Well, I don't live in AZ but I would say that if that is the present wording in the code, it is pretty clear... period... seems to cover it pretty well, "may not without permission"...
Virginia says you must identify yourself ... I simply say "Bondsman"... although one may say "Pizza delivery" or "Poppa Johns Pizza" which actually works rather well and when the door opens I smile and say "Bondsman"... which I think is perfectly legal, but seriously and legally............... just read the code verbatim and comply exactly... don't try to interpret... just follow the exact wording and you should be fine.
I have never forced entry, kicked down a door or in any manner damaged property or threatened someone with bodily harm... except my grandson for leaving my backdoor open....
This is general info regardless of the state and it is available on the website of that particular state... for public consumption.
Oh... and if no one answers the door and I am with another person, I just turn to them and in a loud voice say... "well, I guess we'll just have to take this check back to the office...".... usually there is a loud scrambling inside and the door will fly open... and even after the person is in the car in cuffs, I have had them look at me and say... "so where is the check??"
sorry, I just happened to remember that particular tale....