What qualifications do you need to meet prior to considering yourself a BEA?
A: In order to call ones self a BEA then you should be acting as an "Agent" of a surety for the purpose of apprehending their client the "skip"
What type of identification do you utilize in PA?
A: There is no standard type of ID for BEA's in PA, I would suggest incorporating a company and getting ID cards with the company name.
How do local law enforcement interact with you?
A: Some PD's hate BEA's, others will tolerate you and possibly even help you as long as you don't try to pretend you are a LEO or start kicking in doors and threatening people, there can be a big difference from one town to another in the way the PD treats BEA's, rule of thumb is remember that your in their backyard and act like a professional.
What type of liability Insurance do you carry, and who is willing to work up a policy with us?
A: ER Monro near Pittsburgh offers liability insurance for BEA's starting at around 10K per year, private detective insurance is much cheaper, most BEA's in PA do not have liability insurance.
Do you see new regulations coming into play in the near future, and any idea what it will be like to become "licensed?"
A: Yes, regulation for BEA's is on the way here in PA, they may use act 235 or hopefully create a specific training program for BEA's, last I knew they were trying to have BEA's licensed by the court of common please at the county level, if that happens only people with right connections will get licensed and some counties may refuse to recognize licenses from other counties, I'm hoping they will have licensing at the state level as that would eliminate those problems.
_________________ Chuck