Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail
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Author:  tsuggs [ Sun 17 Nov 2013 19:02 ]
Post subject:  If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2013-1 ... l-hearings

Author:  BondgirlCA [ Sun 17 Nov 2013 19:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail


Author:  ncbondsman13 [ Sun 17 Nov 2013 23:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

Going out on a limb here...but this isn't a good thing...Typical bleeding heart liberals..Yes the system isn't perfect, but it is the only one we have and it separates us from the animals. High bail is usually set high for a reason and not everyone deserves to be out on bail. I have a question..what is the arrest record percentage in MD by bondsman..I would surmise that it is very high compared to law enforcement (Sorry LEO's..Just the Facts of Life :( )...but if this new system went into effect..who is going after the fugitive then?...how bad would the percentages jump..just food for thought...Your opinion Tony?

tsuggs wrote:
http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2013-11-15/news/bs-md-bail-eliminate-20131115_1_bail-bondsmen-task-force-bail-hearings" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow

Author:  KARMA [ Mon 18 Nov 2013 09:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

R. E. "Scott" MacLean III, owner of Chesapeake Bail Bonds in La Plata, said his industry plays a vital role in the criminal justice system. He said that without money or property at stake, and bondsmen willing to track down bail-jumpers, many defendants won't appear for trial.

"It doesn't take long before the criminal element learns that there's no teeth in an unsecured release," he said. MacLean noted that many low-risk defendants are already released without posting bail.

Well spoke Little Brother ! Maryland seems to acting quite the fool lately . . . couple this crap with wanting to "Tax the Rain falls on your House" . . .

Mitchell Y. Mirviss, an attorney with the Venable law firm, called bail "almost a medieval-type concept" of using assets to buy freedom pending trial. He brought the lawsuit that argued poor suspects should have access to counsel at all bail hearings.

It is clear by this statement that this Lawyer has not a clue about the purpose of Bail. Someone needs to 'educate" him.

Douglas Colbert, a law professor at the University of Maryland and a longtime critic of the pretrial release system, said the American Bar Association recommended in 1968 that states move away from the bail system. He said states such as Kentucky, Oregon, Wisconsin and Illinois have eliminated bail.

Slick may want to take another look . . . Wisconsin is making a comeback

"For poor and low-income working people, money bail is the harshest condition that a judicial officer can require," he said. "Money bail discriminates against those who lack financial resources and favors the wealthy and well-to-do criminal defendant." Douglas Colbert

Not true. Criminals should not get a Get Out of Jail Free Card. I would venture to say that this fella would be singing a whole different tune should he have something happen to him perpetrated by a little low income thug.

Bottom line . . . Scott . . . You guys have your work cut out for you over there. Good Luck and God Bless. I know that if anyone can get it taken care of . . . YOU can.

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 18 Nov 2013 10:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

The problem is, they all have been "educated" to speak against bail by groups like the Pretrial Justice Institute.

They are using the same arguments or talking points that the PTRS have been putting out for years.

It is just now, more and more states are listening and thinking that the government can do it better than bail agents.

Author:  ncbondsman13 [ Mon 18 Nov 2013 11:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

I took a moment to look at the PJI website...and the first thing I noticed was their address was 5 blocks away from the Whitehouse. I don't believe everyone would agree that all amounts of Bail are fair because some may not be, but their is recourse for that. Bail is non-profit so to speak...who would saddle with all the extra incomes, fee's and forfeitures..

tsuggs wrote:
The problem is, they all have been "educated" to speak against bail by groups like the Pretrial Justice Institute.

They are using the same arguments or talking points that the PTRS have been putting out for years.

It is just now, more and more states are listening and thinking that the government can do it better than bail agents.

Author:  KARMA [ Mon 18 Nov 2013 12:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

tsuggs wrote:
The problem is, they all have been "educated" to speak against bail by groups like the Pretrial Justice Institute.
It is just now, more and more states are listening and thinking that the government can do it better than bail agents.

I know, right. There is another thread here . .. some and I think, (could be wrong ;) ) that a couple of our more illustrious folks here have written and spoke in regards to same.
The whole thing is to educate the PUBLIC in regards to just WHO is going to be "paying" for all of this . . .
In doing away with us they have to hire more Government Employees .

You know . . . I was just thinking (scary, I know) . . . 1984

Scott, Stiles, Bill and the rest of you that have a VOICE over there . . . If we are not careful those that live off the Government will make all our decisions for us. :evil:

Author:  tsuggs [ Mon 18 Nov 2013 12:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

You are so right about those living off the government becoming the ruling class.

Has anyone notice all the tv networks advertising their shows about Jack Kennedy? It will be 50 years this Friday since his assassination. So everyone is running a special about him.

Anyway, his most famous and memorable line was;

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

Obviously today more people want the country to "do" for them.

Author:  speezack [ Mon 18 Nov 2013 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

If we are not careful those that live off the Government will make all our decisions for us.

I think maybe that is already what is happening...

I keep quoting Ben Franklin... it is absolutely true and is taking place as we sit by and let it happen...

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

... everyone smiles, shakes their heads in agreement and goes right back to doing whatever they were doing... I am almost 70 and cannot change anything and frankly am not concerned... it won't be my problem cause I won't be here... I rant and rave and complain and try to change it but nobody listens... nobody... nobody... like a preacher on Sunday... "everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"

It is coming people and when it happens and all is lost.... look in the mirror for the blame.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Mon 18 Nov 2013 20:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

I was interviewed with no notice and the article came out almost immediately. What I would advise is to be aware of pending legislation in your state, so you can speak from a position of knowledge and power.

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