Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117
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Author:  KARMA [ Mon 18 Jan 2016 14:05 ]
Post subject:  POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

Above link is to his Introduction


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Last visited: Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:03 pm
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Mel Edington aka Agent11-117 has requested entrance into the Private Section

I have provided the link to his Intro . . . as well as the link to his Profile. You may click on the link to his Profile and follow the links to view ALL of his posts. For those that have not been here for a long time, I suggest (as always) that you take a moment a read all of the parties posts . . . For the rest of us . . . Refresh . . . Yes, I do this with everybody :)

As always, the POLL will run for 7 days from posting and I have allowed for a 'change of Vote' should one Vote and then after review . . . change his or her mind.

Author:  speezack [ Sun 24 Jan 2016 09:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

My take on Mr. Mel...

I have not verified his credentials, however, he says he is now a licensed PI in Colorado and also a licensed FR... anyway... he has been at this for 4 years or so and seems to have quite a way with words... he actually talks and writes more than me... even a bit more colorful I think!!

He seems ok... I don't find anything negative about him... time will tell... and we have certainly had our share of members allowed into the "secret club" who have had their issues... anyway... I voted yes...

If anyone has anything negative about Mr. Mel... toss it out so we can see it..................

Author:  KARMA [ Tue 26 Jan 2016 15:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

POLL closed . . . We have 50 users in this "group" . . . 8 Voted . . . :/
I will send him notice that he has been added to this section

Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Wed 27 Jan 2016 10:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

This makes me wonder as to whether or not we are a dying breed...

Author:  speezack [ Thu 28 Jan 2016 08:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

KARMA wrote:
POLL closed . . . We have 50 users in this "group" . . . 8 Voted . . . :/
I will send him notice that he has been added to this section

So............ what happened to the others???

Maybe we should send out an ultimatum about membership in this group...

... if they do not respond to the email after several attempts... maybe they need to be removed... I mean, if they don't choose to get involved... why should they be allowed to even read... that is my take...

complacency in the ranks..................... :cry: :cry: :(

Author:  SURETYRISKMANAGEMENT [ Thu 28 Jan 2016 11:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

Perhaps it is time to "clean house"...

Author:  KARMA [ Thu 28 Jan 2016 22:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

I concur with The Fellas

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Fri 29 Jan 2016 12:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

I tried to vote but realized that the vote was closed


Author:  tsuggs [ Fri 29 Jan 2016 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

I voted early, for Mel. I just did not post saying I did.

Author:  Agent11-117 [ Sat 30 Jan 2016 00:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: POLL for Entrance Agent 11-117

Hello Again!
Just want to thank y'all for voting affirmatively on my behalf and express my appreciation in the bargain.
In the several years I've been with FRN, I have always been truthful in all things and provided answers to questions put to me as honestly as possible. Some questions I would never answer on a section of the forum open to the public have now been covered here in another thread.

When I first joined here, none of you knew me from Adam. And considering how many people claim to be FRAs, and play around with it for awhile before moving on to something else, I can understand your wisdom in regarding newcomers with a healthy skepticism. I have run into a bunch of people wmyself anting to be fugitive recovery agents but not truly committed. Some that actually do stick around have proven to my satisfaction they should find another line of work.

So here I happen along, a whole bundle of enthusiasm and "Can Do" attitude and much more motivation than common sense. Hopefully, after several years and a really good number of apprehensions, I've ripened some. While I may have settled into myself as an FRA, I still am filled with an unbridled enthusiasm for the work.

Along the way, I've had wonderful contact with Scott, and enjoy our conversations. He was about the first on FRA to learn I'd achieved my P.I. license. Jason has taught me a great deal in conversations we've had, both by phone and in the net. He is a remarkable guy. And Bill, with a wit I purely enjoy, I appreciate your humor and discussions we've shared via email.

With all that as preamble, my next steps in this great adventure are: I've posted a request to Phil about getting a WordPress website. The drawback there being I have no particular knack for website design. Guess I'll learn on the fly. My other ambition is to submit my application to NABBI within the next 30 days and find my way to the next soiree they hold so I can meet more of y'all.

In closing, I certainly want to tip my hat to Tony. With any luck, I'll have the opportunity to meet you soon, and look forward to that honor!

Should anybody have need to see my actual credential documents, just PM me and I can provide them in rely. Shucks, with IRB, TLO, Locate Plus and others all requiring copies, I've become proficient at attaching them to emails going out!!!

Blessings, and stay safe

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