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 Post subject: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011 09:40 
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As a small Fugitive Recovery Agency (6 employees), we are sometimes called upon to assist other FRA's in apprehending fugitives for them. Approximately 3 months ago, we were contacted by a FRA (who shall remained "unnamed") to pursue a fugitive which was not in our area but was closer to us then their agency. We assembled our team and drove the 3 hours to the specific area where we had tracked the fugitive and even had confirmation that he was there but a greedy relative was inaccurate, which resulted in no arrest and thus resulted in another 3 hours back home. About 2 weeks later, we received another tip that he was 45 minutes from our office and after that evening, we spent roughly 11 hours working on a case which we received absolutely no compensation for.

I then sent a standard fugitive recovery contract to the bail bondsman that was ultimately responsible for the FRA that contacted our agency. The accompanying letter basically said that if we are to continue on with the case, a contract must be signed. My whole reason for this was because we were wasting our time, energy, and $$$ to pursue a fugitive for which were receiving no compensation for. About a month after I sent it, I received an angry text message from the FRA that contacted us stating to stop "begging" for money and "that's what bounty hunting is all about.....".

My question to the FRA community, was I wrong in sending the standard contract and does anyone think this FRA's business conduct is inappropriate?

Rich S.
Fugitive Recovery Agent
Battlefield Fugitive Recovery Services
FRN Agency ID #: 4551
Gettysburg, PA

Office: (717) 814-8064
Fax: (636) 590-1994

 Post subject: Re: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011 10:21 
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This is a tough call for me because I have, thus far, only had bad experiences when called upon to assist out-of-area BEAs. Sending the contract straight to the bondsman sounds like a no-brainer except for the fact that often a BEA will farm out a long distance case without the bondsman even knowing other BEAs are involved! When contacted like this now, I take it in stride. I don't put any time or effort into the case until I have the complete file and a signed contract.

Tom Duprey
Founding member, NABBI (Nat'l Assoc. of Bail Bond Inv.)
Ca. Bail Agent Lic#1845795
Owner/Operator, Thomas Duprey Bail Bonds
Owner/Operator, Orange County Bounty
(714) 727-4689

 Post subject: Re: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011 19:38 
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I would have to say (IMHO) that the contract was the best way to go.

Several years ago, I was asked to assist on an out of state case. I was to meet the agent at mid-night at a store. I drove (more than an hour;1 1/2 atleast), arrived at the store @ 15 minutes til 12:00, called for an ETA and was told "I have not left my office (in Alabama). It will be about 2 hours before I get there." I called again at 2am to see how far away he was. I was told "Don't get impatient. I won't be there for atleast an hour. Look, I am paying YOU. Don't rush ME." Upon arrival, at 3:30, I was asked for "the file" by this BRA. I said, "It is your case, originating out of Alabama....why would I have a case file? You mean you didn't bring a copy?" He said that he sent me an e-mailed copy before he left his office and I should have printed and brought it with me (rememeber, I was sitting in the store parking lot hours before he left his office). I asked what he wanted to do; Head to the apartment from the file (supposedly, he remembered the address) or go another day. He asked what I thought "since you know Georgia and I don't". I said we needed to wait until he had his paperwork because we were heading into a rough neighborhood and we needed our bases covered JUST IN CASE. He decided to "hit the place" anyway. Long story-short, he did not rememeber the address but refused to leave the complex until he had "SOMETHING". In the hours that we were there, we saw a car get broken into, three teens get chased out of an apartment they had broken in to, and four teen wreck a car they had stolen. After a 6 hours (8 counting from the time I left my office) he finally called everything off stating that I had messed the whole case up by not having the file and not coordinating with the police the way I should have. I told him that I could not call LE without proper paperwork and I never got the file from him. He then told me that I would be working this case "by myself" and "for free" because of all of his time I had wasted. From the time I left my office to the time I stepped in my front door was 10 1/2 hours. In the end......I learned to never work without a contract unless I truely and absolutely know and trust the person WELL.....and the professionals from here, that I would work with/for without a contract, demand a contract, anyway.

And just so there is no question: I closed the case for the Alabama BRA......I took the warrant and NCIC to area LE and had them pick up and hold the SIQ for the Bondsman/Recovery Agent/LE Agency (whoever came to get him).

Thomas SnoWolf
FRN# 1999
GAPB 20120726
"The hero is not the man that acts without fear,
He is the man that acts inspite of fear"

 Post subject: Re: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011 20:56 
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I have done fairly well working with other FRA's but usually I am also in contact with the bondsman as well.The current case that I just closed today was a good example of that.The bondsman in this case told me flat out that he does not handle the recovery side and had me stay in contact with his FRA.His FRA is the one who originally contacted me to handle a case for him.My only draw back to dealing with this type of scenario was in fact getting a wrong location that was 4 hours in the wrong direction from the bondsman.I have recently posted on this case a week or so ago.

In a way this other FRA was correct in the fact that it is the way some bondsmen as well as other FRA do business.Not saying it is right,but sometimes they have a point.They are n ot obligated to pay you without some form of results and usually those results are to have their defendant in custody.I have been screwed a few times and yes it is best to have a contract but I am would be a hypocrit if I told you to have one everytime because there are times that I do not get one and I run that risk of losing out on my time and energy.

I have not recieved payment for this one as it was the weekend so the check will be sent monday morning,No contract but I am hoping they follow through with our agreement.It appears that they are going to so I am really not concerned at this time.

Jay Crawford
Eagle Eye Fugitive Recovery
"based out of Bethpage Tn."

 Post subject: Re: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011 22:02 
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As a Bail Agent I recover my skips. I also do recovery work for Insurance companies and a few bondsman. Like Jay, I don't always require a contract but I do get to know the few Bondsman I'm hired by very very well before I do any recovery work for them. I get references on them as they do the same on me. No offense to any Bondsman out there but I've found some Bondsman are barely making it financially and have a hard time paying up. Having said that, there are some that I have no problems with and those are the one's I work with and sometimes contract with.

I've never had a problem with any Insurance company I've contracted with and prefer Insurance work over any other.

This is just my experience and may not apply to anyone else.
My advice would be, get a signed contract before working for anyone...Even though I don't, it is the professional way to do business. My 2 cents

Bill Williams
Bail Agent
Eagle Bonding Services
Asheville NC 28804
Lic # NC10013561
Lic # TN 2033018

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 Post subject: Re: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011 22:06 
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I am actually going to be pursuing legal methods against a former client for unpaid work and that was WITH a contract!

Tom Duprey
Founding member, NABBI (Nat'l Assoc. of Bail Bond Inv.)
Ca. Bail Agent Lic#1845795
Owner/Operator, Thomas Duprey Bail Bonds
Owner/Operator, Orange County Bounty
(714) 727-4689

 Post subject: Re: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011 22:26 
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By having that contract, your chances of recovering what is owed to you is much greater than it otherwise would have been.

Again, my 2 cents

Bill Williams
Bail Agent
Eagle Bonding Services
Asheville NC 28804
Lic # NC10013561
Lic # TN 2033018

Never be haughty to the humble
or humble to the haughty - Jefferson Davis

 Post subject: Re: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011 05:51 
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I have half a mind to give a call to the Bail Bondsman that was responsible for this FRA.....more out of professionalism but out of curiosity also.

Rich S.
Fugitive Recovery Agent
Battlefield Fugitive Recovery Services
FRN Agency ID #: 4551
Gettysburg, PA

Office: (717) 814-8064
Fax: (636) 590-1994

 Post subject: Re: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011 08:06 
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My contracts stipulate me by name, my agents and assigns which covers subcontractors. If I subcontract a case to anyone that contacts my client directly, you will never work with me again, period.

This business is built on years of producing results consistently, which also allows for higher fees. Someone contacts my client and under cuts for 1 case, any bondsman will jump at a chance to save money.
There is no loyalty in this business, and unfortunately, the bondsmen with the most skips are usually the ones that need help the most Nd then they are out of business. They come in like lions and go out like lambs, blaming everything on everyone else, and never taking ownership of their own actions or greed.

Just my opinion...


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
Chesapeake Bail Bonds
301-392-1100 (fax)
301-392-1900 (Office)

 Post subject: Re: Working with other FRA's
 Post Posted: Sun 21 Aug 2011 08:36 
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I would advise that you have a contract signed from the very first. In this day and age of faxes and e-mail attachments getting a signed contract should not take any time at all.

Jeff Downer
Jeff Downer Bail Bonds
Indianapolis, IN

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