 09:14 
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speezack wrote:
Blue... there are at least two companies in northern Virginia that have posting agents working 8 hour shifts at the jails... sitting inside or in their cars or across the street... it is an hourly thing... they get $50 for each bond and some of these non-liability agents are pulling down a lot more than some of the liability agents... I have this on personal info from several that are doing this... one agent in particular works a full time job during the week and pulls weekend duty at the jail where he is knocking down more than his regular job... go figure......... I think I should become a posting agent for one of these companies and forget this shaky business of surety liability... better hours, possibly more pay and no problems... if the def. skips... the company has a crew that works it and I just keep writing...

Not that it matters, but this is documented info... but I am sure the owners of the companies I speak of... and if they read these threads they know .... are just smiling, and they could care less who knows this stuff................

... food for thought... maybe the way of the future.......... maybe I should give them a call ....... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I hear ya and can agree with you ... but here in FL .. if you get caught doing this by the Dept of Financial Services .. they will arrest you..(They just arrested a Bondsman last month for Soliciting in the Dade County courthouse) and if found guilty and if the charges are serious enough.. there go all my licenses .. my PI Lic.. and Concealed Weapons Permit .. and Certified Police Officer Credentials..and all my other licenses.. and if I were to decide making a fast buck over the longevity of doing the job the right way and making enough to survive and be happy...I will take doing this job the right way ...I might not get rich like the ones cheating and finagling.. but I sleep well at night and do not have to worry about being Bailed out myself by one of these worms and have to look over my shoulder everyday when I work worrying about getting caught...

These guys doing the shadey work hustling will eventually get theirs... greed always seems to bite them in the azz... Karma is a Biatch..

Beautiful Day Here today .. Burgers and Beers are in order for me today .. until I hope the phone rings with a client.. but it has been so dam slow here it is almost weird.. not one call the entire weekend to the office .. this has not happened in dunno how long ....

Limited Surety Agent (FL) - License # P_2O8124_
Private Investigator (FL) - License # C_27OOO33_
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"Surprise Sex is the Best Thing to Wake up to, UNLESS, You are in Jail... "

 Post subject: Re: Bail Bonds Questioned In Hamilton County, Ohio
 Post Posted: Sun 09 Jan 2011 16:05 
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Steve, Is this the same woman Bondsman that was pitching a fit about this stuff already?


Do not consider anything for your interest which makes you break your word, quit your modesty, or inclines you to any practice which will not bear the light, or look the world in the face .... Marcus Antonius


 Post subject: Re: Bail Bonds Questioned In Hamilton County, Ohio
 Post Posted: Sun 09 Jan 2011 16:27 
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LuVonda wrote:
Steve, Is this the same woman Bondsman that was pitching a fit about this stuff already?


Steve Faircloth
A Way Out Bail Bonds
(220) 204-9733 Cell
NSIN# SF0105
LIC. #704058

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