I just pick up my emails today an gotten this one from Michael Smith.
This is not Oliver this is Michael If you belive bailguy24 then you r getting scaned by Oliver I dont know what it takes to belive me but belive what you want. The reason we got cut of is because we have a nasty storm in AZ that caused my internet to go down
Michael Smith
Bail Enforcement Agent
Tucson, Arizona
(520) 808-2174
I Im Bailguy24 (Oliver) an he said that It wasn't him (Oliver). That Oliver is his brother. That this guy was in jail the last Six months an That this Michael Smith Person came over an pick-up Oliver an took him over to Arizona with him. So I contacted this Michael Smith guy at
AgentMcdonald452@aol.com. Then it was about a hour later, I gotten a IM from him (AgentMcdonald452). It seems to me also that all of this people are all the same. But I could be wrong about Michael Smith. So if someone can say that Michael Smith is who he is, Then I am
Sorry Michael Smith.