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Bail Files
Post subject: New Bounty Hunter App for IOS devices Posted: Wed 16 Apr 2014 14:59 |
Junior Poster |
Joined: Wed 21 Mar 2012 11:08 Posts: 22
FRN Agency ID #: 0
Experience: 7 - 10 years
I have been using 6 different apps throughout the years to help me with Bounty Hunting. And I have finally had enough. So I have contracted a developer and we are developing a specific app for our industry. Now I know every state and every company is a little different, So I am trying to make this as robust as possible to help everyone.
So here are a list of things going into the App. If I am missing something or you have any suggestions, please feel free to reply here and I will see if I can't implement your idea.
Client area: -add/edit/delete all fields -pdf attachment files to each client, add attachments from emails -multiple photo upload fields, if no photo is attached, a generic image is used -video attachment field, add attachments from camera roll or emails -address fields should have a button to click to open up my native Map application for easy directions -and all other pertinent information fields such as name, address, phone, bond amount etc. There will be approximately 30 fields that need to be filled out for each client. all of which should be searchable -arrest location -all client files should have a button on them to print out a "wanted" or "reward" poster. after all information is plugged into the fields, this button will create a PDF or HTML document i cant print. -all client files should have a calculation area for amount earned, amount paid out to informants and co-workers -there should be area where i can click a button and it creates a document filled out by several of the fields. And at the bottom of the document it needs a signature from a finger. After it is signed, it needs to be emailed and saved into the clients file with the other documents. (we call this a surrender form in MN)
Arrest area: -i am looking for a button on the main page that i can click and it will bring up an interactive map with a pin placed for each location i have arrested someone. if i click that pin, i want to be able to see the name, bond amount and photo of the person i arrested at that location. there should also be a link to open his/her file. -these arrest pins should also have a filter by date, gender, bond amount, county name, bonding company name
logbook area: -this should be some sort of a log that i can track my mileage on my vehicles. Possibly have it integrated in with the client files. example: if i was working on "john doe's" file and i put 30 miles on my car, that field will be in his client file, as well as this area. -the log book should be able to export all information in a HTML and or PDF file for tax purposes, etc. -there should be an area showing the total amount earned for a specified period of time, amount paid out, and amount paid out to co-workers. All of which should have an export function to HTML or PDF for printing and emailing.
Search area: -there should be a search function that searches every field for the search term. no matter if its a log or in a client file. -i should be able to search by bonding company names, bond amount, arrest dates, male or female, or by any specific field that a user can input from
**** MUST BE ABLE TO BACKUP AND RESTORE THE DATABASE **** -this will give me the option of using the app of several different devices. I would ultimately like to just press a button an be able to "sync" the database, and do the same on other devices and have it all streamlined.
_________________ ________________ Ryan Overby 763-498-1933
Bail Files
Post subject: Re: New Bounty Hunter App for IOS devices Posted: Sun 06 Jul 2014 20:45 |
Junior Poster |
Joined: Wed 21 Mar 2012 11:08 Posts: 22
FRN Agency ID #: 0
Experience: 7 - 10 years
After an exhausting few months with a developer, we are now shifting courses. We are currently working on a website that does all of the things listed, as well as more. It will be secure and can handle unlimited bonding companies as well as agents using it.
In the long run an app will be made to use that directly integrates with the website, but for now it will be just the website.
We choose this route so it can be available to anyone whether they are using an iPhone, a tablet or a computer.
I can't wait for it to be complete and for a short time it will be free. (Meaning if you sign up before it goes to a paid service, you will be grandfathered in to a free membership).
If you have any questions please feel free to ask, or I will let everyone know when it is up and running..
_________________ ________________ Ryan Overby 763-498-1933
Post subject: Re: New Bounty Hunter App for IOS devices Posted: Sun 06 Jul 2014 21:30 |
Joined: Thu 16 Dec 2010 10:07 Posts: 1033 Location: Miami, FL
FRN Agency ID #: 3828
Experience: More than 10 years
Sounds good .. cant wait to see it in action...  !!!!!!!!
_________________ JEFF P. Limited Surety Agent (FL) - License # P_2O8124_ Private Investigator (FL) - License # C_27OOO33_ NABBI Member
"Surprise Sex is the Best Thing to Wake up to, UNLESS, You are in Jail... "
Post subject: Re: New Bounty Hunter App for IOS devices Posted: Sun 06 Jul 2014 21:41 |
Joined: Tue 24 Jan 2012 02:29 Posts: 160 Location: Aurora, Colorado
FRN Agency ID #: 4078
Experience: 3 - 5 years
Howdy! I will be looking foward to giving that website a whirl. That will be particularly nice, considering I run an Android phone. Android is rapidly eclipsing Iphone for the number of units in service, so having the ability to access information using that platform would be helpful.
May I suggest one feature I haven't seen mentioned, though I may have missed it.???
How about some sort of GPS tagging of those photos and videos? That could take care of putting in the address(es) and make workflow a bit more efficient.
Also, maybe a bit of something for tracking leads and addresses checked out.
Just a little wool gathering there.
Yours, Agent11-117
_________________ Mel Edington, Fugitive Recovery Agent CDOI 2011-117 Colorado Private Investigator, DORA PI10000052 Athame Investigations, division of Colorado Bounty Hunter LLC Aurora, Colorado 303-343-7111 Office 303-319-1077 Cell 303-366-3189 Fax
Available for Fugitive Recovery, Process Service, Investigation and Legal Courier Service.
Bail Files
Post subject: Re: New Bounty Hunter App for IOS devices Posted: Sun 06 Jul 2014 21:50 |
Junior Poster |
Joined: Wed 21 Mar 2012 11:08 Posts: 22
FRN Agency ID #: 0
Experience: 7 - 10 years
The geo-tagging is a good idea. And there will be a setup where you can check off addresses you have input, including a description.
For example you can check an address and add a description saying "brothers house" etc
All input is welcome. I'm trying to develop an all-in-one website that will help streamline our side of the business.
1 of the main goals is also to have a "wanted" area that will display a fugitives photo and name in a public database. This will be searched by google every 45 seconds so if anyone searches your fugitives name, they will see that the person is wanted and get the public to help (as much as they are willing to anyway). No private information will be displayed, just the name, photo and information of who to contact if they have information
_________________ ________________ Ryan Overby 763-498-1933
Post subject: Re: New Bounty Hunter App for IOS devices Posted: Wed 08 Apr 2015 07:33 |
Joined: Fri 08 Feb 2013 12:41 Posts: 72 Location: Lansing, Michigan
FRN Agency ID #: 0
Experience: 3 - 5 years
I have been searching for useful aps since I started in this field. Something that might be cool with the site/ap is a way to search all social media for the named fugitive. Please keep us informed on the status of your project.
_________________ Duanne Silver Bail Enforcement Agent Investigator
Leo's Bail Bonds ATU Monitoring & Recovery Service Lansing, MI (989) 721-6236 (517) 676-1021