Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Another Wannabe
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Author:  ncbondsman13 [ Tue 14 Jan 2014 23:29 ]
Post subject:  Another Wannabe

I received a call tonight from a young fellow out of Nebraska asking if I have ever heard of a company called Transcon Fugitive Recovery. Supposedly the owner of this company seems to over the top at exagerating about his abilities and exploits..He is claiming to have unobstructed access into Mexico and with their blessing. That he has his own plane and doesn't have to follow any state laws. The gentleman told me he found my contact info on FRN and figure he would get an honest answer..so I gave it.. I told him to run from this guy never look back unless he either wants to end up dead, in a Mexican prison, US Prison and only seeing his wife and kids on Sunday's. Advised him that if he truly wants to get into this profession then to speak to some of the reputable Bondsman and go from their... Advised him there are no short cuts worth taking.

Author:  NYPD BLUE [ Wed 15 Jan 2014 11:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Wannabe

I get calls occasionally like the one you received..about guys that have ALL ACCESS to ANY Country ...Any State.. they have all the resources like planes / boats / submarines / flying carpets / time capsules and help from other Agents / Hunters / Police / FBI / CIA / NSA / NASA / ELMO / DONALD DUCK / and Even SANTA himself.. ! I just put them on speaker and place the cell down on the table and let them talk their story ...while I continue to do whatever it was before I was interrupted with this fantasy that they have, I guess from watching too many movies they think they can go anywhere / anytime and instantly find the skip and receive the "$REWARD / JACKPOT$" for their way better advanced skills than ours ???..

Do they not know that we as professionals have already done our due diligence into the investigation / skip trace and where abouts of our fugitive and know whether or not if it is even possible to retrieve the skip, or if it is a lost cause to just pay the bond..

Alot of times the Super Hero that calls me says .. well if you have a "Big" Bond (Meaning alot of money) that is at risk I can find him for you ... Now if I write a "BIG Bond or a Bond lets say over $100,000 don't you think I would have collateral ? .. DUH !!! :?

Once I have Collateral ... I COULD NOT CARE LESS IF MY DEFENDANT CALLS ME AND TELLS ME ' I am getting the hell out of here and going to CHINA !! " ... My reply would be take care have a great trip ! .. Cause when the bond goes bad I convert the collateral into Cash or if it is Cash that is the Collateral .. I just pay the bond with the indemnitor's /Defendant's Collateral money .. and move on to the next bond... Obviously these people that call think that we do not take collateral on large bonds ? I could write fully collateralized bonds all day everyday and be in heaven !!!

Now talking about collateral .. I know sometimes I get calls from other Bondsman asking if I can assist in retrieving a skip that may have fled from whatever State they are calling from to Miami .. or nearby .. Then I ask the magic question .. "How Much is the Bond ? " .. They then say .. oh it is a $2000 to $5000 (In that Ballpark) .. now I understand that in other parts of the States that is a large bond for someone.. for us here in Miami that isn't, we write $5000, $7500 . $10,000 bonds all day long .. When I tell them what it would cost them for the recovery vs just paying the forfeiture they almost have a heart attack..

Author:  OrangeCountyBounty [ Wed 15 Jan 2014 15:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Wannabe

There is a guy who used to work for me and I don't know if he is even still in the field but, his Facebook business page claims they have an airborne unit, a maritime unit, some other stuff I'm sure I can't recall right now, and have saved the surety bail industry millions. Interesting, for a guy who didn't know the job existed until I was put in contact with him in early 2011.

Author:  ncbondsman13 [ Wed 15 Jan 2014 15:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Wannabe

Yeah Tom,

I am also hearing claims that he can bypass all sorts of laws. I told the young fellow that this guy was supposedly 30yrs old. Let's do the math in order for this joker to be a US Marshall he had to have a degree that would make him 22 that leaves 8 years for him to have a career as a Army Ranger and a Us Marshall and the years of experience he is claiming to have doing fugitive recovery...I'm sorry ..the math just doesn't add up here...maybe in Canada..lol

OrangeCountyBounty wrote:
There is a guy who used to work for me and I don't know if he is even still in the field but, his Facebook business page claims they have an airborne unit, a maritime unit, some other stuff I'm sure I can't recall right now, and have saved the surety bail industry millions. Interesting, for a guy who didn't know the job existed until I was put in contact with him in early 2011.

Author:  speezack [ Thu 16 Jan 2014 06:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Wannabe

You all have much more patience than me... I just laugh and hang up.... or maybe tell them to call Scott MacLean or NYPD BLUE!!! 8)

Author:  zohaa [ Sun 19 Oct 2014 23:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Another Wannabe

I appreciate your comments but honestly, when we have talked you almost always knew the answers, just needed a little reassurance.

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