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Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012 23:52 |
Joined: Thu 23 Nov 2006 18:44 Posts: 1311 Location: San Ramon, CA
FRN Agency ID #: 1366
Experience: 7 - 10 years
Whipping boy:)
_________________ Kate 650.863.8470
" Yeah, I see ya, you ding dong..."
Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012 00:35 |
Joined: Sun 26 Nov 2006 04:28 Posts: 679 Location: San Jose
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Go to bed woman its past ur bedtime <3 God its like having 2 wives now
_________________ Mike Norcal Bail Enforcement San Jose Ca. 360 237 1721 efax 408 402 2710 work cell DOI Bail Agent Lic 1844214 BSIS G1533544
Go hug a Tree
Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012 03:07 |
Joined: Thu 16 Dec 2010 10:07 Posts: 1033 Location: Miami, FL
FRN Agency ID #: 3828
Experience: More than 10 years
Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery ..
In this profession and any other involving Law Enforcement and dealing with criminals and people on the run... you should NEVER take ANYTHING on any pickup for granted.. like said prior DO NOT GET COMPLACENT and think the pick up is a routine pick up that will go perfectly, NOTHING IS ROUTINE!!.. always go in for a pickup with your guard up and watching your 6.. make sure you DO NOT GO ALONE ( Yes there are Agents here in Miami that think going alone to reap the 10% of the bond all for themselves is a better way to do it .. and the only thing they are going to be doing is having their own funeral.. ).. If you go with a group, make sure everyone is on the same page prior to getting to the scene .. make sure each member of the team knows their role and job function.. so that you don't have a football mountain of people on top of the bad guy when attempting to cuff .. there should be a take down guy .. a handcuff guy .. a door breacher.. and backup around & in the house / location.. etc.. everyone plays an important role even if you are the one watching the back of the house when the take down goes down in the front and you dont get lay hands on the subject. You are still important and never think you are not.
I have been in Law Enforcement & the Bail Business for a tad over 27 yrs combined now. It is quite the same when locating people to apprehend.. but the danger factor is ALWAYS there.. Do I enjoy doing Pickup's... NO I DO NOT .. But it is a necessary evil to clear any and all liability for the company you work for so that you may still continue to have a job in the future.
WEAR YOUR VESTS !! Make sure they are a good LEVEL protection .. DO NOT CHEAP OUT on a VEST .. This is what may save your life.. !!
Also, If you carry a gun in your area.. Make sure you go to the range and PRACTICE.. don't think cause you can hit the Black Center Dot on a Stationary Target you will be the Sniper in the Field if the Crap hits the fan ... Bad guys when shooting at you .. are not going to Stand Still and say Shoot Me..( I have had shootings and have shot and killed, it is far from exciting, nor am I proud of it, but it was a choice I was forced to make based on the other person's actions threatening me with Deadly Physical Force) they will be running and shooting possibly at you!! .. so make sure your practice at the range involves moving targets as well. Make sure your guns are CLEAN and Operational .. I can not tell you how many times I have seen Magazines rusted inside the gun and fail to release... or so much lint in the slide that the gun malfunctions and jams.. and clearing the weapon is a bitch .. Know how to Clear your weapon in the event that you do have a malfunction at the range ... not when you are in the line of fire and your life may be depending on it .. you can not yell TIME OUT in a Gun Fight with a bad guy .. You have a Millionth of a Second to make many life altering decisions prior to pulling that trigger.. and make sure all them decisions are the RIGHT ONES !! ..
If you are not carrying Firearms.. maybe less lethal weapons such as a Taser works wonderful!! Giving a person 50,000 reasons to not resist is always a good time... I am not a fan of mace as it usually backfires and messes all of us up while the bad guy is running away .. or when attempting to handcuff the bad guy.
Well enough about safety although it is never enough to remind everyone to be safe out there and look after each other when in the field.
_________________ JEFF P. Limited Surety Agent (FL) - License # P_2O8124_ Private Investigator (FL) - License # C_27OOO33_ NABBI Member
"Surprise Sex is the Best Thing to Wake up to, UNLESS, You are in Jail... "
Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012 08:07 |
Joined: Tue 24 Jan 2012 02:29 Posts: 160 Location: Aurora, Colorado
FRN Agency ID #: 4078
Experience: 3 - 5 years
NYPD BLUE wrote: Well enough about safety although it is never enough to remind everyone to be safe out there and look after each other when in the field. Howdy Amigo! Your post was a great reminder that safety is largely in our own hands. Espcially the parts about firearms maintenance and practice. Time spent on the range can prevent time spent in the hospital... or morgue. And a clean weapon is a functional weapon. The worst time for a semiauto pistol to malfunction is during an actual gunfight. When bullets are arriving in your vicinity, it is of little comfort using harsh language! I might add that along with not going cheap on a vest, don't go for bargain basement ammunition. Spend extra to ensure quality ammo in order to prevent jams. The reloads you buy from a friend at a terrific price just ain't what you wanna hang you life on! Nobody really wants to shoot anybody else, but we all wanna come home safely to our families. My wife doesn't yearn for widowhood, and should my life be threatened, I'll use the level of force to ensure I return home. Your post was lucid, well wrote, and I surely did appreciate it. We can always benefit from reminders where safety is concerned. And for your years of serive on that thin blue line, I thank you sincerely! Stay Safe! Mel
_________________ Mel Edington, Fugitive Recovery Agent CDOI 2011-117 Colorado Private Investigator, DORA PI10000052 Athame Investigations, division of Colorado Bounty Hunter LLC Aurora, Colorado 303-343-7111 Office 303-319-1077 Cell 303-366-3189 Fax
Available for Fugitive Recovery, Process Service, Investigation and Legal Courier Service.
Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012 08:33 |
in memoriam |
Joined: Fri 02 Mar 2007 10:51 Posts: 5055 Location: South Central Virginia
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Good post NYPD... IDPA is a great practice makes perfect place to hone your abilities... viewtopic.php?f=13&t=11768&hilit... in fact, I am heading to a friends house to do a bit of shooting around noon today... (living in the woods has its advantages... around my house... gunshots don't alarm anyone) Gonna give my little PX-4 Storm 9mm a work out... "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT"
_________________ Bill Marx, Sr. "FREE STATE BAIL BONDS" "FREE STATE INVESTIGATIONS" DCJS: 99-176979 Cell: 434-294-0222
"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"
"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"
Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012 21:54 |
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Joined: Thu 08 Dec 2011 21:17 Posts: 54 Location: Indianapolis, IN
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SpanielPI wrote: To further illustrate Scott's point: What do you do when you perform your leo check in and the dispatcher tells you to stand down and report to their facility asap ? Once there, you meet with the Sgt. who then gives you the full background on your def ? The def. is the local whack job, but heavily armed...heavily armed, serious surveillance system throughout his property, etc etc. Needless to say I heeded his advice and withdrew from the situation. We then contacted the U.S. Marshalls and asked for their assistance. It's all about safety and liability. Just think, it was my training and experience that possibly saved alot of lives as well as liabilities. Leo check ins are not required in my state. What if... I ran into a situation that was very similar to the retorical situuation that you described. We suspected our fugitive to be a certain house. Let me first say that even in my inexperienced ( at bail enforcement) my former boss was ready to go half-cocked...I cannot begin to list our deficiencies that night. That being said, after giving the dipatch a name and the directions to the house ( thats right! we didnt know the address ) we were refered to an Lt. that gave us the news that you described. Our guy was a bit of a whack-job...the house ohhhh the house! A known Meth Lab that has been raided previously by state county and fed DEA. Explosives were found there in the past. Naval EOD from Crane Naval Weapons Depot exploded those in place 2 years ago-- Assault rifles were known to be there, cameras lots of exterior lighting and they were even known to post guards in the woods. And NONE of the guys I was with were concerned enough about that to take a step back. Luckily the Lt we were in contact with wanted to meet with us at a nearby gas station to discuss options because they wanted in the house for the methlab and didnt have enough to aquire a warrant. They wanted our help with obtaining probable cause for that. We did a drive by to see what we would be facing and it was clear to me that I would not allow myself to be involved unless we had signifigant assistance (there was 4 of us and none of had ever worked together before) Bad bad news... Anyway..after our short recon we met with the Lt and I will never forget his words.."Did you see enough?" to which I replied " I did" ( with extra emphasis n "I") I looked looked at the whole sitiuation from a tactical standpoint. 1. It was 9-ish in the evening 2. The cameras and the lighting. 3. Paranoid meth house people (tweakers with guns) that we had no interest in that we would surely spook the crap of. 4. EXPLOSIVES were, at one time, found disperesed around the property by local, state and federal authoritiesand I had no reason to belive that they were not replaced. 5. We were 4 guys that have never worked together. 6. My tactical experience was being largely ignored by people that have none. 7. I lived in a house(not a base) on the east side of Baghdad ( heard of Sadr City?) for 6 months and lived because we used an abundance of common sense and NEVER half-assed anything and the group I was with was not at all concerned with being half-assed. This was, potentially, an extremely dangerous place and my 6th sense told me to STOP. I learned to trust 6th sense in combat a long time ago and I still use it today. I realy hope that it keeps keeping me alive and well. I am not the toughest guy on the block, but I am very hard to sneak up on. Stories like this remind me to stay frosty when I enroute to harm's way. My combat experience isn't enough to garuntee the end result of a violent confrontation but it does supply me with the tools I need well enough that I feel confident that I have the advantage. "Fear" has been discussed in other threads...A dose of Fear is good prolonged life and wound avoidance.
_________________ Bryan Westerfield - Bail Agent Angie Mardis Bail Bonds Franklin, Indiana Cell- 317-640-0724
Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Sun 29 Jan 2012 18:19 |
Joined: Thu 06 Jul 2006 14:22 Posts: 3982 Location: Maryland and Virginia
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Bryan, if your teammates do not or will not acknowledge situational awareness or op sec, get away from them. These people will get you killed or force you into a position whereby you must recover them in a hostile environment. After you save their butts, they will be offended and embarrassed and never acknowledge your actions. Nobody has power over you that you don't allow them to have, so don't be forced or pressured into a fatal funnel.
_________________ R.E. "Scott" MacLean III
"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"
Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc. Chesapeake Bail Bonds 877-574-0500 301-392-1100 (fax) 301-392-1900 (Office)
Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Tue 07 Feb 2012 20:41 |
Joined: Thu 09 Mar 2006 14:51 Posts: 3344
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Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012 07:05 |
I skimmed through this, and didn't see that any one had mentioned that the shooter has now been arrested.
Post subject: Re: Wichita Kansas Recovery Agent Shooting Posted: Wed 08 Feb 2012 11:50 |
Joined: Thu 06 Jul 2006 14:22 Posts: 3982 Location: Maryland and Virginia
FRN Agency ID #: 455
Experience: More than 10 years
Casey, Can you please fill us in on the capture, charges filed and the condition/prognosis of the Bail Enforcement Agent?
_________________ R.E. "Scott" MacLean III
"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"
Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc. Chesapeake Bail Bonds 877-574-0500 301-392-1100 (fax) 301-392-1900 (Office)