Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

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Author:  rex [ Fri 13 May 2005 09:21 ]
Post subject:  Shortsightedness!!!!!

If I call you for assistance on an out-of-state pick up with specific information on where the skip is, and you can't think past your next 10-15% commission, then save us both time by telling me that you are not interested up front. I'll find another way because that's what I do.

Forgive my harsh tone here, but some have talked of organizing a national network, but veterans know that such an idea is largely unreachable for many reasons. One of them being greed.

If you call me on a skip who has come into California, and you know where the skip is (meaning a straight pick up with no investigation and within my area of operation) I expect to be covered for petitioning the court per California law on out-of-state bail fugitives and for my time, but I'm not going to turn green and gouge you!

Most, if not all, indpendent California cases are negotiated at 10%, so why, after the person calling you did all of the expensive leg work, would it be reasonable to demand 15%?

In one case, I spent considerable time and money over a four month period ending with a confirmed address out-of-state. This case was negotiated at 10% with a very good client. Restricted by state law, I had to contact a person there who would not touch the case for less than 15%. As a favor, I passed on what I had done and let the case go. I won't call that company ever again.

Don't be shortsighted. You may need help someday or being reasonable may lead to future work from the person you treated fairly.

Finally, if someone gets offended after I ask for proof of state complaince to be faxed and that someone hangs up then I'll have gotten an answer to the compliance check.

This shouldn't even be a topic.


Author:  L.A.W. [ Fri 13 May 2005 10:59 ]
Post subject: 

Ha! You are fast learning why I only deal with about five people throughout the USA.

Author:  ChuckJ [ Fri 13 May 2005 16:34 ]
Post subject: 

This type of thing is a common problem, some people look at splitting 10% of a $10,000 bond as beneath them, when an opportunity arises for me to help out a reputable BEA from another area I look at as building a business relationship rather than complaining that I have to share the pay on a small bond, those cut throat greedy bleeps are the people who I will not call when I need help in their area with a $100,000 bond.

These people know who they are.

Author:  DMARTZ [ Fri 13 May 2005 21:39 ]
Post subject: 

15% as a favor to you I would be afraid to ask what there regular fee was. I just did a pick-up for a company out of Detroit, MI here in Fort Wayne night before last i charge the Man $100.00 as his info was on the money the subject was in the front yard when we pulled up no fuss arrest, lock-up was 4 blocks away. I gave the $100 to my back-up man and we called it a night. Our man in Detroit said if we ever needed anything in his area to give him a call and he would return the favor. This was on a $7500 bond to the company i had about 25 minutes tied up in this case.

Author:  rex [ Sat 14 May 2005 08:19 ]
Post subject:  Exactly

David, Chuck, L.A.W.,

As professionals in the trades, I can see from your individual posts that the topic is on point.

I can't remember the exact numbers, but, some time ago, I agreed to take an out-of-state case off of a cold call and a number of overnights and faxes. The bond was a $50,000, and the person who called me had busted his behind on a protracted investigation.

He agreed to cover me on an hourly with a cap. If the hourly went past the cap a little that was fine on my end, but he wasn't worried because he felt that his information was solid.

I quickly drafted a petition for the court in question, shot over there, spoke to a clerk, and got a quick audience with a judge and deputy DA. This a mandatory requirement in California with failure to comply a misdemeanor if one gets got doing the work without the petition.

Later the next morning, off of the caller's information, I was stuffing an overnight with the original booking sheet while another overnight on theother end was being stuffed with a check for $700.00--NOT $5,000.00 OR MORE! (Yes, Uncle Sam got his cut)

Like David said, the caller offered to reciprocate if I ever needed anything.

Demanding 5% or more above the original 10% commission for a straight pick up is purely unconscionable and deserving of a bad reputation in my opinion.


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