Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

What Software do you Use for Bail Bond Management & Skips
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Author:  KARMA [ Tue 18 May 2010 11:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Software do you Use for Bail Bond Management & Skips

a LLC possibly a S-Corp LLC

It is Either . . . OR

Author:  speezack [ Tue 18 May 2010 14:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Software do you Use for Bail Bond Management & Skips

We Provide Bonds for all of MD and DE I have ability to post bonds for any state in US

Unless you are just talking about getting a transfer bond done.......................

You got some deep pockets Mr. Jay... the licensing fees alone are up there, not to mention complying with all the different laws and requirements with each agent you employ...

Just a bit of advise from an old businessman. I certainly do not know it all but here goes...

It has been my experience that when attempting to grow a business... any business... but especially one that requires the depth of paperwork, compliance to individual agents, BEA people and state regulations including payments of numerous fees, continuing educations and all the other mountain of "stuff" related to different types of bank accounts, in different states with the multitude of verified insurance companies, sureties and property requirements... in addition to weapons regulations... and on and on and on.................... whew............

You need to learn how to pick your managers and delegate activities cause you certainly aren't gonna do this alone. I may be off base here but I just don't see that depth in the way you are coming across Jay. This savvy comes across in not only personal interviews but is quite easy to pick up in the written word. You certainly may have and do all that you tout but Jay... you are not convincing me my boy.... I am old and am only a sole proprietor... I have however, owned and operated several other small businesses and the depth of experience a person picks up while doing these things cannot be faked... it is on your sleeve and can be a very visible item when reading a persons talks (posts).

I always take a person at their word and believe until disproved whatever someone tells me... your story is getting rather large and if in fact you have done all that you say, why in the world are you even on here asking for advise from folks that could probably not hold a candle to your level of activity.

I hope you are able to gain the level of success you are reaching for... based on what you have already said you have accomplished.... I would say you have probably reached a fairly lofty plateau already.

You are certainly above my pay grade.

Good luck on climbing the ladder even higher.

Author:  KARMA [ Tue 18 May 2010 22:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Software do you Use for Bail Bond Management & Skips

:| Funny how you, My SISTA and My Lil Bro always just have that way with words. Me . . . I am just so much more . . . is the word I am searching for ? Blunt?

Author:  bail_maker_582 [ Wed 19 May 2010 08:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Software do you Use for Bail Bond Management & Skips

"We Provide Bonds for all of MD and DE I have ability to post bonds for any state in US."

I certainly don't mean to be argumentative, but assuming we're talking bail bonds and unless you're in compliance with the following, you're not writing in Missouri. I draw particular attention to the highlighted portion of the text:

374.740. Nonresident license requirements

Any person applying to be licensed as a nonresident bail bond agent or nonresident general bail bond agent who has been licensed in another state shall devote fifty percent of his working time in the state of Missouri and shall file proof with the director of insurance as to his compliance, and accompany his application with the fee set by the board and, if applying for a nonresident general bail bond agent's license, with a duly executed assignment of twenty-five thousand dollars to the state of Missouri, which assignment shall become effective upon the applicant's violating any provision of sections 374.700 to 374.775. Failure to comply with this section will result in revocation of the nonresidence license. The assignment required by this section shall be in the form and executed in the manner prescribed by the division. All licenses issued under this section shall be subject to the same renewal requirements set for other licenses issued under sections 374.700 to 374.775.

Sounds like you're gonna need a clone or two.

Author:  raymor [ Mon 23 Aug 2010 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Software do you Use for Bail Bond Management & Skips

For skips we are using and developing bailportal.com. Currently, it provides an automated web site and
some electronic skip tracing, notes tracking, etc. The programmers are working on new features and
we'd like to know what you guys want to see in your bail management software.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Mon 23 Aug 2010 11:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: What Software do you Use for Bail Bond Management & Skips

File upload for pictures, bail documents, capias etc. as well as credit reports like Captira provides. I would also like to see a queriable data base, where i can search by name, social security number etc. from my cases as well as other participating agents. This would help in the bail writing as well as recovery processes.


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