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 Post subject: Enough !
 Post Posted: Mon 01 May 2006 20:55 
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Tired of illegals demanding rights? Well how about a Day to Boycott Illegals?

I 'm starting the ball rolling on calling for a national day to boycott businesses that hire, use and exploit illegals. And since the vast majority think that Amercians are racist and against Mexicans, then lets boycott Mexican restuarants, Home Depot, car washes, etc.

How about Wednesday, June 14, 2006? Since its Flag Day, lets all fly the Stars and Stripes at home, work and on our cars.

Finally, since we all actually have jobs and may not be able to take a day off work, how about a moment of silence at 12 Noon.


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 Post Posted: Tue 02 May 2006 04:01 
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Chattanooga bonding co.

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 Post Posted: Tue 02 May 2006 07:17 
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While the idea is excellent, the reality is less than effective. The only way to get any real results is on election day. If you are truly, sincerely "Mad as Hell !" then you need to be writing, not e-mailing, but old fashioned snail mailing your elected officials. Simply tell them you will not vote for them another term unless they take proactive, effective, results driven action on the immigrations and oil prices issues.

Allegedly President Bush stated in the media the other day that He didn't see anything wrong with gas at $3/gallon......?????? Anyone else have an issue with this ?

I am more upset/angry at the price gouging that we are enduring by the oil companies than I am about the immigration issue.

Now I know I will probably be bashed for these next comments..so be it....

Do any of you even know what the inscription is on the Statue of Liberty ?..." ...give us your tired, your poor, your weak ..."

Who among us isn't a descendant of an immigrant ? (except for Native Americans...who by the way are immigrants themselves if you bother to trace thier roots, but that's another story).

It has always been, and will probably continue to be, Man's nature to explore, travel, wander, and search his universe.

Lastly, check North America's history. At one point in time as many as a dozen different flags of different countries flew over what is now the Continetal United States at the same time: Russian, Spanish, French, English, German, Dutch/Danish, and others I can't recall for now. Also remember that during the many wars that occurred during our settlement, alot of governments hired mercenaries from other countries to supplement thier own armies. This happened during the Revolutionary War, The French and Indian War, and almost happened in the Civil War. The South was attempting to convince France, once again, to send troops/arms/war supplies to the Rebel States in thier quest for victory. Ultimately France declined this invitation.

Anyway, enough of the American History lesson. My point is this, who among us can rightfully deny an immigrant access to the very same things our own ancestors sought when they left thier homelands ?

Do we need to change things ?..Yes. Do these immigrants need to enter our country legally ?..Yes. I am not saying we do not have problems, but I do not agree with a wholesale deportation of 12 million plus illegal personnel.

The effects on our economy would be disastrous, prices would sky rocket, riots would break out, some areas could be placed under martial law, etc. It would be another New Orleans all over again.

The solution lies somewhere in the middle.

Just my opinion. Take care and God Bless.

River City Associates
Decatur, Al. 35601

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 Post Posted: Tue 02 May 2006 08:12 
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My Opinion:

Illegally entering the company should be just that ILLEGAL.

I do NOT support amnesty for current illegals. This would be a smack in the face for those immigrants who are going through the LEGAL proces and are LEARNING ENGLISH.

I do NOT support the crap about waving their countries flags (if they loved their countries so much they should go back there!) and refusing to learn the language of the country they are seeking legal status in.

I do NOT see why I have to learn another language just becuase someone from another country decides to move here. Now I believe in encouraging a second or third language is definately a plus, and we can do this by making it a desireable skill in the workplace, however making it MANDATORY is ridiculous.

I support a window of time where they have the option of applying to citizenship LEGALLY or a registering as a GUEST WORKER who would have to pay taxes on their pay just like the rest of us (I have a feeling that if they are paying 30 percent of their paycheck to the US Govt. they won't be taking 15 dollar an hour jobs for 10)

I support confiscating the property and assets of any illegal or anyone harboring an illegal who does NOT register for the guest worker program. The property and assets would be turned over to the state to cover the costs of deporting the illegal as well as the general costs of running a department to do so.

I do not believe anyone who is either NOT a citizen or is NOT going through the process or who is NOT in this country illegally, should receive the same rights as the rest of us. The last time I checked the US Constitution doesn't apply in the rest of the world and if you or I were caught in Mexico we wouldn't have the same rights we get here!

I believe basic geneva convention rules should apply to any illegal captured.

Thats it for my rant right now :-)

-The Solution-
Indiana Agency #: PI20700211
Indiana Notary Public - Exp: 12/20/13

"Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath."
- Kingdom of Heaven

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 Post Posted: Tue 02 May 2006 09:31 
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I do know a little about Amercian history. I grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where when I was in school, we were taught and had to memorize the Declaration of Independence, parts of the Constitution and about each war this country went through.

Its not a matter of where each one of our familes originated. It's a matter of the current state of this country and the world. Up until the 1920 or 30's anyone could own and carry any firearm they wanted to. The laws have changed to meet changing conditions. So, we can't have open borders to allow in everyone that wants to come here, simply because they are poor or need work.

This country STILL does welcome immigrants that follow the law and wait their turn to enter and become naturalized citizens. By the way Citizenship is a subject that is not taught anymore in our schools.

If we going to use the excuse that all of us came from a different country then how far back do we go to decide who stays and who goes?

I did not choose to be born in this country and neither did my parents. You see, they were the decendants of slaves! BUT, I am very glad, proud to have had the luck of fate to be born here and would not chose to live in any other country in the world. I have traveled a little to Europe and have seen a small bit of Mexico. More importantly, I have read and studied about the world and keep up with current events to know that even with the many problems the USA has, it is still the best place to live and raise a family. If it wasn't, why would people for every other country in the world want to live here?

I get tired of the scare tactics that if we deport all 12 million the country will collaspe! Where is the evidence to these statements that are repeated so much that they are taken as facts? I have read that if all the illegal farm workers were gone that the growers would have to pay real wages to keep their farms going. So how much would food increase? A head of lettuce would cost only $.25 more and similar increases for other products would hardly bankrupt anyone.

But, I guess it better to keep a permament underclass of a new era of slavery so that we can go through fast food drive throughs and have others cut our grass. But, if that was all that was the results of illegal workers then most would not care.

It doesn't stop there. You being in So Cal should be aware of the overlooked costs of illegals. How much have your housing costs gone up.? These people have to live somewhere. Last time I checked they are not creating anymore land. So there is a squeeze on housing.

I don't know if you write bail. But if you do, you will know that many illegals are being caught for dui, driving w/o a license and driving stolen cars. We see a lot of those charges here in the Bay Area. So are they adding to traffic congestion and the use of fuel?

This is NOT to blame them for high gas prices or housing costs but, they are a contributing factor to it.

Lets not get into the costs of medical care, schools and oh by the way the 20 to 25 % of our state prision and jail populations.

Now the next argument we hear is they they are doing jobs Amercians don't want to do. Well, I did work @ a McDonalds while in high school. It paid for my first car. Many teenagers got their first job working in fast food, dishwashers, car washers and mowing lawns. But it has gone past that too.

Now basic construction jobs, tile and carpet laying, roofing and even janitorial jobs that where often good paying middle class jobs for the uneducated have been taken by illegals. Some of these jobs were union jobs. They're gone now and the pay for them has been reduced.

So what about writing to our so called legislators. To begin with only 50% of those Americans that are eligible to vote do. Then We have a paid for 2 party system that panders only to the very rich or the very vocal.

Here in California like most states, the districts are drawn up tp protect the incumbants. So, to throw someone out of office is nearly impossible. Incumbants have a 90% re election rate or better. So writing letters is a waste of time.

A boycott by large numbers of an election would send a message but then again our last election had only a 42% turn out rate. This November is predicted to be about the same. So whats the use. Would you like to start a third party? maybe if there was serious competition for the Dems and Repubs then they would get off there collective asses and do something.

Oh, a small aside about gas. California doesn't want drilling off the coast. We don't want drilling in ANWAR. We don't want nuclear power. We drive more SUVs per capita than any other state. We want to take down the wind farms in Livermore Altamont Pass. We won't deport the illegals we catch. The population grows by a million a year. We haven't built a new refinery in 25 years. AND you are mad about high gas prices!

I bet you have a lock on you front door. Maybe a car alarm. How about a fence around your house. What are you trying to protect? Are you afraid or concerned that someone may take something of yours? Of course. I have locks and fences too.

But, the USA should not have "locks or fences" to protect its citizens? Thats commiting cultural suicide.

If illegals don't have to follow our laws, then why should I? Do we all now decide which laws we want to break. Then when we get caught do we then say I only took the money because I needed for my family so let me keep it and don't punish me?

The pols and the media will not pay any attention to letters. If Americans don't speak up in mass, then nothing will be done except to give the illegals what they want so we can continue to have our toilets cleaned and lawns mowed!

By the way, no one has ever said we should deny immigrants a chance to live in the USA!!!!!! Don't use the media and illegal immigrants pc versions of what this is about.



Last edited by tsuggs on Tue 02 May 2006 12:47, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Tue 02 May 2006 11:30 
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Very well said Tony...

Jay Shell
Covering North East AL.
AAA / Eagle Bail Bonds, LLC
Anniston, AL

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 Post Posted: Tue 02 May 2006 13:12 
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Very well put we need to remember that they are not illegal immigrants they are illegal ALIENS a immigrant is one that gets a green card and becomes a U.S. citzen.

Chattanooga bonding co.

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 Post Posted: Tue 02 May 2006 17:09 
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A very well thought out and focused opinion on the subject at hand. I enjoy a good debate.... :lol:

You are much more familiar with the local issues than I am, as I have just moved here 2 mos. ago. However, the team of ex and retired leo's that I do work with, 3 of whom are hispanic themselves, go on rants and tirades almost every day on these issues.

I guess the whole immigration issue hasn't "hit me" as it obviously has many others. I am well aware of the taxing problem on all of our resources: medical, educational, law enforcement, corrections, traffic, population explosion, etc.

I also agree that they (Illegal Aliens) do not have the right to try to change the USA to thier standards.

Well I could go on, but suffice to say, I do agree with most of the outrage being expressed against anyone being here illegally and causing the problems that they do; However, I also feel that outrage needs to be tempered with justice, common sense, and due process.

I honestly cannot blame anyone anywhere wanting to make a better life for themselves and/or thier loved ones.

Maybe after being here for 10 years my views would have changed...lol

Almost every nationality was enslaved at some point in history by someone else. I am 4th generation Irish. Since you are a fellow historian, then you know the trials and tribulations that the Irish have suffered for centuries.

River City Associates
Decatur, Al. 35601

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 Post Posted: Tue 02 May 2006 18:21 
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After all of the red tape and procedures, this must also be endured.

http://www.herald-sun.com/votebook/citi ... start.html

How would our economy crumble with the millions of legal and soon to be legal aliens already here in our country?.

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 Post Posted: Tue 02 May 2006 18:28 
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whew I passed... high school history class wasn't for nothing LOL.

-The Solution-
Indiana Agency #: PI20700211
Indiana Notary Public - Exp: 12/20/13

"Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath."
- Kingdom of Heaven

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