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 Post subject: Meet the Press today
 Post Posted: Sun 23 Dec 2012 12:51 
in memoriam
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Anyone happen to catch "Meet the Press" this morning?

Wayne LaPierre, IMHO, did a very good job of handling David Gregory's comments. I felt Wayne stood his ground and presented facts for his side and it appeared to me that Mr. Gregory was not able to bend the line of conversation in his direction.

I will say that as an NRA life member for over 25 years... I sometimes think certain comments coming from the NRA are a bit strong but this particular conversation was done very well and presented the gun rights case in a manner that answered questions and objections with facts not just emotions.

More gun laws and restrictions, IMHO, will not work... any more than tripling the number of speed limit signs will make people drive the speed limit.... and as for the large capacity magazine ban.... I have already made my comment on that subject... which frankly will also not work.

I commented on a story run on Yahoo the other day.... for what it is worth... here it is, if your inclined to read it...

I am a life member of the NRA, a former Marine, a licensed bail bondsman and a licensed PI... I also have 3 carry permits, one from the circuit court in the county I live in, which is a state issued CCP, one with DCJS for CCP as a bondsman and one with DCJS for CCP as a PI. Having clarified my stance from that direction, I would simply say that I have no problem with a none biased, properly done background check by and for anyone purchasing a firearm, be it from an FFL dealer or at a gun show. I also believe that full restrictions should apply to anyone convicted as a felon or having mental issues at a level to be determined fairly on facts and not emotions. As far as this assault weapon and/or high capacity magazine ban that is being considered... the only basic difference in a semi-automatic "assault" weapon and a semi-automatic "hunting" rifle is the physical appearance and frankly, I can drop a small capacity magazine and insert a new one in seconds, so the ban... IMHO is much over nothing and is fueled much more by emotion than facts and common sense. Everyone is appalled by the horrendous act in CT. Just because I own a firearm does not make me one of the people that may perpetrate these acts any more than the fact that I also own a car that can run 120MPH… but won’t drive it that fast. You can continue to remove access to certain weapons… an assault weapon look alike today… and then next year another type of firearm… and the next year another… and continuing until you remove them all, but these acts will still take place because the bottom line on these problems is not the tool but the person behind it. That is an old line but it is absolutely the truth. I personally believe drugs and their availability and the culture behind them, is the real culprit here but that is another issue. Even the violent video games that are now available, IMHO, plays a role in the issues of violence in this country. I also feel that the current level of violence in the movies… which sells tickets and also puts forward the desensitizing of the people that continue to buy those tickets and view those type films, needs to be addressed. You can blame the guns, mainly because they certainly are in the forefront of the issue and provide a focus, but we all need to look way past this immediate item of blame and delve much deeper into our culture and society because the real problems are much deeper than attempting to remove a particular type of firearm or related items from public access. I think a cartoon is circulating that depicts a scholar and a blackboard and the caption simply reads… “Disarming innocent people does not protect innocent people”.
Emotion will determine this issue, disguised as common sense answers to a very complicated question. There is another saying that is absolutely the truth. “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” Only one other thought you may want to think about… the police are a reactionary force, they do not come until after the fact… your legal weapon may be the only thing that protects you and your family until the law arrives.
I would venture to say that the politicians and others that are developing and setting in place all the firearm bans... very likely have firearms in their homes and are protected by armed security wherever they go. Do you honestly believe that those that sign such a ban are not armed to the teeth. They want to tell you what to do, but they play by a totally different set of rules.

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

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