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 Post subject: Re: Professional courtesy and a wild day to boot...
 Post Posted: Wed 10 Aug 2011 18:32 
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I knew my parents lied to me,there IS a Santa Clause!! lol @Scott
I have some presents owed to me!!

Bill is absolutely correct,it goes back to the old saying"you catch more flies with honey"
The majority of my recoveries go very well when acting in a professional manner and treating people with respect.I tell these defendants that I am niether their judge nor jury and I am there to do a job period.Nothing personal in any way and we can do this the easy way(I explain the easy way usually) or the hard way(usually needs no explanation) I say that in a very calm and non threatining way.

Of course there are the ones that no matter how you treat them they will not be compliant and at that time I switch from the nice guy just trying to do a job,to the man that is going to put the defendant in jail in the safest way possible.Not just the safest for the defendant but for the people around as well.

Usually even the non compliant defendants realise that we are just trying to do a job and return to being respectful again.Of course it it usually after we have them controled and in the vehicle in those cases!! but either way you can still return to the respectful mode after all is said and done.

Jay Crawford
Eagle Eye Fugitive Recovery
"based out of Bethpage Tn."

 Post subject: Re: Professional courtesy and a wild day to boot...
 Post Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011 05:53 
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I once caught a guy because he left an abandoned car at a hotel he was staying/living at that had a stack of lottery tickets on the dash board. A call to the state lottery commission told me where he bought his tickets at, and all were purchased on Fridays. Assuming that this was his pay day, and from the looks of it, most of his money went to the lottery, that he must work in the area of where the tickets were purchased. So I sat up on the next Friday and he pulled in to the liquor store, saw me, and took off in a foot chase. I chased him behind the store, through a ditch and small field, through a woodline and tackled him in a fresh plowed field. We both slip a few feet and plowed up some dirt of our own! I asked him why he ran? He said "I thought that I could out run your fat ass!" Well surprise, surprise. Old fat Scotty ran a 4.9 40 in full pads playing football in college...


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

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 Post subject: Re: Professional courtesy and a wild day to boot...
 Post Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011 08:49 
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The mentality of "polite, professional" has worked well for me. It still amazes me how many in this industry will not adopt this style. They prefer and hold tight to the "Cowboy, Rambo, Wanted Dead or Alive" styles. Working as a polite professional, backed up by an Escalation of Force similar to that of the military (always one step above the SIQ/Enemy/ect) has kept me from having to use a firearm, Taser, or OC Spray; I have only had foot chases with 5; I have had physical altercations with less than that. This does not make me smarter or better than anyone. I just know that if someone came up to me and grabbed me....they would have a heck of a fight on thier hands. Kicking in my door and threatening my family would set me off. Explaining the situation and telling me my options is the best way to keep things on a mature level ("walk with me, loosely cuffed in front at the car, turn in, get it handled OR run, fight, cuffs on now and in the back (probably tight), take a trip to the hospital for evaluation, get charged for the visit, still get turned in, and have charges added).

I always dress the part of the area I am entering. If I can not do that, then I dress the part of a "worker" that would not stand out, in that area. The character that I portray and the way I dress has gotten me further with Lawyers, LE, Judges than many of the people I know in the same area. These are the same "Industry Professionals" that tell me I am too nice ( and will end up getting hurt or killed if I don't change) because I explain things and don't throw people to the ground. Like Scott, for a 40 year old guy, I am fairly quick. I think the young guys are angrier at the fact that I catch them than they are that they have to head back to jail....they always have an escuse (I have been sick; I just woke up; I twisted my ankle....YEAH. Well I am 40, have arthritis, smoked for 27 years, have had surgery on both shoulders, and need surgery on both knees....I think I still win :lol: ). That said, I would rather have to chase someone than to try to live with myself knowing that I acted any other way than I have explained.

My professionalism has only landed me in one negative situation with LE. Because I did not "posture" with a Gwinnett County officer, he assumed that I was not a legal professional. I ended up being thrown over (yes....OVER) the hood of a Police Cruiser with his weapon drawn on me. Once a senior officer was on scene, he had me pulled from the Cruiser. The first thing I explained to this Senior Officer was that if I was not who I said and doing what I claimed, I would have pulled and used my weapons. He asked "You had weapons? I wasn't told." I told him "That is because they were not taken....I was not frisked. I was thrown over the hood, cuffed, and put in the back of the car. I still have a taser, OC, gun, and knife." He told me that I did not act like the typical Bounty Hunter, "with all that posturing that they normally do" so the officer probably didn't believe my story. The Senior Officer let me go and "counseled" the original officer on the weapons situation.

Thomas SnoWolf
FRN# 1999
GAPB 20120726
"The hero is not the man that acts without fear,
He is the man that acts inspite of fear"

 Post subject: Re: Professional courtesy and a wild day to boot...
 Post Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011 13:59 
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I love a happy ending. I just hope the T&C gets good gas mileage.

Jeff Downer
Jeff Downer Bail Bonds
Indianapolis, IN

 Post subject: Re: Professional courtesy and a wild day to boot...
 Post Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2011 20:01 
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That is funny as heck Scott,I am not the lightest of men either but when need be I can run fairly quick.Although I am usually prepared for that scenario and try to keep it to a "no run" situation.Meaning I try to corner the defendant as best as possible,We all know that is not always possible but I would rather corner the defendant rather than have to run after them.I am a smoker!! lol

I knew an older Deputy Sheriff that told me straight out that he will not get into a foot chase with anyone.He sincerely stated he would trip them or knock them down with the car door!! of course I do not condone knocking someone down with your car door but it was a pretty funny vision in my head picturing this (close to retirement age) Deputy running someone down and popping his door open to knock them down!!.

Your story truly shows how you thought outside the box to get the info you needed.Great story

Jay Crawford
Eagle Eye Fugitive Recovery
"based out of Bethpage Tn."

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