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 Post subject: Re: Who screwed up??
 Post Posted: Wed 12 May 2010 12:09 
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A man walks into his bail agents office with a handgun and a knife....

I had to copy and paste what TRULY sounds like the beginning of a great joke! LOL.

Nothing else to add.........WOW!!!!

Tom Duprey
Founding member, NABBI (Nat'l Assoc. of Bail Bond Inv.)
Ca. Bail Agent Lic#1845795
Owner/Operator, Thomas Duprey Bail Bonds
Owner/Operator, Orange County Bounty
(714) 727-4689

 Post subject: Re: Who screwed up??
 Post Posted: Wed 12 May 2010 12:11 
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Wait, wait wait.....I have an answer to the OPs title question. "Who screwed up??" My guess would be......your parents! Okay.....now my esteemed colleagues and mentors may beat up on me for my immaturity.......

Tom Duprey
Founding member, NABBI (Nat'l Assoc. of Bail Bond Inv.)
Ca. Bail Agent Lic#1845795
Owner/Operator, Thomas Duprey Bail Bonds
Owner/Operator, Orange County Bounty
(714) 727-4689

 Post subject: Re: Who screwed up??
 Post Posted: Wed 12 May 2010 20:02 
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:D This is really getting good...

Chris Rowland Bonding
Serving Rutherford and Cannon Counties (Tn)

Steven Prater

 Post subject: Re: Who screwed up??
 Post Posted: Wed 12 May 2010 21:49 
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nice to see a local here Chris,i have passed you in rutherford county jail while i was turning over fugitives.I have also worked with one of your previous bonding agents on recoveries.
Please post an introduction in the intro section so the rest of my colleagues know who you are.

Jay Crawford
Eagle Eye Fugitive Recovery
"based out of Bethpage Tn."

 Post subject: Re: Who screwed up??
 Post Posted: Sat 15 May 2010 00:09 
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Nevermind Steven prater i apoligise for my last post,all i seen was the bonding company you were working for and misread it as your name.Late night reading gave me tunnel vision!! lol
although i Have passed chris Rowland on numerous trips to the jail to relinquish my fugitives.

Jay Crawford
Eagle Eye Fugitive Recovery
"based out of Bethpage Tn."

 Post subject: Re: Who screwed up??
 Post Posted: Sat 15 May 2010 09:45 
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I hate to say it but you actions are why were so hated, feared and Frowned upon in this Industry.

And as it was already pointed out.

One you never use a Weapon unless you fully Intend on using it and are ready to make that Life sec decision to fire and accept you may kill 2 a long rifle does not make for good weapon in Close Quarter Combat (CQC). They can be used but only with Proper Training and years of Experience.

Rule number 1. Never draw a Weapon unless Fully intending on using and ready to Kill make sure you have been fully trained and Understand and Know the laws and regression if you do use it, and be Properly Trained with USE of FORCE, and be fully trained and Knowledgeable on the weapon you are using , I recommend getting some medical treatment certifications.

2. Always know your Surrounding’s and keep the Gun pointed at the target, if you can't hit your mark safely never fire. Do not keep your finger on the trigger by doing so you can accidently fire and wound or kill a suspect without wanting to or lets use another example finger on the trigger someone bumps into you or you trip and fall and accidently fire, you didn't mean to but if your Use Force and it's is not Justified your going Jail, or you could miss and wound or kill your own team or Incent By stander please if you’re going continue to use a Lethal option get as much training as you can ask Scott of Chesapeake he knows a rack of Accredited Schools for our Profession.

3. Never ever under and circum stances relinquish your weapon always keep your weapon with you and away from the perp, proper training will teach you that with years of experience, In the event there is a struggle defend that gun as your life and your agents life depend on it keep it close to you. And Yes your life does depend on it if the Defendant got the AR he could of shot each and every one of you properly without Blinking.

When I train my Agents all training is real time and dummy guns and knives are used but I will make them fight fully as if there life depended on it and rough them up bad hitting, beating biting as if I was perp, I do this because in (RLS) Real Life Situation these are things you run into classes only teach so much but hand's on training with experience can be difference between life and death.

There are allot more Rules but I will not go into the rest these are the 3 main ones, consult Scott and I recommend going through the NRA certification and signing up

I recommend 24-7 wearing a concealable vest a nice light weight vest that can be hidden under a regular shirt. But if you want wear a vest like so many do on the outside just go ahead and post please shoot me in my head I’m wearing a vest on yourself http://www.bulletproofme.com/

This is just my Preference but I like casual clothes with all my gear hidden.

Had you had more Non lethal options a Taser works extremely well not sure on the Laws in your area in MD there banned in 11 Counties but, I have personally used them in the Banned counties and argued with the Police make your decision next time, I will Use the Taster non lethal or 00 Buck Shot and you clean up the mess, If I’m under arrest then arrest me otherwise have good night sir, each time they always let me go. The day they do not I have a very good Lawyer on standby with legal representation from my Surety on call.

In this kind of Business you need that representation handy!!!!!!!

I would recommend you keeping more Non lethal choices, ASP, MACE, FOGGER, a TASER if you are licensed Bondsman Taser International will Sale to you direct a M26 Advance Police Model Taser has 35 foot range for $399 that’s discounted price , Taser will not Sale it to a FFL Dealer believe me I know I just tried past 2 weeks to order 5 at lower price was hopping they were baffled they sale a gun but Taser will not sale a Taser to them, lol Kind of funny but with a faxed copy of your License to Taser LE Dept they will sale it direct to you as if you are LE were treated and giving the same discounts as Police. You must contact the LE Dept of Taser my Preferred choice is the M26 older Model holstered looks and makes People think it’s a Gluck but it’s not, make sure to remove the yellow stickers get a grip cover.

There is also another Newer Taser works much better extremely costly and I personally think it looks like something off of Star trek the X26 http://www.taser.com/products/law/pages/taserx26.aspx

A Hinged Pair of Cuffs http://www.handcuffwarehouse.com/ will do wonders get one Cuff on it will allow you to take better Control of the Defendant and use Less Force. I carry 2 One Model 100H Big Boy by Smith and Wesson and One Asp Tactical which I have grown to like more they have a double sided lock so No worries on putting them on Right in the Heat of the Moment there more Light weight and they have cool looking, I call Motorcycle Chain design much cheaper than the Smith Big Boys

If you Insist on using the AR then Buy some Non lethal Rounds http://www.simunition.com/cartridges/fx_training_en.php and I recommend getting the Proper training never use it close quarters keep your distance , Invest in a Laser site they make difference come standard with the M26 when the Defendant sees a laser on their body Most know they had it when you use Proper training stay away from arms reach with an AR at least 10 feet back, when they See that laser go from face to body they usually comply.

I would recommend getting a nice shotgun and using Non lethal options , there’s allot of rounds available for that if you would like suppliers will be happy to Post and recently Taser has a new shotgun with 65 foot range 100 percent Non Lethal the X-12 Mossberg uses the new XREP which is used in the current X26http://www.taser.com/products/law/pages/taserx12.aspx

Don't take my Word for it take Macs from Future Weapons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtHi_0Qc3Ts&feature=related

The situation should have been handled way different, these are things, We deal with daily in my Company and all my agents are Trained to my Specifications

Next time if you’re going trick the Defendant like that if you have back office bring the Defendant to it, you don't have to be hiding have the other agents outside your office waiting to come in they can be sitting at a desk acting as if there working on paper work or watching TV or outside waiting cell phones work great for communication , you can text or call and hang up , or have a radio on in the office and out of site so they can hear and know the key word to come in, your agents.

Relax the Defendant don't be serious but laid back, hell Joke with them get them comfortable ask if you can get them a drink or something once they sit down whether there armed or not it gives you and your team a Much better advantage of apprehending the defendant then it does when they’re standing, they can't run or get to a knife or gun if your coordinate it Properly.

Always assume there Armed and treat the situation like that until there detained if you know there armed take more caution and coordination example you stay outside awaiting to come in one of your agents bring them to the back room, then while staying away from the Defendant you come in with the AR if that’s your preferred choice use verbal Judo in short its proper use of force to control and deescalate a situation police and military are taught it with sometimes security guards.

I never relinquish my prisoner unless I have written documentation that LE took them I have special In house forms all my Agents carry if the police refuse to sign I do not relinquish my defendant unless they override me and a felony or crime was done in their presence or they have a warrant that supersedes mine, then I get copy of the arrest to turn back in so it shows the defendant was apprehended by me or my team and we get paid or exonerated from the bond.

I have sit many times with perps and have never had a problem with medical it’s how you present yourself, how you talk to them, sometimes with people like that you need talk like a LE but never identify yourself as one, being ex fed I know how to talk without them even asking who or what I am, take control of the situation.

If they insist on you can't be there Because of Privacy Issues, camp outside the door and tell them that’s fine but you’re not shutting that door and I’m not leaving.

If the police offer to watch them and turn them in get a form signed and make sure to get the officers name and Badge number just in case something does go wrong.

I'm sorry the officers were totally in the wrong and in Violation of Law of Uniformed Police Act, legally called Uniform Law Enforcement Act that states if a Sworn officer knowingly lets go a Suspect with a active warrant without arresting them they can be charged a Misdemeanor and giving up to a min of 5 years in jail now does it really hold up not in this day and age but there is law federal law, mention it to a Captain watch them change tune when they know you’re not just a Joe blow who doesn't know the laws, but are very professional and Knowledgeable get up on your laws always stay updated or prepare to pay the consequences’.

My team would of not went back after them unless it was absolutely necessarily, the police chief or all the way to Attorney General would of been contacted and the state would of handled situation and all paperwork would be signed and notarized so not only can we get paid but the bondsman who hired us can turn that into whatever state and court the defendant was wanted in and they would be exonerated from the bond and refunded their money if paid if not paid at least it's over.

You said I’m not sure Jokingly or if you were serious that if he would of ran you would of shot him in the Knee cap, so admittedly said you would shoot an unarmed man I’m sure his lawyers are having a field day with this, had you of actually shot him without justifying your life and agents life were in danger guess who goes to jail with him you.

Don't joke about things like that, this is what peeves me off and why I have such hard time in this crappy state because of all the yahoos 12,500 exact in Maryland total for Bondsman as of march 1st (Note not all 12,500 are yahoos but allot are) who think there cops, or Rambo or whatever think but there careless, in experience, and ruthless, then when I need police assistance there reluctant to help because so many have already caused a bad name.

You also said you beat the defendant with the AR in the head why did you use such Brute Force that could or may have caused fatal actions on the defendant, learn the proper Use of Force and understand it. Are you sure he’s not crazy and brain dead because of this or previous people doing this to him, id fight you and cops tooth and nail to because this is how I was treated before.

A nice good hard but to stomach, chest or even legs so you can get defendant off his feet would have prevented this whole escalation.

Had the Defendant of cried assault, you and your whole team could of been arrested but you’re lucky he didn't but your still liable and legally open for a law suit.

Please be more Professional seek out the full training you and your agents need and you won't ever have to worry about going through this again let alone writing about it on a Public forum for anyone to see.

And to answer your? But my question is who screwed up with this, us or the police department

Booth did Your actions caused this, live from it prevent it from ever happining again make this a Life long lesson learned.


Owner of

Outlaw_Recovery wrote:
I had a question about a skip that I got the other night:

He was tricked into meeting me, thinking if he paid some more that it would keep him from going into custody. Upon showing up at the office, I came from the dark (from behind him) because he walked past me and didn't notice me. The other bondsman was standing in the back part of the office ( had to get subject as far from the door as possible to keep him from running). I came up behind him with AR in hand, ordered him to the floor. Which he complied with, until the cuffs were going on. Then the fight was on. Subject was hitting us , kicking us, etc. So we proceeded to put a go old fashion butt whipping on him, I was hit in the lip by the individual and he was attempting to escape out the emergency exit ( guess he thought this is a emergency), he wound up breaking the other bondsman's finger nail off (female). I wound up striking the subject with the butt of the AR numerous times to try to get him to comply. Subject was still very combative and the strikes to the head and back with the butt of the AR weren't fazing him much at all. The other bondsman was finally able to grab he cell phone and call 911, while I was still struggling with the subject. Finally I threw the AR across the room and out of anyone's reach and was able to put the subject into a choke hold, were he finally gave up. Managed to get his other wrist cuffed with one of the same cuffs ( as he had 2 sets on, one cuff on each hand). Subject was sweating profusely and bleeding from the head (wonder how that happened). Subject asked me "Sir, would you shake my hand, cause you whipped my a*@."When the local police FINALLY showed up, he was doing whatever I said for him to do and calling me "Sir".

The police looked at him and asked him if he was injured (duh) and would like medical attention. The subject said he was ok as a result of the confrontation, but told the local authorities that he had ingested rat poison and ecasty(?sp) and would like to goto the hospital. Medics and a ambulance were called in. Subject was transported to the local hospital. We went there and were told that we could not go into the room because of the medical privacy act. We were informed by the local police to take the process that we had on him to the county and release the subject to the city officers and they would guard the subject and transport him from the hospital to the County detention facility. So we did what we were told to do. 2 days later the subject was finally released from the hospital, where the city officers released him out and let him go home. We found this out by some snitches we have in the area calling and informing us how he was talking crap about how he beat us down. We called and went to the city police department and asked them why they released him, they said they thought it was what they were suppose to do. Did I mention the subject was in the hospital with cuffs and shackles on? They informed us that we would have to catch him again. Luckily we got some assistance from the local police department in apprehending him again.

The other bondsman told me "I will never bond out another individual that when I meet them they are in a straight jacket"

But my question is who screwed up with this, us or the police department?



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And We Service all of America for Recoveries, Skip Tracing.

Please call me at 410-929-2245

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