Fugitive Recovery Network (FRN)

Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates
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Author:  MarshallSvc [ Thu 12 Feb 2009 16:08 ]
Post subject:  Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates

February 10, 2009

SACRAMENTO, CA – A panel of three federal judges, saying overcrowding in state prisons has deprived inmates of their right to adequate healthcare, tentatively ruled Monday that the state must reduce the population in those lockups by as many as 57,000 people.

The judges issued the decision after a trial in two long-running cases brought by inmates to protest the state of medical and mental healthcare in the prisons.

Although their order is not final, U.S. District Court Judges Thelton Henderson and Lawrence Karlton and 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stephen Reinhardt effectively told the state that it had lost the trial and would have to make dramatic changes in its prisons unless it could reach a settlement with inmates’ lawyers.

State officials immediately said they would appeal.

Author:  KARMA [ Thu 12 Feb 2009 16:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates

KEEP ONLY the Critters and Creeps and release all of the PotHeads ~ Over Population matter SOLVED

Author:  tsuggs [ Thu 12 Feb 2009 18:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates

There is no such thing as "only a pothead" in the CA state prisons. By the time someone gets sent to the "big house" they have been convicted of something a lot more serious than a simple possession charge.

All the potheads and possession cases are dealt with by:

1) Drug diversion class. Probation

2) Second offense drug diversion class. Probation

3) Third offense, residential drug treatment program. Supervised Probation

4) Fourth offense, longer residential drug treatment program. Supervised Probation

5) Fifth offense county jail time up to 1 year.

6) Sixth offense, state prison.

In addition most people have other charges than just for drugs, such as burglary, DUI, forgery, grand theft, to name a few.

It is estimated that up to 20% of the CA state prison inmates are illegal aliens. The vast majority from Mexico or Central America. Fifty percent of the inmates are gang affiliated.

This suit is about medical treatment or the alleged poor medical treatment the inmates receive.

I have a client that has a very severe case of psoriasis. He was sentenced to 2 years, 8 months and sent to Susanville State Prison. Because of this medical condition, they then sent him to Vacaville State where he received better treatment than when he was on the outside.

The 9th District Circus Court ordered the State, i.e. Gov Terminator to allocate $250 million additional for prison medical facilities. He has refused. This is only thing the jerk has done right, so far.

So, the court has ordered the 57,000 released.

Author:  KARMA [ Thu 12 Feb 2009 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates

WOW.Then why not get rid of the illegals, execute the gang bangers, cut the hands off the thieves (and do not allow them claws), execute the child molesters . . . would that help?

Author:  tsuggs [ Thu 12 Feb 2009 22:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates

That pretty much would do it. But we do not have law enforcement cops like Sheriff Apario from Arizona.

In California, we have to make sure we don't hurt anyones' feelings or self esteem. And the illegals are only here to work to feed their families.

Author:  Kathy [ Thu 12 Feb 2009 23:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates

Yeah, and now that Mexico is crumbling because many of the illegals are going back since the economy is such that they are no longer able to support a corrupt government with their loss of their citizens holding illegal jobs in the U.S. and sending the money to the family living in the country governed by a corrupt government, we can only expect more idiot lawsuits from the illegals (and their government) that are sent back home. First we deprived them of their illegal freedom, then we deprived them of their ability to make an illegal wage to support their family in another country that expects us to support them.

I understand that we are a country that came into existence by and was further built by immigrants from every other country in the world. I have no problem with anyone's ancestry. I only have a problem with those people and countries that think we owe them something, just because we have grown and succeeded and they haven't. They had the same opportunity, just maybe not the same desire to overcome. Helping each other is fine, but it has to go both ways. Why would any of us help another that was only a leach. That is most of our personal opinion, so why would we expect our country as a whole to act any differently? We don't owe anybody anything, no matter what they demand or even sue to get. We only owe it to try and help our own citizens that in turn try to help themselves.

Most of the recent bail-out money was used to pay the executives in the alleged bankrupt companies outragious salaries and bonuses. Now they are demanding even more, and getting it. The U.S. is being held hostage within, and without, and we are all paying the randsom. Rather than giving the money to those that have and continue to misuse it, use it to pay off the mortgages for the individuals. The consumer profits by not having to continue to pay for something that they can't afford, and the bank profits by having their loan paid off. They still get the money, just don't get to collect on it numerous times. With the mortgage paid off, the consumer has more expendable funds to make more purchases, so others benefit as well.

No doubt this is another form of charity that probably wouldn't be fairly distributed, but the last distribution was of no benefit to anyone other than the execs of the companies that continue to cheat everyone that they hold mortages and power over. At least many of "we the people" would benefit. I'm in an owner financed mortgage on my building, so probably wouldn't profit, but knowing the money is going to "we the people" rather than the CEO's, would make me feel that most everyone is treated equally. There will never be complete equality, because each of us have situations that prevent it.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sat 14 Feb 2009 11:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates

I can fix the governments problems simply, try and follow this...

The IRS is dissolved and all of the people are fired, get over it, you all were evil any way.
This agency will be taken over by the postal service, they are suffering from declining business
due to online banking and email and their customer service skills are similar. How can I do this? Because I just created a 15%
flat tax on business and individuals, no more exemptions, deductions or right offs. You will be able to pay your taxes weekly at the post office by scanning your paycheck and having automatic withdrawal from your bank account. Don't have a bank
account because you are an illegal? Well you can't work here then. The government will be able to stay within their budget because there will be no refunds, once we get it, it is ours! :)

How am I going to solve the Mortgage/banking crisis, the automotive manufacturing crisis, slow housing starts, Lack of cohesive family units, lack of parity in educational opportunities and slow retail sales?

I am giving $1 million dollars to each head of a household. Use this money to pay off your mortgage or buy a home, mortgage/banking crisis and slow housing starts solved. You say you have kids but aren't married, so technically you are not head of your household? You don't qualify, in my administration we reward acceptable moral behavior and we don't apologize for it. Single mothers, you don't qualify either because we know your baby's daddies are going to rough it off of you anyway. Broken homes and misguided, fatherless children and related criminal activity significantly reduced. Father a child, marry the girl and raise the kid, that is what a real father is, not a sperm donor.

Automotive manufacturing business not competitive? Shut down the unions, they are run by gangsters and mobsters that pay off politicians and rip off the workers. With the money paid to heads of households, there is lots of money left over for automobile purchases. Problem solved from the grass roots level.

College Education for our children?, it is now free. We are going to take a lesson from the Muslims, when you get a job with your free education, you will tithe back 10% of your gross income to the education fund, this will be used to pay for the next generation of kids. Don't want to tithe to the fund? Don't except the free education, pay for your own or choose a skilled trade. The same applies to skilled trades education, accept it for free and tithe back or become indentured to a master craftsman for a sufficient time. This will raise the level of employability of everyone, without regard to race or gender. This alone will solve a large number of our current social problems.

People that do not respect human life and or endanger society will be shot upon conviction and the cost for the trial and the bullet will be born by your family. If your family can't afford to pay, they have the option to circumvent the trial by handling the miscreant themselves in the same fashion. This is not a new idea, it comes from the Old Testament in the Bible. You remember the Bible? Our country was formed with it's teachings in our hearts and minds and worked for 200 years until we got too smart for it and put it out of our children's upbringing. Sex offenders will be treated the same way, since there is no known correction for this evil abomination.
This level of accountability will make our streets safer and our jails less overcrowded.

If you are a drug dealer, you will have to consume all of the drugs found in your possession, immediately. What happens, happens. If they are safe for your customers to consume, you should have no problem with it either. This will be the self cleaning oven example of law enforcement, and result in safer neighborhoods.

Nobody in management of any type appreciates the rock throwers when there is no alternative suggestions to solve problems, so here they are.


Author:  tsuggs [ Sat 14 Feb 2009 12:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates


Darn it! There you go being logical again.

Author:  Mdbtyhtr [ Sat 14 Feb 2009 12:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates

As long as you agree to my agenda, you can be the next President and I will stay in the background as an "Adviser" :)


Author:  Northland [ Sat 14 Feb 2009 12:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Judges May Order Release of 57K California Inmates

"Because I just created a 15% flat tax on business and individuals, no more exemptions, deductions or right offs. You will be able to pay your taxes weekly at the post office by scanning your paycheck and having automatic withdrawal from your bank account."

I was with you on some of this but I was going to object to the flat tax; however, the million dollar payout may suffice.
I would rather see a flat tax on business', but 15% across the board for individuals is too much for me.
Afterall, we have kids, mortgages, boats, bikes, snowmobiles, girlfriends, campers, ATV's, gun collections & other neccessities that we do have to pay for......
Also, the 10% muslim thing is kind of tough too--think about it, 10% to education, 10% to the church, 15% to tax--that's already 35% off the top.
Sorry, I just can't support this (but, if disagreement and dissention is not allowed in your new government, please disregard this post-----------in that case, Alll the Way Scott...))

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