NO... I AM NOT SELLING ANYTHING... NADA............ It is no big secret... if you do the following... which is what I am doing... you will absolutely lose weight... but before you begin....
You have to do one thing... and without it... nothing will work for you.... no diet... no special foods... nothing... including excersise... that alone will not work...
It took me over 20 years to go from 195lbs. to 350lbs.... it happened overnite... but 20 years went by fast...
... I tried, unsuccessfully for most of that time to stop the weight gain... but of course the one thing I did not do... which is what I am gonna tell ya... is the following... real simple...
YOU HAVE TO WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND WHAT YOU ARE DOING... until you get it hammered into your brain, that you are gonna lose weight... you will not accomplish a damn thing... you will spin your wheels and you will blame everyone and everything for your failure... but the real culprit and the reason you are failing is that you
DO NOT HAVE YOUR HEAD IN THE RIGHT PLACE... and that is the simple truth...
Once you have done that... this is what I did and it damn sure will work....
1. cut out all caffinated drinks... ALL... that means tea, coffee, soft drinks... ALL
2. cut out all surgar.... every bit... I use
Truvia sweetner... now I mean no sugar in anything you put in your mouth... Sugar Free Creamer... SUGAR FREE EVERYTHING... you have to look at the labels but it will absolutely work
3. for the first 3 to 6 months, I did not have a single piece of bread or a single potatoe... NOT ONE... it can be done
4. the only fast food joint I go in is Subway and the only thing I ever get is a 6" Flat bread Veggie sub... that is it... and drink water with your meal there..
5. This is what I do eat:
a. chicken, beef, fish... grilled or baked or broiled... never fried..
b. dark green vegetables... broccolli, brussel sprouts... some cabbage... or other leafy vegetables, the kind you buy frozen and put in the microwave work fine... just look at the content and the nutritional stuff on the label
c. salads, but not store bought... make your own with Romain lettuce or spinich...
d. salad dressing are available that have little or not sugar... very low calorie and are very good... there are some Marzetti dressing and some Bolthouse dressings are great
e. you can add all sorts of spinkle on seasoning to enhance the taste... I put 'fake' spray butter and lemon and Bay seasoning on the fish... all sorts of calorie free stuff that you shake out of a can for meat and chicken..
f. I BBQ a lot of stuff.... here's a good one.... chicken parts... legs, wings, breasts.... on the grill... brush on fat free Italian dressing or even regular is ok since you are not putting a lot on it... only brushing it on...
g. strawberries, blackberries... fresh... spinkle a little Truvia on for sweetner...
h. I dropped milk, totally... went to Silk/Almond.... the no sweetner stuff... 30 calories in an 8 ounce glass... if you want it sweet... ad Truvia to it..
i. I also make milkshakes with the Silk/Almond alternative... put a banana in the blender with 16 ounces of the milk... and then put a scoop of a good brand of Protien shake mix... doesn't make any difference which type... just a good one. Very high protien stuff is what I use... the muscle builder stuff...
j. Protien is the secret if there is one... protien and very low carbohydrates... that is a must...
k. I also take the following vitamins, daily... B-1, B-12, B-6... these will help your metabolism... now I go to a clinic every Monday and weigh in and they give me a shot in the butt with those vitamins in it... but you can do almost the same with those pills... I just happent to do a weigh in about 2 or 3 times a month to keep on track...
Got to add one thing... DRINK WATER LIKE A MAN IN THE DESERT... AT LEAST 16 OUNCES AT EVERY MEAL AND PROBABLY CLOSE TO A GALLON A DAY.... THIS IS IMPORTANT... One thing that helps me is... I went online and found a good quality scale that tells me more than just weight.... you don't have to spend a lot for this... the one I bought is
Omron model HBF-516, full body sensor... monitor and scale... it reads... the following:
1. Weight
2. BMI... that is Body Mass Index
3. Body fat percentage
4. skeletal Muscle percentage
5. resting metabolism.... which is the caloric intake you need to maintain your present weight... which means you eat at least 1000 calories less than what it tells you...
6. body age... this is gonna get your attention... mine said I was 80!!!!!
7. visceral fat level... that is what is hanging off your ass and/or your belly flab
You enter your statistics... age, gender and it gives you the norms... then you go from there...
I make chicken salad with Tuvia sweetner... I eat those little ice cycles... orange or whatever... they have 15 calories each...
Some nuts (Almonds, Cashews, Pistachios) are ok and Peanut Butter is fine on Celery for snacks...
Get creative... you can do this...
I am 69 years old (in a few weeks... August 16)... and I have dropped from 350 to 296 since April 1....
I looked at that picture of me beside my jeep... (facebook) I think I was in my late 30's... and I looked damn good ... well, maybe not in you opinion but.... I was trim... in good shape and had the world by the tail... at 69 I am not afraid of dying... I just want to die trim and fit
My cholestoral went from 220 to 154 in 14 weeks and I stopped taking my Lipitor...
I want to get down to 225... that is all... it isn't totally easy and I do fall off the wagon frequently... but I am gonn do this..
I have been asked to give my little talk in Long Beach at the October Conference of the CBA and I am going and am really gonna try to drop another 40 or 50 by then... I may be old and I may not be as sexy as I once was but by God... I'm not gonna be fat anymore....
Hope this helps, but you have to get this in your head or it just won't work.. that is the only secret to losing weight.... and you can damn sure do it.... if I can, you can.