Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail
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Author:  DSI [ Tue 19 Nov 2013 08:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

Correct me if I’m wrong this comes up every five years or so in our free state and fails to go away because the lobby against it is very strong.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Tue 19 Nov 2013 08:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

Yes Gene, however there is some sort of anti-bail legislation every year, and more and more ridiculous. They invent a non-existent problem and propose that Pretrial is the cure. All of their logic is flawed and easily disputed when we are able to confront it in an open and impartial setting. They lie in testimony before the legislature with impunity and when exposed they change the subject. I equate it to Hillary Clinton ' s response to Bengazi, "What difference does it make?"

Author:  tsuggs [ Tue 19 Nov 2013 11:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

The problem however is, with backing from the U.S. AG and the democratic party as a whole, eventually something will stick. PTRS will keep pounding at this until they win.

The overall mood of the country is let the government "do it." The answer to every problem is more government. The Republicans have done a pi$$ poor job of countering the Lefts mantra.

If we have just 1 more state eliminate private bail, I believe others will follow.

Author:  ncbondsman13 [ Tue 19 Nov 2013 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

Well said Mr Suggs, and not to sound like a broken record especially if there is something that was spoken on and I have missed it (I do apologize). It is time that start circling the wagons with high ranking Republicans and Lobbyist..such as Paul Ryan (R. Wisc), John McCain (R. AZ)...just to name a few..with all of the groups and organizations in the Bail Bond industry there has to be some with the common sense that God gave a goat to see that this system works. If anything is broken it's the Judges and special interest group. Maybe everyone should unite and we all form a union..just like the Teamsters. That could be a very powerful group to deal and one with lot's of voter's..safety in numbers gentlemen... :lol:

tsuggs wrote:
The problem however is, with backing from the U.S. AG and the democratic party as a whole, eventually something will stick. PTRS will keep pounding at this until they win.

The overall mood of the country is let the government "do it." The answer to every problem is more government. The Republicans have done a pi$$ poor job of countering the Lefts mantra.

If we have just 1 more state eliminate private bail, I believe others will follow.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Fri 22 Nov 2013 18:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

In MD, the problem is as much behind the scenes as out in front. The company that owns the Baltimore Sun is the company that gave the law professor, Colbert, a $500k grant to "Study" the bail system. So to write an article implying the uninformed that there is no tie is disingenuous. Colbert is having trouble getting the lawyers he teaches jobs, so if no lawyers can get employed, neither will he be. The lawyer from Venable is part of a 300 lawyer firm that does big business and this is their philanthropic effort for new attorneys, paid for on the fees from their big customers.

The arguments are that all inmates that cannot post bail are indigents, and as well all know, that isn't true. More often then not, their family could afford bail, again, but are done with their own relatives criminal histories.

In Maryland, most are released on recognizance, or a signature bond, referred to as a PARB, which refers to paragraph B in the statutes that allows for signature bonds. For the uninformed, a signature bond is a signature release with a promise to pay the bond amount if you miss court. Logically, if 1 were to miss court, what is the likelihood of them paying the bond? Incidentally, they do not make any efforts to collect it.

In my opinion, the judiciary has the ability to control the jail populations, and to nolle prosequi cases where the defendant has been in jail longer than if convicted, which is wrong, but that is their issue, not a failure of the surety profession.

Just some thoughts on the topic...


Author:  speezack [ Sun 24 Nov 2013 09:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail

Mdbtyhtr wrote:
Just some thoughts on the topic... Scott

When I need the real skinny on most any subject... and I cannot think of anything to make up myself... I usually contact my Yankee buddy.... the infamous Scott MacLean...

BTW... I have had a pretty good week.... actually got slammed... wrote 17 different bonds... only two of which were larger than $5000... 75% were $2500 or less.... I think that addresses the reduction in amounts in Virginia.... if I were in California and had written 17 bonds in 5 days... I could retire... but alas, I shall 'Endeavor to Persevere'...

... and my jails are often 50 miles apart.... the thing is... many bondsman will not drive the distance or get up at 3am to go write a little $2500 bond... I on the other hand am starving to death so $275 for 2 hours work suits me fine... it makes up for the weeks that the phone doesn't ring or my lovely daughter has the phones and I get nothing.... so... I will continue to work until I hit the dirt.

Hard to make a living when you don't answer your phone or just won't take the extra steps to do the business... I might mention in passing... as long as Obama keeps sending me my little pittance and UPS stays in business... I will be fine... but it sure is nice to have a side income that buys me those toys.... 8)

You give me all the little $1000 or $1500 midnight bonds... you go back to sleep... I'll go write em... 8)

........................... besides, I got to pay for that POS Winchester gun safe... :oops: :oops: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8) 8)

Author:  ncbondsman13 [ Sun 24 Nov 2013 10:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: If You Think There Isn't A Coordinated Attack on Bail


I would take almost anything as well...Can't get the Sheriff/Jail to update the Bondsmans list until close to January. They only do it every 3 months. I am thinking of going to speak to the Sheriff directly..politely of course...Thoughts anyone? :twisted:

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