Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Contracts do not change the next morning!!
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Author:  speezack [ Sat 28 Jun 2014 10:20 ]
Post subject:  Contracts do not change the next morning!!

Here's another little story from Speezack...

Last nite... 1AM to be exact... call from two guys riding motorcycles... stopped after trying to "elude"... 20+ MPH over the limit (70 was the limit) ... incarcerated in one of our local jails.... one got a $3000. the other a $3500... both out of state.

The short deal was... they were meeting two girls, also from out of state... midnight rendezvous...

Apparently these guys were married and absolutely did not want to involve their family.... aka: wives...

No cosigner at the time... so I did what any intelligent bondsman would do... I told them... without a cosigner we had to have full collateral plus our fee plus if they ran it on a card.... 4% for the card fee (which is now legal)...

They both ran their respective cards... for the bond premium, plus the collateral... both agreed to the terms and both signed for the card to run and the collateral to be paid... collateral refundable at finalization of the bond... that was at 4AM.

Moving ahead to today.... 1PM... Saturday afternoon... all of a sudden... ghee... I want my money back... we have a cosigner and I will put my house up... well, ghee... had you told me that last nite we may have been able to work that out but they did not mention anything about it and in fact.... admitted to me on the phone that they were only interested in being released at the time and again... agreed to the terms I set them up with.... collateral refundable at finalization.... period..

I don't know where this is going but he was not happy... I have a signed contract... all specifics spelled out completely... anyway... if and when you are faced with similar circumstances... always spell out the details and get a solid contract signed... and it helps if you have witnesses to your discussions with the defendants... I have several... the two girls, the magistrate and several deputies were all present when we discussed the contract and the particulars... so hopefully this will not go further... if so... I feel I will be ok on this one...

One of them called me and actually accused me of being "unprofessional"... I told him and I quote... "Let me tell you what is unprofessional... two solid "married" businessmen, with good jobs... riding their motorcycles at midnight... 90 miles an hour, eluding police... meeting two women from out of state for a midnight rendezvous... getting locked up and refusing to contact their wives... how's that for being... "unprofessional"... he had no response.

Be very diligent in your paper process... or it will come around and bite you in the wallet... beware!!!

These guys will get their $6500. back when their cases are done and not before.... and if they try to have me 'strong armed' with an attorney or whatever.... well... it will cost them my attorney fees also... probably should just do what they agreed to and forget it for now....

Author:  tsuggs [ Sun 29 Jun 2014 16:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Contracts do not change the next morning!!


Watch out to see if they try to reverse the credit card charges. If they do you will have to notify your bank not to automatically reverse the payments.

Author:  speezack [ Sun 29 Jun 2014 18:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Contracts do not change the next morning!!

Yeah, that is a possibility, but the funds, although already settled from my end, have not hit my account as yet, so there is nothing to reverse ... Monday I will see ... it usually takes several days for the funds to hit my account... the cards were run by phone... in fact the defendants had to call their banks to personally authorize the withdrawal, so that is in my favor... it would be sort of hard to claim misconduct when they did the authorization themselves.... I have since had conversations with both these guys and I think they are gonna just let it ride... they contacted an attorney I had recommended to each and that is an indication that they may be going to just let this thing play out. They are both fairly solid business men that have no history and it looks like they just got a bit over the top on this one... just a little hanky panky got out of hand and they got caught at it.... we shall see what happens but I think it may be ok.... hopefully.

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