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 Post subject: Re: Gun control or no gun control...that is the question?
 Post Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2013 07:03 
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Why is there so much spam mail on here lately?
It is driving me crazy and is also pushing to Twitter.


R.E. "Scott" MacLean III

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 Post subject: Re: Gun control or no gun control...that is the question?
 Post Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2013 07:21 
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Here you go Tony . ... d%3D257692

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 Post subject: Re: Gun control or no gun control...that is the question?
 Post Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2013 11:01 
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Yup saw the stories on the tele on Sat and Sunday.

Local tv stations were all excited about it and tried to paint the attendees as nuts or fear monglers, afraid that Obamma will ban guns.

Of course we know he would if he could.

BTW the way, when ever I talk to people about the issue and they bring up "gun violence" I correct them and call it "people violence." Its the person who is violent not the gun.

They never call it "knife violence" "car violence" or "blunt instrument violence."

I think we need to start using the tricks the libs do. For example to them:

Illegals are "undocumented"
Abortion is "right to choose"
2nd Amendment is "deer hunting"
Banning something is "common sense"
Taking from one to give to someone else is "paying your fair share"

Lets start using their own tactics against them.

 Post subject: Re: Gun control or no gun control...that is the question?
 Post Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2013 14:11 
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Just more food for thought... I know I am probably preaching to the choir here but just voicing an opinion... it gets me heated up... this discussion is taking place on another site....

I posted in response to a story.... "Obama unveils sweeping plan to battle gun violence"

... and I posted the following:

Solutions based on emotions, rather than facts, do not fix the problems. "Disarming innocent people does not protect innocent people."... however, I have stopped trying to discuss this issue because those that wish to enact the restrictions are really not interested in listening to anyone but themselves. Rational has no connection. If you are pro-gun... you are the enemy... period.

I had a person ask the following: "disarming? please explain"

Now I felt that I knew where he was going with this.... that honest, legal people are not facing restrictions, which as most of us should know... is absolutely not true... we are restricted simply by virtue of personal, emotional feelings and opinions of the persons that are in charge of granting us the authorization to buy the gun... the powers that be.... who are in charge of issuing these authorizations... can decide on their own who and when to grant the authorization... and that alone is a major restriction... ie: California as a major example... as follows...

So I posted this response:

Well, gun laws as a group, do no effect criminals, the point you are heading toward is that honest law abiding citizens can get guns legally... although presently that is only partly true... in many sections of California, for example, it is virtually impossible for a legal citizen with no criminal background to obtain a carry permit... although perfectly legal, the powers that be... ie, those that issue these permits, restrict for personal reasons, the issuance of permits... there are many guns that are basically illegal to own but continually show up on the street since the illegal purchasers do not follow laws and could care less what is legal or illegal. The restrictions that are being set in place have absolutely no effect on a criminal that wishes to obtain a firearm of any particular design... the only persons effected by gun laws are the honest, law abiding citizens and they are not the problem. You may think that we are not being disarmed but that is exactly what is happening... albeit slow but sure... so I reiterate.... "disarming innocent people does not protect innocent people" I have nothing against full background checks either through a licensed dealer or a private sale... but removing a particular designed weapon or a magazine because you "think" it is bad.... is absolutely based on emotion and not fact. Having 10 rounds in a gun or 30 makes absolutely no difference in the overall scheme of things.... I can drop an empty 10 round magazine and have another ready to fire in less time than most could acquire another target.... your splitting hairs... the issue, IMHO, is the person and in that light, the background checks, when done properly and with full disclosure, would do more than all the laws added to the books... you don't slow down speeders on the interstate by putting up additional signs... you stop them by enforcing the laws that already exist... I am just as horrified as anyone at the state of gun violence in this country but I think we are going about solving the problem in the wrong way. I know it is a worn out saying but the honest facts are that guns are not the damn problem.... they are just too easy to focus on ... the problems are way to deep and complicated... and the powers that be are looking for quick fixes and they just aren't there.

I know this issue will continue, unresolved for probably my lifetime and on... and I realize the same arguments prevail .... my very well educated attorney brother in law believes without question, that Obama is the only cure for what ails us... I totally disagree with that premise but will admit that I wasn't at all happy with the other choice either.... I distrust both sides at this point and hope that a better choice for my conservative side will surface in the near future... we shall see...

I won't go further with this thread... it will accomplish nothing... just makes me feel better having said what is on my mind....

Bill Marx, Sr.

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 Post subject: Re: Gun control or no gun control...that is the question?
 Post Posted: Sat 19 Jan 2013 17:22 
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Most of us who support the right of an individual to keep and bear arms for personal protection have an understanding of the importance of safeguarding that right. Generally those who support gun control have very little understanding of the importance of this particular right, and also are generally influenced by a fear of the unknown, as these tend to be people who don't own guns themselves. But then there are anti gun politicians like the hypocritical Nancy Pelosi, who just happens to carry a gun herself.

Lots of people buying guns, all the gun shops around here have been very busy, I had to go to 4 different gun shops just to find a particular model of handgun that I was looking for, and even then they were out of that pistol in the caliber that I wanted. Money talks, and the American people are talking with their money...

Unfortunately, that increased spending on guns will reflect when the numbers are run for consumer spending, and of course Obama will try to say that increase is because of his efforts to stimulate the economy, rather than his assault on our personally liberties.

Panic buying drives certain prices up, but like I said, money talks.

(Freelance) Recovery Agent, MN.

 Post subject: Re: Gun control or no gun control...that is the question?
 Post Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2013 19:11 
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"There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in this country, and not one of them will have an accident today. The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, and undisciplined children. Period."
Ted Nugent

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Gun control or no gun control...that is the question?
 Post Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2013 02:00 
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This is my opinion on the gun control ban. I feel that there should not be a ban on assault weapons but I do see a ban on modification’s on such weapons. When our founding fathers made the bill of rights it was to stop us from becoming victims of our own government. President Abraham Lincoln said it best when he said “a government for the people and by the people”. So many in Washington have forgotten that the government is to help American citizens and our way of life. I see o the news where they have Senators bringing in victims of shooting and although I feel for them I can help but question what gives them the right to say that law abiding citizens don’t need assault weapons and hand guns. The way I see it is they have the same rights as we do so there for why say we can’t exercise our right to bear arms just because they don’t. If you look at it how many lives could had been saved if just one of those victims was armed and could had stopped the shooter. I have always said a killer doesn’t need assault weapons to carry out mass deaths. Killers are only limited to their own minds and if you look back through history at events such as Oklahoma city, World trade center, USS Cole, and many other events assault weapons was not used but killed hundreds and thousands of men, women, and children. The thing about all these events is the items used you can still get to day and no law or ban has ever been in place except for in airports. I know some people will say what gives me the right to say these things. I lost my friend who was more like a brother to me in a shooting. We were on the fire department together and even went to the same training schools. One day he came home from a search and rescue call where he found the victim dead in the woods. When he came home he went in and kissed his wife and talked to his two children. When he was done he took his dog for a walk and a man hiding in the bushes waited for him to pass by. When my friend passed by he came out and shot him in the eye close I his nose then turned to the dog and fired a round. When we got on scene we found our brother was gone due to the gunshot wound. We and his family were not mad at the gun or the people who made it we were mad at the person who used it. My friend had every gun just about it known to man but he always said “you have respect for a weapon and always treat it as if it was loaded and never pull it in less you plan to use it”. When I was overseas In Operation Enduring Freedom we was fighting terrorists on their soil but look at the news today that war is now here at home. The government has become so wrapped up in policing the world that if we were to get invaded or attacked it would take our military at 24 to 72 hours to be fully operational in the United States to really protect us and even then they will make major cities their primary focus which will leave smaller cities to defend their selves. I do and will support bans our modification of assault weapons cause there is no reason someone would need night vision or a grenade launcher. The way I see it our President and our government has far more important things to worry about other than messing with the bill of rights or banning assault weapons. If the government wants something to worry about they can start with bringing our jobs back home, feeding hungry Americans, help those losing their homes due to not having a job, stop paying everything for illegal immigrants and start paying for schools for Americans wanting to go to college but cannot afford it. America has so many issues that need to be addressed here at home other than this assault ban. I watching what some of Senate was saying and one Senator said that the shooting events were happening cause of the assault weapons on the street. I have the true answer for Congress and Senate as to why these events keep happening. One is the news will blow the whole event up and run the story for days giving the shooter credit at every turn and that makes other stick and twisted people think hmm if I do the same thing then I can become famous to. Second is the movie industry cause after every event they are ready to by the rights to the story and publish books which once again makes a stick and twisted individual think that they can make their mark in history and become a house hold name by killing people. Third and the most important is the American government is taking God and Christ out of everything from schools to court rooms and I saw a picture to is true it had a picture of a school that had a shooting not too long ago and it had Jesus up top of it and it said I would have helped but I’m not allowed in schools. Fourth is as a child growing up I use to say the pledge to the flag while my hand covered my heart. Today in school they don’t cause of all the other children from nations in the class room which the way I see it you want to live in American and be a American then you should have no problem saying the pledge to the flag. In closing the government is wondering what when wrong and the answer is simple look back at what you have taken from America and its people and start giving back. Think as our founding fathers did as they all supported the bill of rights, God and Christ, and most of all the America and its people.

Elijah H Davis
American Fugitive Recovery Services
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 Post subject: Re: Gun control or no gun control...that is the question?
 Post Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2013 21:04 
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One of the main reasons Japan did not invade the continental US was because they knew the civilian population was armed.... that is documented.... "Red Dawn" for sure.... is there any doubt that even if the military did not exist... we would still put up one hellova fight.... did that not happen in the late 1700's?.... about all we as private pro gun citizens can do is voice our opinions and vote for those that hold to our beliefs.

Bill Marx, Sr.

DCJS: 99-176979
Cell: 434-294-0222

"Endeavor to Persevere" "Lone Watie"

"Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that , comes from bad judgment" "Will Rogers"

 Post subject: Re: Gun control or no gun control...that is the question?
 Post Posted: Sun 27 Jan 2013 14:21 
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My final thoughts on this and other so called "social justice" issues is, we have already lost the battle and war.

Anyone under the age of 45 or 50 will not remember WWII, Korea or even Vietnam. To most Sept. 11 2001 will become the National Day of Service instead of Remembrance.

Thanks to the majority of our elected political leaders.

All one has to do is look at how the Bengazi assassinations was handled by the current president and the majority of the news media.

Instead of telling the people that it was a planned attack on Sept. 11 by Al Quaeda, it was due to a video that no one even saw, especially in the Arab countries.

Sec Clinton, summed it up for their minions,"What difference does it make now?" With that she has essesntially closed the door on anyone being fired for ignoring the security requests and intelligence failures.

Geez what would it have been like if W was president?

Just listen to all the calls "common sense" gun control. Everyone including the news media is pushing that. Common sense gun control will be the rallying cry heard from now on. If you disagree then you will be call a gun nut and promoting the killing of children.

That is how they are labeling the NRA. A bunch of gun nuts!

Back to the original point, most of the younger generation is too lazy to to do their own research. And more importantly, they lack the ability to to use "deductive reasoning."

In other words they can't think, so they will let other do it for them. When you have celebrities, teachers, musicians, etc backing "populist" ideals, they have already won the minds and hearts of the youth who still have mush inside their skulls.

Friends, try and teach you children to think for themselves and hope for the best. Other than that, just enjoy the time you have left knowing you once lived in a very great country.

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