Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

What About US
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Author:  cyberhunter [ Fri 22 Apr 2005 06:22 ]
Post subject:  What About US

What do you have to say about companies using US in front of their name.I think that is impersonating a United States Federal Agent And they walk around 24 -7 with their badges on and their shirts that say US Recovery Agent. 1 day i was talking to 1 of them and asked how come everytime i see you around your always wearing your gear . And he told me becouse he wants people to know what he is. I think that is stupid These type of compaines should be shut down and their US Special Agents should go to jail where they belong they are making it hard for us on the streets with the local police officers, the officers see how they are and they think everyone in this business is the same. Enough is Enough i think most of the ones i see took class in New Jersey and were told that they can wear things that say US Agent on them which i think is BULLSH** . I hope you all go to Jail for impersonating a United States Federal Agent

Author:  DeathNova [ Fri 22 Apr 2005 07:16 ]
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Agreed. They should also be checked for drugs if there is reason to believe they've been walking around 24/7 :lol:

Author:  agent734 [ Fri 22 Apr 2005 08:24 ]
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Cyber, I agree with you completely. Back when I was dumber, I went to the "school" you're talking about(Don't hold it against me, I don't associate myself with them anymore). During lunch & breaks, everyone would be outside with bdu pants, full duty rigs, and gold badges showing. I would be in work pants with a long sweatshirt covering everything. I'd try to explain why I covered up & nobody understood that you don't stand on Main St. in Passaic with any badge showing, let alone a gold one that is worth extra points. I guess they didn't want believe that the local gangs would try to take-out a "Special Agent", or that pepper spray & batons wouldn't be effective against drive-bys. I was the only local there, but my opinion didn't matter because they paid the $400 for their new "super powers".

Author:  ChuckJ [ Fri 22 Apr 2005 09:26 ]
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I think this thread makes a good point, all BEA's need the assistance of law enforcement at times, those that go around pretending to be Cops ie: using clothing or words like "US Special Agent", "US Recovery Bureau" "Officer" ect... will gain disdain from Law Enforcement rather than assistance.

We need to represent what we are accurately, if you don't get the same cooperation the Police get because your a BEA just deal with it.

Author:  L.A.W. [ Sat 23 Apr 2005 12:30 ]
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I believe that any BEA or FRA who uses US or Special Agent or Officer or any word or phrase that depicts law enforcement should be sent to pasture. I don't give one sweet "explective" who doesn't appreciate my thoughts on the matter. That is the exact conduct that reflects negatively on the industry; especially true with the use of US on their badge, jacket, hat or whatever else they display to the public. Most of the ones I've seen also call themselves "Special Agent" and we all know what I think of that crap.

Also true for the idiots who hang jackets (or whatever) in their car so that the wording of AGENT is showing when passing other cars. What in hell is up with that? I've seen it and speak against it each time. Talk about those with mental issues and emotional frustrations because they cannot be a cop!!!

We use FRA and BEA. Period.

There... that should generate some protestations.

Author:  DMARTZ [ Sat 23 Apr 2005 18:29 ]
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This is just begining here in Indiana. The Indiana Professional Licensing Agency which is the Department that issues licenses to Private Investigation & Security Agencies is in the process of makeing anyone with a company that has U.S. something something to change the name of their company. This has created a big payout to some companies as to advertisments,phone listings,invoices etc. as all this has to be changed. I think they are giving a 1 year grace to owners to do this.

Author:  ChuckJ [ Sat 23 Apr 2005 19:53 ]
Post subject:  US

I think thats a good start, there are some legitimate companies like
US Pacific Recovery Service who use US in the name, I think that it's obvious to anyone that's a private company, unfortunately there are some that misuse US in their name like US ***Bureau** to mislead the public.

Author:  DMARTZ [ Sat 23 Apr 2005 20:15 ]
Post subject: 

My good friend here in Fort Wayne had a company for over 10years here went by U.S. Protection Services they had to change their name i came up with S.P.I Inc. which stands for Security,Process and Investigations they liked the name and thats what they used. I thought it was a good play off the word SPY.

Author:  lschlack [ Mon 02 May 2005 04:23 ]
Post subject:  USRB Comments

Greetings to the members of the board. I am new to the forum as well as to bail enforcement as a profession. After spending a little time searching the web for a decent forum with level headed and professional members, it seems as if I have found one. What I have read here so far has been informative. Thanks to the professionals here who are helping we newer members along.

Having read some of the posts above regarding USRB I have recently taken a course with them and am registered for a three day BEA course next month. While there are students hanging out in front of the school during break in gear (and I agree with our earlier poster that it really isn't a good idea in downtown passaic - or newark, or plainfield or anywhere else for that matter unless your in the process of working.). I think that is a shortfall on the part of some of the younger students, when we are young lost of things impress us about ourselves, we tend to get over that as we mature as adults and professionals (whatever our field).

I did not get a negative impression of the current staff or their personal feelings of self importance. While the U.S. is in the company name, there was no indication that they felt superior to other groups and when another student mentioned that they had seen an associated "agent" wearing identifying clothing and badge while hanging out, they were in fact quite livid. We (the current class members involved in the discussion at the time) were explained that the "agency" does not condone the use of uniform type clothing or identifying badges except in the process of performing bail enforcement activities.

I found the staff professional while instructing and while explaining how to act and who and what an agent is and can and can not do.

Now before the shouting starts, this is just my opinion, your mileage may vary. I am not making a stand either way just reporting my experience. As I mentioned earlier in my post, I am interested in LEARNING from the group here as well as contributing when I can.

Author:  agent734 [ Mon 02 May 2005 08:36 ]
Post subject: 

Larry, let me be the first to welcome you to the industry. I would also like to give the heads-up on USRB. If you search for USRB posts, you may have a better understanding why I consider USRB to be a waste. I spent many a hard-earned dollar on their "classes". My experience tells me that I set myself up for problems. They have a track record of telling their students things that would definetly get you in trouble. If you truly want to learn about this industry, get in contact with experts like Scott Harrell, Rex, or L.A.W. Person that post on this forum will not feed you any BS. We don't want your money, but USRB does.

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