Earning the titile... not that easy! • PUBLIC SECTION • Open Discussion • Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN) Forums
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 Post subject: Earning the titile... not that easy!
 Post Posted: Tue 09 Apr 2013 10:11 
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You see it all the time on TV.... somebody does something and immediately gets the title of.... expert at whatever it is they did... not saying they don't deserve it but I have a theory...

"In order to get the "true" title for anything... you often times have to do it more than once"

What I am saying is that too many times, we tag someone who has done something, completed a task or in some way has exemplified themselves in public so that they garner a title.

I am not referring to professional soldiers or other professional people that fall into this category or under this definition... this is great when we label someone as a "hero"... someone that has accomplished a brave or unselfish act of heroism or in some way made a name for themselves and been given a label.

This is certainly what we want to do in many cases but in some cases, we put a label on folks that for a variety of reasons.... just don't deserve it or in another term... have not fully earned it.

Here's where this is going.....................

In our unique profession, namely bounty hunters, private investigators and even bail bondsmen... we get the license, we hang out a shingle, we take a few classes and we often times AUTOMATICALLY garner the "term"... we classify ourselves as.... whatever... well, have you heard that song.... "It ain't necessarily so"

This business is a proving ground and is very unforgiving if done incorrectly... those that reach the level that one would refer to as a "true professional" have "done it more than once"... they have moved past the licensing, the training, the books... they have been around the block if you will.... and that does not happen overnite... it takes sometimes years to reach a level of competency that others can truly look upon as the quintessential professional.

Often times the new members get a bit 'testy' with advice given by those of us that have "been around"... I am talking about the true blue professionals that have been around for years and have proven themselves time and time again in their specific field.

This website is loaded with members... many that post very little but have been around a very long time and when they do pop up and give advice, they should be listened to... they offer advice that is earned, garnered by years in the field, associations with others not only in this business but in related businesses. Sometimes the "newbies" (please forgive me for the term).... get a bit frustrated because we do not 'spoon feed' them information...

The titles people have in many professions often times do not totally determine their qualification in that field... I personally know several attorneys that are totally qualified in terms of licenses and associations in their field but stumble in courtrooms and absolutely do not represent their clients in a manner that would be described as professional... or worse yet... even if qualified, do not seem to give a happy hoot what happens to their clients... but who am I to correct.

Again, in our profession, titles come easy but require sometimes years to live up to...

That is all I am saying here....

Take the following steps when you see a label or a title placed on one of us in this business or for that matter... any business that required a person being labeled a "professional".

"Run the name in whatever verification process you have available, take the time to talk to others in the field, verify the credentials and make very sure that the person you are looking at is who they represent themselves to be... this also is extremely true of training schools as well as the trainers... spend the time to verify and you will be greatly rewarded by dealing with folks that can be extremely helpful in your climb up the ladder of our profession"

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Earning the titile... not that easy!
 Post Posted: Wed 10 Apr 2013 06:50 
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Great post, Bill. I personally believe that when someone claims to be the "best in this business", they should have to at least name when and where they won the title as well as show their championship belt or ring or whatever. I've sat in rooms with some pretty well known people in this business and some who were not as well known, and I've never heard any of them make this claim. It's usually reserved for those who want instant credibility and unquestioned acceptance. Trust and respect are things that should be earned and tested frequently.

Joe Stiles
Bail Fast Bonding/
Black Aces Bail Recovery
Knoxville, TN

 Post subject: Re: Earning the titile... not that easy!
 Post Posted: Wed 10 Apr 2013 12:23 
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Well my two ex-wives afforded me the titles General Asshole and Major Pain In The Ass. So from this day forward I shall be known as Major General Gene Lacy, I have earned it for putting up with them two bytches for twenty six years in total. That is two stars for those of you that never served in the military… :roll: :shock: :D

Domestic Security Investigations
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Rockville, MD 20849
Tel: 1-800-387-0787

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 Post subject: Re: Earning the titile... not that easy!
 Post Posted: Wed 10 Apr 2013 14:23 
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Darned it Gene, why didn't you go for the 4th star? You could have retired as a full general and been a expert guest on all the news shows.

 Post subject: Re: Earning the titile... not that easy!
 Post Posted: Wed 10 Apr 2013 20:09 
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Just wanted to add one other thing to my little post...

The internet has made available a perfect way for anyone to be anything they wish... almost instantly... and it may take months or even years to discover their true worth... or lack of it.


... and vise versa... :oops:

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Earning the titile... not that easy!
 Post Posted: Wed 10 Apr 2013 20:28 
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The hollow vase rings the loudest!

Nuff said :)


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

"Leaders are like Eagles, you never see them in a flock, but one at a time"

Chesapeake Group Investigations, Inc.
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