LuVonda wrote:
Now, You mentioned that your person is a 'Child Support' issue . . . that my dear, is accompanied by a "Body Attachment" meaning they WILL come. I have absolutely NO sympathy for an individual (male or female) that does not pay their CS. The kids did not ask to be here . . . that is a choice that two, alleged 'adults' made . . . don't get me going here ARGH!!!!
Well, the thing on this particular case is that he is... and has been paying through the courts but his ex wanted to cause some problems so she apparently told LE he was not paying and rather than check court records... which would have shown payments made... the local magistrate put the charges on him..... he actually showed me and the Virginia magistrate receipts for payments made through DEC. but the charge was there so the magistrate had no choice.... anyway, I agree with your assessment on child support cases as I do with child porn cases... unless I have good intel on the person probably having false charge place... as does happen occasionally... I usually will not do a bond for anything related to children... but not changing the subject... thanks for your take on warrant of extradition.