We tell new members all the time not to quit your full time job to do this type of work, to have other avenues of income because this type of work does not lend itself to regular income. In some states the cost of securing the ubiquitous licenses i.e. BEA, CCW, and the associated recertification can be costly for some.
Well said Gene. I should have listened better myself several months ago. I understand why Jay is upset, and when people are unprofessional, they should be avoided, keep in mind it works on both sides. Just as you have bad BEA's you also have bad bondsman. And for people who are taking this seriously, in certain states, costs add up real quick and some like myself will eventually start off part time. Each time I thought I was close to being ready, I realized I was missing something and had to shell out more money. For example, getting my PI license and obtaining access to databases so I don't have to shell out money to a Private Investigator to get info on a skip. Then I had to shell out money for the databases. It feels sometimes like a never ending circle.
I ended up getting a day job (SCOP) because I needed health insurance which keeps me from attempting this full time, so while I am working I am also getting more in training. But not being able to do this full time, probably turns bondsman away and I can see their reasoning. It's certainly not a cheap field to start working in unless you plan on hiring a cowboy. So Jay - I know this might seem odd, but I think you should be greatful they didn't show up rather then be frustrated and angry. I mean it probably saved you a lot of time and money in the long run